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Bunnings soil what to do..plzhelp

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Hey mate,


I know I am a bit late, if you are planning to grow outdoors, I'd highly recommend getting a premium grade potting mix from bunnings, make sure it has the red tick of approval as it means that it is held to high standards. Companies will try and pass off poorer quality potting mixes with synonyms of premium. But if it doesn't have the red tick it doesn't meet the Australian standard for premium mixes which is very high. I personally recommend Scott's osmocote premium potting mix as It has been the most consistent for me over the years I have been using it, and it is Pine bark based which is my preferred base for potting mixes used outdoors. Although I haven't really grown cannabis outdoors much in this potting mix I have grown a lot of ornamental/fruit and veg/cacti and succulents. It is always the base of my mix, usually use it straight from the bag unless I am potting up cacti etc.


Hope this helps

Pine bark based. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]




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 Personally I'd avoid that like the plague Frank. From my experience cannabis hates pine bark especially as seedlings. Maybe you got lucky with well composted mixes?  Even then i still recon I'd avoid it.



Hey Mongy, 


Honestly haven't grown too many canna seedlings in pine bark, but the oens I have have shown no issues what so ever. I use a seedling mix from pinegro its just sieved pine fines with sand from what I can tell. Never had an issue with any type of seedlings. What issues did you ahve specifically? Yeh I would never use uncomposted pine bark, I think they compost it for about 6 months but I may be wrong on that. 


Pine bark is not good for plant growth. As it breaks down, it forms natural chemicals that inhibit plant growth. University tests have shown that pine bark does not support many of the beneficial microbes that reduce plant diseases.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app


Hey mate, I'd love to read these university tests. My understanding is, it is one of the most commercially used growing mediums in the nursery industry here in Australia, I used it for many years in my old job growing all sorts of plants from seedlings to incredibly large canary island palms, 1000l+ pots. Pine bark is a self mulching potting mix that has anti bacterial properties, and is a bi product of the timber industry here in Australia so can be seen as fairly sustainable source of product compared to a lot of others. 


You might be confusing pine bark with the cheaper potting mixes available based off of green waste generally which has a lot of wood waste in it which is not good, if not broken down is a terrible nitrogen sink and when broken down does not last all that long. 

Edited by Frank Reynolds
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Hey Mongy,


Honestly haven't grown too many canna seedlings in pine bark, but the oens I have have shown no issues what so ever. I use a seedling mix from pinegro its just sieved pine fines with sand from what I can tell. Never had an issue with any type of seedlings. What issues did you ahve specifically? Yeh I would never use uncomposted pine bark, I think they compost it for about 6 months but I may be wrong on that.



Hey mate, I'd love to read these university tests. My understanding is, it is one of the most commercially used growing mediums in the nursery industry here in Australia, I used it for many years in my old job growing all sorts of plants from seedlings to incredibly large canary island palms, 1000l+ pots. Pine bark is a self mulching potting mix that has anti bacterial properties, and is a bi product of the timber industry here in Australia so can be seen as fairly sustainable source of product compared to a lot of others.


You might be confusing pine bark with the cheaper potting mixes available based off of green waste generally which has a lot of wood waste in it which is not good, if not broken down is a terrible nitrogen sink and when broken down does not last all that long.

Well ya just taught me something frank. I had no idea there was a difference between pine bark base and wood waste base. I just thought anything with bark or wood was shit.



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Wait a bit yet,when the root structure fills that pot then change it up

There are no till soils available in 25 litre bag around,they are expensive v7t might be worth the investment

Worm castings never go astray when top dressing,a good mulch is also important if growing outside especially

There's plenty of info around here if you look for it


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This is it now. Got the Scott's oscomote premium soil in a pot watering and turning it ready for transplanting. It's going good tho its day 16 I think or 15. Suss her outpost-65314-157620695614_thumb.jpegpost-65314-157620696536_thumb.jpeg


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If you have more seeds, are you able to sprout a few more ?? I found lots of ways of losing/killing seedlings outdoors( wind, slugs, caterpillars, heat etc). Good insurance was having back up plants. Easy enough to conceal few seedlings in pots during first few weeks. Makes a perfect Xmas gift for someone if you don't need them...


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If you have more seeds, are you able to sprout a few more ?? I found lots of ways of losing/killing seedlings outdoors( wind, slugs, caterpillars, heat etc). Good insurance was having back up plants. Easy enough to conceal few seedlings in pots during first few weeks. Makes a perfect Xmas gift for someone if you don't need them...


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Yeah got backups mate :))


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