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The best advice this newb can give to all the newbs.

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Hey Carnage,

$15 ya reckon? Well I guess you get what you pay for. At $15 I wouldn't be trusting it for anything personally.

I too tried an all-in-one meter, once. Mine was a pH and EC meter. The EC component stuffed up and it started giving false pH readings. IMO it's much better off to be using a specific EC meter AND a specific pH meter than an all-in-one. Or even better, for pH, one drop test fluid in a test tube . Accurate every time.


EC and ppm basically measures the same thing. EC=Electrical conductivity, PPM=Parts per million. In real basic terms, electricity won't pass thru pure water. The more salts in the water, the more electricity will pass thru it or the more electrically conductive the fluid would be. PPM or Parts per million uses the same theory. The more ppm the more electrical charge.



when my ppm is 600ppm my ec is 1.2ec.... they not the same.

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You should also always leave your Ph pen soaking in water when not in use.(Obviously not the whole thing, just up to where you would get a read)

Both the guys at the local shop told me that, and I have read it on the internet from other specialist shops.

More accurate read and will last longer(apparently)

Yup, 100%.. if you're moving house and have to put your cap back on , cut a small piece of sponge , put it in your cap and moisten it. Then return it to your storage solution / jar when you unpack .


Also , when calibrating for the first time . Let it sit in water for a while (30-45 min) , then calibrate .. not sure if this applies to all pens thou .. [emoji1363]

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when my ppm is 600ppm my ec is 1.2ec.... they not the same.

Carnage I am not saying they are equal, not at all, But...

....when you say "600ppm my ec is 1.2ec"

I'm saying "650ppm is equiv to 1.3ec, 700ppm is equiv to 1.4ec, 750ppm is equiv to 1.5ec, ETC ETC."


So although they measure in a different format there is an equivalence.

It seems that this can also be dependant on the specific instrument used to obtain the measure. Each has there own increments.

For example with Hanna Instruments an EC of 0.1=50ppm, 0.2=100ppm, 0.3=150ppm etc

Where with Eutech Instruments an EC of 0.1=64ppm, 0.2=128ppm, 0.3=192ppm etc

Where with Truncheon Instruments an EC of 0.1=70ppm, 0.2=140ppm, 0.3=210ppm etc


I'm also aware that relative ppm can fluctuate with temp and that the Truncheon compensates for this fluctuation(according to their paperwork). But I am unaware if other brands of EC meters do this compensation.

This may or may not explain the same EC readings having differing ppm readings as shown by the brands above.


Hope that explains it a bit better


Edited by merl1n
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why would you want anything other than a hanna instrument?


if your stoned all the time you can jsut double the number and perfecto you got it.


start getting shit like 1300ppm @ 0.64 n shit or @ 7.0 have to do all sorts of bs mathematics.


i say fuck Eutech and fuck Truncheon coz if you go Hanna you just double it real easy like a good fuckn stoner boy growing his own buds

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