General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
hey everyone,wondering what water can be used,murry water,rain water,tap water ,etc,do any of these do damage to plants,is there somthing you can buy and add to water to make safe etc,thanks alot
Last reply by F420, -
- 10 replies
I cloned this plant back in Feb. She did okay. I did put her though Hell some times,Even a real late repotting.
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
Tap water
by Guest- 7 replies
hello every1,Just wondering how long tap water needs to sit b4 watering, I think it has effected my plants,Slight leaf curl on only a few leaves,Only after switching from rain water and veg nutes to Bloom booster and tap water i noticed the prob Im thinking in the morning fill with hot tap water/nutes and let sit all day until that night then water,Should i flush b4 so?Thanks P.S im also hand watering using 20 litre drums of water
Last reply by kombi, -
- 4 replies
hi looking to contact members in southwest WA :mellow:
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone, Just started my first grow from some old bagseed. I just threw 3 seed in a pot with a soil mixture of normal garden soil, and some 'Biogrow' planting mix. Put them in a low light area outdoors, and nothing happened for a couple of days. I decided to screw it and just whack them out on the front balcony, which has direct sunlight from about 6am till 2pm (and is quite well lit, although not directly, until about 5:30pm). Anyway, low and behold, I noticed after 2 weeks since I planted the seeds, a sprout was growing! hurrah! Follow the link to see some pictures of it: (sorry about the size) My plant Anyway, I was just wondering what to do next. I will …
Last reply by chroniceles, -
Its me again, what do u guys recomend the ph be set at in a forty litre satalite setup, running two plants in bloom at 12/12 . (oh and its a cubboard setup, runnin one 600 watt) my ph is 6.0 and have heard that it should be around 5.5 to 6.3 . and if its correct and ph rises up what is the diloution rate to add to lets say 40ltrs, ph 6.0 and want to reduce to say 5.5, regards marty
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 3 replies
Hi people, can anyone explain to me why we bloom at 12/12,why not more light, or less light bloomin thick bloomin new ,,, regards marty
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi All, Well after my last 100% male grow I've finally managed to grow some Bronzewhaler F3 females I'm now ready to take some clones but I'm confused on what method to use; 1) Take clones now and keep them alive in a cloning chamber until the current females finish. 2) Keep a plant as a mother plant, reveg it, then take clones. 3) Wait until a few weeks before harvest then take clones and keep them alive in a cloning chamber. Naturally, I would prefer to harvest sooner rather than later so I would choose option 3. If anyone has any better ideas or can tell me the pros and cons of each option it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks heaps, dwyndorf
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 3 replies
Im abot to start building my grow just 1 question i hope some1 can help me with. My room is 1.8ml x 1.2w x 3mh.At the moment i have 1 600w hps. I want to add more light but am unsure weather to buy another 600hps and veg with the 1 light or buy either 2 x 250w mh or maybe a 400w mh for veg and then add the 600hps for flowa. Any suggestions.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
heater advice 1 2
by gilly- 13 replies
just wondering if u can use a heater which is used in aquariums. i went and priced one and they seem to be alot cheaper then the ones from a hydro shop. and can anyone tell me how many wattage is needed in a resevoir tank of around 70 litres. any other advice will be gratefiul. thanks
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 2 replies
I have soaked some seeds from my outdoor strains,Indica and Sativa, overnight in filtered water over night,then placed them on moist/wet paper towels in jars with glad wrap over the top. I have then put them in my "terrarrium" (fish-tank),under 18/6 fluoro light cycle and they have sprouted REAL quick ! Is this good ??? I am trying to get a head start on next years out-door grow and am trying to get some plants up ready for planting at the end of August. I was just wondering if the germination rate has any bearing on the final product. Any responses will be greatly appreciated Cheers.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 5 replies
G'day Ozstoners, Just wondering what a good organic fertilizer for flowering to use?? I have used "seasol" and "powerfeed" during the vegetation stage and now that the blooming stage is just about to start, I am trying to find a good source of organic phosphorus. Most brands I have looked at only seem to have a broad spectrum NPK. Any help out there would be greatly appreciated!!
Last reply by Don't Panic!, -
- 0 replies
While at the 2004 Nimbim Mardigrass I had the chance to sit down with one of the founders of Canna, and was asked if I grew indoors or outdoors, as I came from Mackay at time I grow outdoors and was told about Bio Canna the organic solution for growth and bloom. It appears Canna has gone out of its way to provide the outdoor grower, who wants to use the good gear on their babies. Now I am not giving a free plug here, but I am always of the believe, if there is something outhere that will assist in better yields then talk about it, so others can try it for themselves. So if any outdoor grower likes the idea of organics for there plants give it a try. I would myself,…
Last reply by Don't Panic!, -
bushy plants 1 2
by gilly- 10 replies
my plants seem to be very bushy with not enough height on them . there is not much light getting into the new shoots . any reasons why or could this be just the type of plant im using.
Last reply by jon chempo, -
Hello every1,Belive it or not i need to raise my ph up,Im using Bloom booster by Manutec and nutriboost,Just wondering what people use to raise ph,Im not close to a hydro shop either thanks
Last reply by EMP,