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About this glog

lies of the g over men that crucify at the end t

Entries in this glog

how words trap living people

the court uses word to trap people   the hole court system is a bunch of words telling people how to act.   have a look at what a court had to say about my style in court.   i will not let a bunch of words tell me what to do   the system has no power unless i say i am a bunch of words   peace b with u   lv rock



Rock Went To Court To C Linden

02 03 2009 i went to c linden about charge relating to 2 dollars worth of cannabis.   i took a teddy bear to court as a visual example to show the difference between the living being/unexplainable.... and the birth certificate/man/person/human/fiction   linden felt personally challenged because i refused the orders that he directed 2 the birth/name/label/fiction/person/human/man/mr/birth certificate and not 2 the living being/no label/undescribable   poor linden thought/assumed/presumed that




all the protesting i have done over the years i have been bless by everything i have had friends who have shared their knowledge with me (leagal leagal, hemp bar and embassy and many more) with out their help i would not have gotten as far as i did and to the new freinds thanks for help u give to me.     it takes many people to make a change the only change u can ever make is the change with in your self if other people like that change in you they can do the same thing   i try to look at my a



lies of the government

high most people call me rock sorry for spelling i stand up for what i believe it if it does not harm another man the australia government is lieing to the soverien people of australia by saying we stillbelong to england we become free in 1919 see handsard of the parliment (commweath of australia) what prime minster hughes said page 12167 to 12170 the king of england gave australian people their freedom (1919 to 1921) treaty of versailles the prime minster of england gave us our freedom why then



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