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Rock Went To Court To C Linden



02 03 2009 i went to c linden about charge relating to 2 dollars worth of cannabis.


i took a teddy bear to court as a visual example to show the difference between the living being/unexplainable.... and the birth certificate/man/person/human/fiction


linden felt personally challenged because i refused the orders that he directed 2 the birth/name/label/fiction/person/human/man/mr/birth certificate and not 2 the living being/no label/undescribable


poor linden thought/assumed/presumed that i, the living I am, was a british title (mr) and or british subject


linden didnot like that so he stated

"he could not deal with this living man"


linden said that i was to c richmond psycho hospital


i told linden that supreme court said that he(linden) could not lock me up with psycho doctors


his reply was

"im not doing it, the police r"


taken to psycho 4 short time


doctor wanted to know why i had clay on my face

i ask psycho doctor what the word person means


his reply was


i then ask what persona his reply was

"actors clay mask!"


doctor then asked why was i here, the reply was

"because of my medical, religious and or political views"


then he read order of linden which was to lismore police and all nsw police


take to psycho hospital and do not return to court



case is over and out with a section 33


but wait, there is still more



i appeal to higher court


i need to know if i am free man of the land or am i a slave"


life is what u make it


available to everyone to view, go to you tube


"Cannabis in court 2 / freeman lismore court."


There for all the world to observe, and they are!!!


Peace be WITHIN youTill v Wheeler & Anor 12 Mar.doc

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