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Improving OZ Stoners: Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Help Us Build a Better OZ Stoners: Vote Now!  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you find it helpful if we consolidated low-level forums and those with topics that frequently cross over into different categories?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure
  2. 2. Do you think using tags to help with searching for topics would make it easier for you to navigate the forums?

    • Yes, I would find this helpful
    • No, I prefer the current system
    • Not sure
  3. 3. How often do you visit OZ Stoners?

    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Less than once a month
    • This is my first time
  4. 4. Which of the following social media platforms do you use the most for engaging with cannabis-related content and communities?

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • Reddit
    • TikTok
    • None of the above

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High there, fellow Stoners!

I hope everyone's doing okay amidst all the craziness that's been happening over the past few years. It's been a long time since OZ Stoners started, and we've grown quite a bit since then. But we've been hearing feedback that the site's structure can be a bit overwhelming and confusing to navigate. 

So, we want to open up a discussion and poll to gather your thoughts and suggestions on how we can improve the structure of our community forums. We think that consolidating some of the forums and using tags to help with searching topics will make things easier for you. This way, you won't have to worry about topics getting lost or posted in the wrong categories. 

We'd love to hear what you think about this idea and any other suggestions you may have. Your input is valuable to us, and we want to make sure that OZ Stoners is a great place for all of us to connect and engage with each other. So, please take a moment to vote in the poll and let's work together to make our community even better!

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  • Oz changed the title to Improving OZ Stoners: Let Your Voice Be Heard!
  • Oz unpinned this topic

Hi Oz i dont know if just me but i find the site hard to navigate not like it use to be and would be nice if could use user name to log in like we use to and have a new posts clickie as well its porb just me but i like the old lay out of the forum, and i liked it when you could se what members are on line like it use to be

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  • Admin
17 hours ago, Ozzy420 said:

Hi Oz i dont know if just me but i find the site hard to navigate not like it use to be and would be nice if could use user name to log in like we use to and have a new posts clickie = Unread Content (Top right) as well its porb just me but i like the old lay out of the forum, and i liked it when you could se what members are on line like it use to be

Hey Ozzy,

I've edited the above quote from your post regarding the New Posts page which you can customise if you wish to show older posts etc. 

In regard to the forum's layout, I haven't changed this much yet and only moved some forums and categories around.

Unfortunately, some features have been removed for tighter security and the privacy of the cannabis community members overall. However, I'm currently working on giving the community members your own private space within the cannabis community. Soon to be launched... Stay tuned! 

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