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what you see here is a branch of a hermie drying. you can see the male flower is opened and showing bananas. Bananas can also appear in female buds between female flowers...


Intersexuality can be genetical and phenotypical, meaning that some plants will be hermie, no matter how the conditions are, most females will become hermies if threated bad, using chemicals like STS will force every female to pop put balls.


Treat em like ladies or they show their masculine side ;)


I'm not a fan of selfed/feminizied plants.


In SE asia, where people have cultivated sensimilla crop for centuries, a lots of hermies are found... why? Well, given that there is no other pollen aroud, if you weed out every true male in your crop, the only seeds will be from hermie, meaning they have the best chances of reproduction, simple because of humans intervening.

Edited by mace
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  Buddy said:
So a hermaphrodite that pollinates itself only produces female seeds ??


Is there a chance that these female seeds can turn into hermaphrodites too. ??


I ask because I have a Bubble Gum plant 2 weeks into veg and I noticed pollen pods starting to form about a week ago so I thought I'd move it to another room and let it grow then collect the pollen.


But now a week later, its starting to grow buds as well.


Hopefully I'll have a vegemite jar full of feminised Bubble Gum seeds soon :) :)


Er no. A self pollinating hermie will produce hermie seeds.But when a plant has been grown and at the end of its life cycle it produces some male flowers,these flowers appearing as a response to being stressed by not actually being pollinated then yes,those seeds are feminised. :)

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I read some where that hermies that pollinate themselves produce only hermie seeds I seem to recall that growing seeds from hermies did infact become just more hermies.


Not sure about what happens if the hermie pollinates other females??Do they really produce Feminised seed?

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  Buddy said:
So a hermaphrodite that pollinates itself only produces female seeds ??


Is there a chance that these female seeds can turn into hermaphrodites too. ??


I ask because I have a Bubble Gum plant 2 weeks into veg and I noticed pollen pods starting to form about a week ago so I thought I'd move it to another room and let it grow then collect the pollen.


But now a week later, its starting to grow buds as well.


Hopefully I'll have a vegemite jar full of feminised Bubble Gum seeds soon B) :D



I have no picture but it appears that my clones started seeding. There is this questionable flower at the base of the buds. I have begun to take them off but am unsure what they are? My question is if these are hermaphing then does the flower mean female seeds. Any information would help.

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There are 3 kinds of hermies .

Natural hermies/Stressed induced hermies/& a late blooming hermie.


When u get a natural hermie pull em like u pull a male there no good for anything.

When u get a forced stressed hermie there ok for seed keeping thats it.

A late blooming hermie: when u have a all female plant that pushes out a few flowers very late in flowering theses seeds are very nice to keep.

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