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Bad place to sprout

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Hey guys

got a bit of an issue, currently growing 3  THC Bomb Autoflowers however one of them has sprouted in the very worst place.

While I was planting the germinated seeds, I dropped a seed and couldn't see it in the hole I dug or anywhere for that matter. After giving up I placed a thin layer of dirt over the entire pot incase it didn't make it into the hole. Well sure enough it sprouted and with my luck it happened to be on the very edge of the pot- I tried to sprinkle some dirt around it and have a little bit of dirt between the stem and the pot. I've done a couple outdoor grows but this is my first indoor with hps and also my first autoflower and have never stuffed up like this before. My question is, how big of an issue is this? Being an Auto i've ruled out transplanting it ( let me know if anyone thinks otherwise in these early stages). Do I just focus on LST when it comes to it and hope the root system figures itself out? Thanks in advance for any help.

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Edited by budconnoisseur
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Just gently tip the whole pot out and carefully break your medium up around the seedling, it will only have a tiny root system at the moment, then repot it gently into a better medium and into a smaller pot.  I would strongly advise coco perlite medium for autos, with coco specific nutrients, or at the very least a quality and lightweight soil mix instead of potting mix, autos are very sensitive to root zone impedance and quality.


It will bog down in a pot of that size whilst it's a seedling, and that will slow it down.  I have potted up autos without any slowing down in the past, and as far as I'm concerned the myth that you need to start them in their final pot is just that, a myth, you just need to take due care on repotting.  You do anything to slow an auto down during the first few weeks and it will impact heavily on yield, very heavily.

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Thanks all for the quick replies, I've shifted it carefully. 


  On 15/04/2016 at 11:47 PM, Sir PsychoHashy said:

Just gently tip the whole pot out and carefully break your medium up around the seedling, it will only have a tiny root system at the moment, then repot it gently into a better medium and into a smaller pot.  I would strongly advise coco perlite medium for autos, with coco specific nutrients, or at the very least a quality and lightweight soil mix instead of potting mix, autos are very sensitive to root zone impedance and quality.


It will bog down in a pot of that size whilst it's a seedling, and that will slow it down.  I have potted up autos without any slowing down in the past, and as far as I'm concerned the myth that you need to start them in their final pot is just that, a myth, you just need to take due care on repotting.  You do anything to slow an auto down during the first few weeks and it will impact heavily on yield, very heavily.

Some interesting thoughts there, like I said it's my first Auto so I may have been mislead with myths somewhere along the line or maybe just scared from pictures I have seen on the internet. I planted one 2 weeks ahead of the others as the guinea pig to test the waters and it seems to be thriving ( same size pot and medium). I'm pretty confident in my growing medium being the best that can be found, unless auto's have widely different needs. It's actually a mix of rainforest soil (even found a worm or 2 and a ph of 6.5 ), perlite and seed raising mix in the middle ( around 7cm diameter) where the seed was supposed to sprout but has now been moved to. 

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  On 16/04/2016 at 4:33 AM, budconnoisseur said:

.It's actually a mix of rainforest soil (even found a worm or 2 and a ph of 6.5 ), perlite and seed raising mix in the middle ( around 7cm diameter) where the seed was supposed to sprout but has now been moved to. 


My bad, when I looked at the pic the soil had a bit of a potting mix look about it, that should be fine so long as it's light and drains well, auto's do need a medium that allows their roots to move freely through it, mix in some more perlite and stuff like worm castings and quality coco if you need to amend it more.  Big pots are also okay, but extremely difficult to avoid bogging down due to excess moisture levels, but if you can walk that tightrope in a big pot they work.  A week in a small pot first really simplifies it though.


You should put up a grow diary, I for one would be keen to see how auto's can do in decent soil.

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Cheers for the info, I think I will add a bit more perlite to the mix as it does seem a bit on the clumpy side. As fas as watering goes any suggestions? Soil is drying up really quick on the older plant with a 600w hps running and is realistically wanting to be lightly watered 2 or 3 times a day but can't always do that. There's definitely a few things I will be doing differently next time and by the sounds of it starting in a smaller pot will definitely be one as the bigger points have been a pain in general. 

I think I will do a grow diary in the coming weeks when I get a bit more time especially because it seems that not so many people talk about or have experienced the THC Bombs.

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