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Giggles Grows.

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My fab auto takes 23 months. [emoji6] Expect every auto bean you buy ever to be bred by moo Inc. That's me. [emoji4] Such a king. This is the auto after 22 months vege. The flowering takes 20 days.


Best grown in a bottle of nutes. 1000 watt hps one inch from canopy per square ft, of course. Hour on hour off. 24/7 irrigation with pure liquid nutrients. Never flush. Crackerlacker. post-63674-154745810138_thumb.jpeg


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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I literally understood fuck all of that. Autos = 3 months.

Breeders need massive amounts of plants. Giggles you where told that on another forum from someone who has lived and worked where they breed and develop commercial strains.

You don't charge for seeds but try to help others but could you maybe please take the ego down a bit and say your a hobby breeder.


Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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I literally understood fuck all of that. Autos = 3 months.

Breeders need massive amounts of plants. Giggles you where told that on another forum from someone who has lived and worked where they breed and develop commercial strains.

You don't charge for seeds but try to help others but could you maybe please take the ego down a bit and say your a hobby breeder.


Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

:steps away:



Pending cat fight ! lol

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4 months with some freak bits. Why breed it? Cause a mate asked me to. For him to plant out to get some bud at this time of year. Plus copy his original strain with a few tweeks.


You guys are amusing. Such love. I feel it. Auto breeder? That's Billy guys. He is auto god. Am I doing any more with this strain? Nope. I Just grew one for a tester. Old mates happy with his plants so that's all that matters. I gave him the seeds.


[emoji23] Yeah Pedro, Nice to see you care because I care for you. (Blows kiss [emoji8]) Your as cranky as Billy [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23].


Still don't see how what I do with my plants for a few friends affects anyone?? Seeds man have their own staff. Yantra sell Seeds man repackaged as Yantra. Lols all I do is gift out seeds.


If I was to actually sell stuff. May be I'd test grow it first? Wouldn't any sane person. [emoji4]




Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

only give ya shit  atm, because ya hang shit on micmac's monster grow, if ya new anything, you'd know sativa's can keep stretching for a couple of more months yet

Edited by pedro de pacas
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