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First Time Grower - Outdoors, Vic

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Beautiful BB job well done and plants look pretty good and the rain will give them a real boost to,leaves, if leaves have some green then leave them be if there yellow all over then pluck them off,cant wait to see them in another week or two i think there going to kick back nicely, cheers BB,,,,,GQ


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Thanks soo much GreenQueen, it’s super comforting to hear that haha


Most of the leaves are still very green, with just some burnt tips or centre parts, so I’ll keep them till they go yellow haha


I can’t wait to see them in a couple weeks too, I have a good feeling they will do well in this new soil and new pots







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They look better already! What did you end up using for soil?


I agree with everyone else that most soil from bunnings is garbage but I have found that you can construct good soil from bunnings ingredients.


I get the blocks of coco coir without fertilizer or anything added as others mentioned then mix in a small bag of dynamic lifter and 5L bags each of:

1. Perlite

2. Vermiculite

3. Peat moss

4. Propagating sand

(They are usually together at bunnings)

Costs about $60


This then gets mixed with my local heavy clay soil and homemade compost and covered in sugarcane mulch. Water thoroughly and leave for 6weeks before planting anything in it ...


I guess that's not much use for you in this situation but I just felt like sharing my cheapo bunnings soil mix :-)


Hope your plants continue to recover and no bugs return.




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They look better already! What did you end up using for soil?


I agree with everyone else that most soil from bunnings is garbage but I have found that you can construct good soil from bunnings ingredients.


I get the blocks of coco coir without fertilizer or anything added as others mentioned then mix in a small bag of dynamic lifter and 5L bags each of:

1. Perlite

2. Vermiculite

3. Peat moss

4. Propagating sand

(They are usually together at bunnings)

Costs about $60


This then gets mixed with my local heavy clay soil and homemade compost and covered in sugarcane mulch. Water thoroughly and leave for 6weeks before planting anything in it ...


I guess that's not much use for you in this situation but I just felt like sharing my cheapo bunnings soil mix :-)


Hope your plants continue to recover and no bugs return.




Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Thanks for that buddy! I might try that mix out next year!!


I used osmocote premium soil and perlite to air rate it a bit.


Yeah I’m Happy with how they look at the moment. They are currently getting belted with some serious rain too, so I hope that will help revitalize them as well



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Fingers crossed for you, hope the repotting fixes your bug problem, you could maybe look at getting some neem meal from Dr greenthumb or organic gardening solutions and make a foliar spray and maybe a light top dress this will help with bug problems. Hope all mends well with them.



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Thanks mr Brown!

I’ll look that up and try and find it!



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As green said , not much there so I wouldn't be cutting any of just yet , the rain gonna help bounce back

Good luck with the rest of grow



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Cheers for the Help Micmac! Fingers crossed



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Hope you're gals are doing well, they definitely looked perkier in the initial repot pics, well done.


Great advice too, you guys are awesome! I learn so much here, thank you.

The girls are doing fantastic! I couldn’t have asked for a better recovery. All the new shoots have grown back, but twice as much! It’s fantastic. I’ll upload some photos today


Cheers for checking in missrachael





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alright everyone here is some updated photos of the two girls as of today. I’m soo happy with their recovery, they have bounced back incredibly. Thank you to everyone who helped and gave advice, you’re all the absolute best.



Plant one:






Plant two:





I still have a few leaves to remove that have been eaten or burnt from the chemicals, but I figured they are okay to stay on a little longer till the plant really fully recovers. Thoughts?






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