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all the protesting i have done over the years i have been bless by everything

i have had friends who have shared their knowledge with me (leagal leagal, hemp bar and embassy and many more)

with out their help i would not have gotten as far as i did and to the new freinds thanks for help u give to me.



it takes many people to make a change

the only change u can ever make is the change with in your self

if other people like that change in you they can do the same thing


i try to look at my action because that is the only thing i can change .


try to change someone action is hard until u give them a need, a want in their terms.


i will not bow down to any man( male or female) or worship anything made by man

i love god( everything ) the creator of everything.


when a man swears a oath to a queen of england a forien country i will have no respect for them if they force me with their forien laws on the land of my birth Australia.




peace b with u


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