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The pro's and con's of COCCO

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I treat all mediums with the contempt they deserve, except air, my favorite thing to grow in, its the cheapest to, just add water and nute's 

especially hate soil and perlite, soil because I always stuff them up in pots(can't grow for shit), perlite because its fucking everywhere lol lol 



should of gone the 30l pots for the little ones, be a bit more stable 

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I treat all mediums with the contempt they deserve, except air, my favorite thing to grow in, its the cheapest to, just add water and nute's

especially hate soil and perlite, soil because I always stuff them up in pots(can't grow for shit), perlite because its fucking everywhere lol lol



should of gone the 30l pots for the little ones, be a bit more stable

I find your logic floored in many ways.

Also it doesn’t help others just staying negative statements like that.

People are here to get help and advise.

You may have had no success in any other form of hydroponic besides airoponics. But doesn’t mean others are the same as you.

It’s great you have success in airoponics, however 95% of people couldn’t master it, let alone get a plant to the end without 10000 dramas and issues. As it’s the hardest form of hydroponic out there. Which you never have state.


The honest truth is if you rank from system from east to hard it’s gos ( this is the minimum you need to do and still get a result ) Also the lower you go down the list the more expensive each system is.


Store bought soil - water and forget

Hydro store soil - eg canna terra water with there nutes

Super soil - build the right soil mix, let it cook for 6 - 12 month

Coco Run to Waste - make nutes mix, flush once every 10 days

Coco Recirculating - have nutes rez, maintain ec, ph, temp, feed on timers, flush ever 10 days

Flood and Drain - have nutes rez, maintain ec, ph, temp, feed more often so medium don’t dry out, wash system out ever 7 days, test run off for salt build up

DWC - same as Flood and Drain, with the added job of maintaining 24/7 air ration of water and not letting water temps go above 22

NFT - it’s same as DWC plus the added fun of Flood and Drain system but maintaining water flow 24/7

Aquponics - same as DWC and NFT or some people treat it like Flood and Drain, with the added fun of having to grow fish to provide the food.

Airoponics - it is like DWC and NFT but instead of water flowing over roots like NFT you are misting the roots with high pressure emitter, as the water partials have to be a certain size for the plant to uptake the nuts, to large they will not be able to take in nutes. Also you have to maintain a air temp around the roots no higher then 22 on top of all that.


People may say you can get let water temps get bit hight, is some systems you can. But the lower in the list you go, the more damage and issues you will have over 22. This is why, as water gets hotter, the less dissolved oxygen in the water. At 26 water temps will start burning fine white root hairs which can lead to root rot and other issues. At 30 you are just boiling your roots and there is so little DO in the water the plants can’t breath or take food up.





I don’t have time but I can added more info on each system.




Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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I didn't say you cant have contempt for a medium. But people come here to help and education. Not your opinion on a product if you like it or not. I dont grow or use rockwool any more, as I think its a waste throwing out the medium after your done. That is why i moved to coco as it can be reused, and it gets better the second and third time you use it as you have the microbial life in it. Just because I think rockwool is total shit garbage medium for cannabis, its only good for growing tomatoes. I dont put that on people as some people might like growing in it and get good results.


What medium and system do you run lfdhb?


Thrips are attracted to wet medium. Drying out your top layer of medium will help or putting gnat mix with clay balls on it will stop them from getting out of the medium. 

I don't touch the stuff Kloud.

Coco is a fine example of how normal people can be tricked into
buying a product that only complicates things for no extra benefit


What do you mean more complicated, then what? Yer bit more complicated the soil, yes. That is it. 


And that is a very open ended statement that there is no extra benefits..... compared to what?

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