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Revegging a pollinated female

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I seem like i think that because i am god. pmsl.

lol, all jokes aside except one ..... could be a lil dicey i mean 'dioecy' get it lol ? bahahahahaha


ermmm you could google a bunch of papers on it believe it or not !


I have the journal urls but i want you to learn to research a little so i will give you keywords, we can make a game out of this..... then one person will learn something in the process

im a lil facetious....


Cannabis is dioecious hombre everybody knows this, what do you want a doctor to get all 'clinical' for though ? lol....


duckduckgo search terms....


Slap_a_bitch_to_make_her_hermie (cannabis) /plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0085118

punch_a_gnomes_vag_cause_it_to_hermie (cannabis) /wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Cannabis_Genome_Size


that was a few minutes effort, what..... you couldnt use a search engine or sumthin' ?


i am god, but i wont make you my son ....lol pmsl i'm in a nutty ass mood, forgive me :)


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all I read was "blah blah blah blah I don't have shit to back up my claims and statements, but I am always right because I know everyone else is wrong". This doesn't just go to this post, it pretty much covers all the post I have seen that have your tag next to it. But hey, you want a game, send me details and I will send a deck of cards to play some solitare with, cause i'm not interested in you, your post, or anything else about you and could give 2 shits what you say or what you do and how you do things. If you cant back your claims up when you argue with other people, then it just becomes a laughable SMH moment. Good bye and fair well puff tuff, I'm not into your political bullshit. 

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Article from Hank Van Dalen, founder of Dutch Passion Seed co.


Stress a female plant into producing male flowers, or waiting until late ripeness when male flowers become present. This is a 'last ditch' effort by the female plant to produce seeds. This pollen is then collected and used on a DIFFERENT female plant. The seeds from a self pollinated plant will be hermie. But the seeds from a different female pollinated by the hermie pollen will be feminized. 

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Hey, thats not very 'clinical' now is it bud..... lol.... Not very scientific..... where is the url of the quote from the dutchpassion dude btw, that was an oldschool train of thought...... New information/research has shed some light on that .....You obviously havent understood a fucking single word of what i have said over the last 3 posts have you lol. Access www.duckduckgo.com... In the inputbox in the middle paste without the parenthesis "Slap_a_bitch_to_make_her_hermie (cannabis) /plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0085118" Well Done !!! Now click on that white inputbox in the middle of the page and without parenthesis paste "punch_a_gnomes_vag_cause_it_to_hermie (cannabis) /wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Cannabis_Genome_Size" Theres your "clinical" stuffssszz... lol. like i said true hermies are extremely rare and selfing is effective at well ... creating S1's and beyond, right ? .... Nothing to backup what i say right ? lol fool. cheers.



Now lets stop highjacking this thread...... How many true hermies have you come across anyway lol ? Still dont realise theyre extremely uncommon ?...

Edited by _Puff_Tough_
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So my camera seems to have died and I've resorted to using a phone that takes horrible pictures. :


It's about two weeks into revegging and I gave her too much shit when I transplanted her roughly nine days ago, resulting in a lovely case of nitrogen burn, but new leaves are already popping out of the flowering heads. There's one at the top in the photo you can see if you're looking for it but every tip has one new leaf it is producing. 



Edited by Kataclismic
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Bit iffy about weighing in on this debate, but here goes.


NM, I'm afraid Puffy's sorta right at a basic level, problem comes down to how do you know for sure if the plant is naturally hermie, prone to herm up under the slightest stress, or needs extreme stress to turn (which is sorta true for all canna plants).  The true hermies are a little rare, but once those genetics get into your seedstock you need to dump it, and I would say the same for genetics which is easily prone to going hermie, just isn't worth fucking around with it.  I couldn't be arsed to link studies for this, it's based on personal experience as well as research, and the fact that I am also a canna god :D lol .


As for the theory of all seed produced by pollination by a hermie, whatever dickhead first posted that bullshit on the net needs to be strung up by the balls until he turns hermie.  It started based on the old school breeding method of letting a female plant keep going until she started flowering nanas as a last ditch effort to get preggers, and they used that pollen for seed production.  Even that didn't produce 100% fem seeds, but the percentage was supposed to be pretty high.  The extremely important point here is that late maturity nanas are completely different to a plant going hermie, for whatever reason.


In the end, if your plants went hermie rather than pushing late nanas, chances are extremely high that the resulting seeds will carry a tendency to hermie at least easily if not definitely, so don't use them.


Reveg any plants that have stayed female only and they'll be fine, just be aware that they will want to go straight back into flower with very little reduction in light hours.  They will be bushy and ugly at the start, but a bit of selective pruning and time growing will take care of that.  Chopping off excess bud at the start will help things along a little, but the process will take time.  At this time of year you really would be better off starting fresh plants from seed, in fact I'd wait a bit longer to start them.  I'd also look into getting known seedstock rather than bagseed, as chances are there's a genetic tendency to herm in that bagseed you have.


Best of luck

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Thank you Sir PsychoHashy. I appreciate your views. I had a friend years ago that was convinced he could get female seeds every time by germinating them in the fridge. Now either the females are much more likely to sprout in colder weather or he was just lucky enough to convince himself that what he said was happening, but if any of us actually thought that germinating in the fridge produced female seeds every time then we wouldn't have any room left in the fridge for a XXXX or VB. All I know is that they start out a lot slower in colder weather so I wouldn't even attempt it but it's funny what people can convince themselves of.

I don't know that any of these seeds will be feminised but I have word from an experienced grower that they will have a tendency to be female and that's good enough for me. As soon as one starts producing pollen sacs I'll obviously have a different opinion. 


I've been contemplating using this one as a mother as soon as I can take clones as there will be no guesswork in her gender.

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