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Medical Access



A couple of months ago I asked my GP about obtaining cannabis to treat my ongoing symptoms.

"Ohh ahhh, I don't know anything about the processes, I wouldn't know where to start..."

Being that I'm in SA and there being no clinic's here (our state Gov't (Liberal) still have their heads buried firmly up their own arses)  I thought the whole process would be a waste of time

I went investigating and found a clinic in NSW, who would go through the whole process online.


So after a couple of weeks of paperwork both from myself and my GP, today I got the call from the clinic and have had the initial approval.

I now have to obtain the approval from the TGA but from what I've been told this should not be a problem and should take less than a week.

The Dr I spoke to has told me that what he would be prescribing is a CBD and THC combination as my situation is pain related.

I asked the Dr about the cost of the medication itself as it is NOT on the PBS and I have to say it is NOT cheap.

The Dr himself would not actually tell me a defined cost but advised me to call the chemist in Victoria.

Upon doing so I was told $270/50ml + postage ($30), so $300 delivered. First thought "Fuck, it'd be cheaper to go buy an ounce" but have decided to follow through with the process.


At this point I have not been told of the recommended dosages, so how long that 50ml is going to last I am unsure.

I am also unsure if I may be able to get my local chemist to get it in for me or whether it needs to come from an approved compounding chemist, solely in Victoria.


So the processes have been started. The dr and the prepaid TGA approvals have cost me $550 so far (that's without the script itself), so let's see how much more it's gonna cost

When I have any further info I will let you all know.


Just thought others maybe interested


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Hi all ,Brother  Dingo-2008 reporting back in on my medical cannabis trip.


I must thank Merl1n for his help again in this matter.no matter how much pain you are in Merl1n you are always there with a helping hand to help myself an others out in there time of need info that is.TY mate.


Back to this story,Well this afternoon I had a  appointment with my normal GP an told him that I was contacting a Medical Cannabis service   site to request medical cannabis an bugger me he went outta is way to help me get the medical cannabis.But he told me that he  would not write a script for any medical cannabis as he don't know to much about medical cannabis lol.he even went as far as writing a referal  out requesting the medical cannabis site to see me an help me out,Now that was a big turn around from when I last asked him to help me get medical cannabis.He has even gone as far as giving me a form for another MRI ,scan of my brain so I have more proof as to why I need help with canna meds as the normal Parma meds are not helping all that much. 


The doctor has faxed off all my info he has on me an will send the MRI scans report down to them as soon as he get's them.


I am very happy with the way he has gone about all this,It   took him about 1 hr to do it all.


The medical cannabis access clinic he used is the same one you used Merl1n as they have a office in Perth as well.


all the best to you all an stay safe.




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 I thank you Aqua420 for your help in this matter as well.

So glad things are working out for your hubby as well say hi to him from me an thank him for his service to our great country we live in.It is because of him an all the other's that serve this great country an it's people that we can live like we do. 


Your hubby can stand tall for serving this country.



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Hey Dingo,

Thats fuckin fantastic, at least you've got the process started and if Cannabis Access Clinic (CAC) in Perth are anything like CAC in NSW, they will follow thru. They don't get paid if they don't follow thru

No thanks needed Dingo. We all have to manage our 'load' and if I can assist in reducing that load for another, by sharing my info, we are all the better for it IMO and that includes me.

The sharing of knowledge costs us nothing, but can give SO much. Others have assisted me on my 'hellish journey' and I have no issues whatsoever in passing that on to others. 


Many GP's have no clue of the processes. Some Dr's won't admit they don't know and it seems becoming a registered prescriber is not a simple process and many simply won't want to go thru all that process.

Some dr's are uninformed and rule it out due to ignorance on the subject, they need re-educating. Others simply won't support canna under any circumstances.

But there are dr's out there that will. We just have to find them and that list I posted is a damn good place to start.



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" .................They offered him bud but wtf he said no. Seems he prefers vape now.

He started vaping the other oil to turn thca into thc and it was just a bit weak so this lot will be heaps better...……"


A word of warning Aqua, please, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure the oil they are going to provide is vapeable. What's the old saying "Oils ain't oils" The oil they have provided me with is a MCT oil. MCT oil is a medium-chain triglyceride. To my knowledge the MCT oil IS NOT vapeable, in real basic terms, it's a type of vegetable oil. Coconut oil is a type of MCT oil, but some people can have an alergy to coconut oil, so they use another type of MCT. MCT is digestable via the stomach, but I certainly wouldn't be smoking/vaping it.


SO PLEASE BE AWARE and check this with the dr 'Is it vapeable?'



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Hi all, Less than  22hr an I just received phone call from Cannabis Access Clinic to confirm my appointment with there doctor an deposit payment for my appointment.


now that is fast services an not Bull  Shit involved,The young lady that spoke with me was on the ball with any questions that I had.


This is the same clinic you went with Mer1n,I ended up going with this clinic because they have a office in W,A,.


 So this is one very happy little camper.


I will keep you crew posted on what happens from here on in I this may not get any medical Cannabis but I am quite sure that I will get medical cannabis due to the 5 illness that I have an my doctor is hitting them with more MRI scans just in case so they know that I really need help as I do not wont to bomb myself out with any more pharma drugs,An that means   going up on higher doses of morphine an that is not what I wont.


My main aim is to be able to drop down on the amount of morphine that I have to take at the moment to keep this chronic pain an chronic migraines under control..




Hi Merl1n, I hope it is ok to post my progress here in this thread ,If not let me know an I will start a new one ,But I thought it would be better to have all this cannabis clinic info all in one place.

All the best to you Merl1n.Kind Regards,Dingo-2008.

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on ya dingo, good luck with the whole process.

you did mention chronic migraines so figure i'd mention psilocybin have been used to treat cluster headache's in the US, which basically puts one into a painful seizure type event.
my personal experience with micro dosing shrooms( subaeruginosa which are in w.a) one morning after waking up with a headache, took half a gram , -30-45 min later headache gone while after the shrooms wore off say 5-6 hrs after taking the dose the headache came back.


hope that helps some 

Edited by Dan J
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Hi crew ,Hope you are all well an staying away from that nasty C-19 bug.


This post is aimed at Merl1n & Aqua420,I thank you both for your help an info you have both posted here to help me with getting started with obtaining medical cannabis.


About 10 mins ago my pharmacist  dropped of my pharma medication,Not bad hey home delivery  at 7.30pm at night real services with a smile ya can't beat that hey.


He is a very good friend as well,We got talking an I told him about my story on getting Medical Cannabis, As he already supplies a very sick young child  here in town with CBD oil which has been a life saver for that child an does not suffer no where as much as they used to,This child can now live quite a normal life now days due to the CBD oil,


Anyway as I said, I told him about my story on applying to getting medical cannabis.I told him on the process I have gone through in the past few days,His jaw dropped when I told him an his eye lit up as he new nothing about this   process  what Merl1n an Aqua420 had explained to me.


He could not get home quick enough to google up the new info that I had informed him of.


Thanks again crew on this info that has been posted here in this thread it will help so many people that have had a up hill battle with there doctors to get medical cannabis  medication for themself or there ill  child.


Kind Regards, Dingo-2008. :yahoo: :yahoo:

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on ya dingo, good luck with the whole process.


you did mention chronic migraines so figure i'd mention psilocybin have been used to treat cluster headache's in the US, which basically puts one into a painful seizure type event.

my personal experience with micro dosing shrooms( subaeruginosa which are in w.a) one morning after waking up with a headache, took half a gram , -30-45 min later headache gone while after the shrooms wore off say 5-6 hrs after taking the dose the headache came back.




hope that helps some 


That's interesting.


0.5 dry gram of subs would be like 1 gram of cubensis, which is on the edge of "whoa I better sit down for a bit" and as far as you'd go if you planned on going to work.

1.5 - 2 grams of cubes = would be as far as I'd go in public 

2.5 grams = nice trip at home

3 grams = on the edge of blast off, thought loops etc

Above 4 grams = lock the doors, turn the phone off

Above 5 grams = likely you'll never see things the same way ever again lol what migraine? who's head is this? hmmm a dimension without time, etc 

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Hi Merl1n, I hope it is ok to post my progress here in this thread ,If not let me know an I will start a new one ,But I thought it would be better to have all this cannabis clinic info all in one place.

All the best to you Merl1n.Kind Regards,Dingo-2008.


WTF, of course it's OK.

The title here is 'Medical Access', and that's not just my experiences with it all, but everybody's. It's all new, well, newish. Let's share our knowledge.

This whole system is an expensive piss around. We need to document all of it, from there they can improve the systems that don't work.

How can we make it easier?

How can we make it quicker?

How can we reduce the costs?

These things all need to be discussed in an open forum, what better forum than this. With people who are doing it. US!!! So PLEASE post it, the good, the bad and the ugly. I, for one, want to know?



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