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Pedro,,I remember you saying you had gnats everywhere.

Thought this might interest you ,unless you've seen them already.


From Bio Works .in NSW


Biocontrol Organism: Stratriolaelaps (Hypoaspis) nr miles


Hypoaspis, a soil-dwelling predatory mite, feeds on fungus gnat larvae, thrips pupae, springtails and other small soil inhabiting insects. Adult Hypoaspis are between 0.5 mm and 1 mm long, with females larger and much more common than males. Adult females are light brown in colour.


The life cycle of Hypoaspis consists of egg, larva (6 legs), nymph (8 legs) and adult. The whole life cycle takes about 10 days at 25°C but can vary from 7 to 30 days depending on temperature. At temperatures below 12°C Hypoaspis is inactive, but it will not die unless frozen.


Eggs are laid in the soil and hatch into larvae in 1–3 days. Hypoaspis lives in the top 1–2 cm of soil and can be seen moving quickly on top of the soil when the surface is disturbed or pots are tapped. It can survive for up to 7 weeks without insect prey, by feeding on organic matter, plant debris and nematodes.

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Thanks SE, yeah the bloody gnats won round one, they were relentless, in the end i was outside spraying swarms of them with fly spray,

got a bit of a flame thrower going at one stage

tried a few different things, not sure how much the end result was effected, by the gnats and me dodgy remedy's, they were all new strains, and it was bloody cold as anyway (sativa's)


need to do something to control the fuckers, they might be the answer,

will check them out

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Just smoked 5 small cones of me cats piss x ?  about 7 months cured (orange fruit tingle shit) 


first bong-this is nice and smooth 

second bong-fuck me arms feel like there floating or bouncing around

third bong-starting to sweat a bit, stopped bouncing, went and sat down, with a big cheesy grin, said fuck that's good a lot

fourth bong-WOW, sat down again, getting a bit confused about now, the head rush from the 3rd bong, grabbed the 4th and took off

fifth bong- not sure i needed that, fuck get inside while i still can

did a space cadet moon walk, was as trippy as fuck, funny as fuck to 


up there with some of the best shit I've smoked ever

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Just smoked 5 small cones of me cats piss x ? about 7 months cured (orange fruit tingle shit)


first bong-this is nice and smooth

second bong-fuck me arms feel like there floating or bouncing around

third bong-starting to sweat a bit, stopped bouncing, went and sat down, with a big cheesy grin, said fuck that's good a lot

fourth bong-WOW, sat down again, getting a bit confused about now, the head rush from the 3rd bong, grabbed the 4th and took off

fifth bong- not sure i needed that, fuck get inside while i still can

did a space cadet moon walk, was as trippy as fuck, funny as fuck to


up there with some of the best shit I've smoked ever

Nice work lol... have fun
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