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My Girl Is Almost Ready!

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I reckin you are right, But I am in need of some buds.I will get some of the small ones. The next grow must be bigger...are we ever satisifed?Not me This is good. After 35 years of smoking,this is great...I have saved so much money. I would hate to think what all my money spent on pot may have done..............
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Wish I could give a better Pic, I hope you can see the difference, I have her out in the AM for a wash out in the tub, tasted a bud and it had that fertalizer taste. Going to wash (rinse the soil) on her every other day. I need more HPS light for her,I found a gas station that was changing out the lights over the pumps and they gave me six 400w MH lights bulbs and fitures for free.I almost want to go back to veg with my other plants.They just have small white just starting. I dont know Maybe Ill smoke some of that killer Honey Oil that I made today.Pipeman I followed your post. I used a mag lite flashlight for the tube. Ill have to take some pics of it for you. Later stoned again


Edited by Flopeye
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(4) clones two plants in a (2) thiry gallon fish tanks.I just potted these plants,sock is about over. I used some soil this time from Wal-Mart It is a soil that was used to grow mushrooms for food, then they rebag it and sell it. It is still very strong. I mixed it two bags of potting soil. Put a little os-coat , and too much Bloom food, but I will have to see. I am doing flushes evey other day and spray misting twice an hour, its on auto.I have good drainage in this room thank God! They are about three feet tall. Ive got to take a hit Later


Edited by Flopeye
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