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Hi everyone,


My partner has been diagnosed with terminal skin cancer and I want to procure some Rick Simpson Oil. It seems the only way to do this is to make it yourself. I'm keen to speak with anyone who's had any experience making the stuff - I'm nervous about doing it myself for numerous reasons. I've read the threads on this site that talk about it, but I have other questions:


1) Regarding ventilation...what's proper? I have a bathroom with fan and a large window - is that OK? (I don't really have access to an open space that wouldn't raise suspicions.)

2) The exact solvent to use -


Is this OK?


Other questions, too!


Thanks for any help.


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Most of the bud you buy off the street is full of PGR's (Plant Growth Regulators) which may be carcinogenic. The PGR's also prevent resin production so would not be any good for making oil. Better to grow your own, even if you only veg them 4 weeks and have more plants if you need it quicker.


Sorry, not following you here. You mean grow a whole bunch and veg them only 4 weeks?


Time is of the essence. I just need the stuff yesterday. Growing it is going to take too long, and I have no experience. Stupid laws.

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Hey good stuff, yes, look up Sea of Green (SoG, not to be confused with Screen of Green (SCROG) which is a different thing). You plant more seeds, and that way you can fill your space in a quicker time than if you tried to fill your space with just 2 or 3 plants. You would get less yield per plant, but you'd get the maximum yield overall for your space/light :)


They still take the same time to flower, but you can reduce the veg time by weeks.


Im not an experienced grower or anything, I've just been doing a bit of reading :)

Edited by FullCircle
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Matsu's advice isn't what you want to hear, but it is unfortunately the reality of canna in Australia at the moment.  We all understand your position, but there is no quick fix solution.  If you're cashed up, and can somehow manage to find a pound or 2 of decent non seedy bush weed (good luck with that, sadly) then grab it, but if you don't know what you're doing you could easily get ripped off.  You could use commercial grade hydro buds, should be able to easily get it for $3200-3800, but as Matsu said, it's full of nasty PGR's, and fuck knows what else as they don't flush it, and it has been known to be under dried and sprayed with stuff like fly or hair spray in order to add weight and feel dry to the touch.  On top of that, and the reduced resin content (which is where the THC is), it's harvested very early before the cannabinoids reach maturity or peak potency.  So yeah, you can use it as a last resort, but at best it would be borderline counterproductive for making medicinal hash oil.


So reality is that grow your own is the only way to be sure of proper quality, and adequate resin production, for any medicinal canna usage.  Sea of Green is good, but only really works well with clones, not so good from seed with the exception of maybe a couple of specific strains, don't know which.  Reason being that it takes photoperiod plants minimum 2-3 weeks to reach sexual maturity, so they won't start producing flowering hormones until then even under 12/12 lighting.  I've done a few straight in 12/12 from seed, and they still take time to flower and stretch, and ended up bigger and branchier than what you want with SOG, and at best reached maturity a week earlier than if I had of given them 3 weeks veg, but without being as big.  Realistically you're looking at 4 months for properly matured indica dominant photoperiod plants.  Shortest turnaround I can suggest if you don't have a mother plant and a bunch of clones ready to go, would be to find an autoflower strain with a short flowering period and run them under HPS on an 18/6 lighting schedule, proper maturity in 9-12 weeks, and as they don't generally get too big you can squeeze them a bit closer together, but not like the SOG pics above.  Big problem with auto's for novice growers is that any stuff ups early on will dramatically effect yield.


Wish I could suggest a better solution, best of luck :peace:

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Thanks all for your help, I really appreciate it. Some people just tell me to read the site, but I have eye problems which make reading online problematic.


I've decided to take the two-fold approach of sourcing from a few people I trust as well as growing my own. 1/4 pound sourced for the time-being plus setting up my own garden :). If it doesn't work, so be it - at least I gave it a shot.


I have a garage that I can use to grow the weed.


- I guess a garage is more prone to problems (pests, disease etc.) than inside, right? I suppose I could convert one of my bedrooms to a garden, but I'm scared of burning down the house...


- What happens if I have a tenancy inspection? Is disassembly etc. difficult?






Check out my order, which is attached! :) Wish me luck!




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You can use smaller containers too, and get them closer together...

Issues like lack of drainage aside the most unbelievable thing about that grow is someone willingly bought that much pepsi lol


Thanks all for your help, I really appreciate it. Some people just tell me to read the site, but I have eye problems which make reading online problematic.


I've decided to take the two-fold approach of sourcing from a few people I trust as well as growing my own. 1/4 pound sourced for the time-being plus setting up my own garden :). If it doesn't work, so be it - at least I gave it a shot.


I have a garage that I can use to grow the weed.


- I guess a garage is more prone to problems (pests, disease etc.) than inside, right? I suppose I could convert one of my bedrooms to a garden, but I'm scared of burning down the house...


- What happens if I have a tenancy inspection? Is disassembly etc. difficult?






Check out my order, which is attached! :) Wish me luck!

Get yourself a grow tent.  They're easier to set up than most camping tents and come down easily enough too.  They never fold up again tightly though so make sure you have somewhere like a closet to store it during an inspection.  Also provided you have adequate airflow the chances of a fire are slim to none but if the paranoia gets to you there are automatic extinguishers that you can hang from the roof which will bukkake the room in fire retardant within about 0.2 seconds of getting toasty lol

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Garage is fine, I grow in a garden shed but would prefer to use a garage.  But you just need to create a controlled environment which is effective at keeping external pests and light out, and smells in, with good air exchange.


As for rental inspections, that's why I use a garden shed instead of in the house or garage, it's my space and they have no need or right to look inside it.  They've never looked in my garage, but aside from me using it as a car workshop I can't rely on them never doing it.  Whether you want to risk it is up to you based on your prior experience with the agent.  If you use a grow tent, and a flexible setup such as pots with soil or coco, disassembly is not overly difficult, but it is still time consuming and you need somewhere to hide the plants, and the smell if they are in flower, so plan ahead.


You're doing the right thing, but it's still illegal, and your situation will not stop them coming after you, unless you know the right people and are an ex cop, so be thoughtful and careful.


Put some thought and planning into your setup, and buy decent gear (do not buy anything branded Growlush, and ask if brand isn't stated as it probably will be).  You've got a couple of weeks before seeds arrive, so use that time to make sure you know what you're going to do, and how.


Best of luck

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yes thats all mostly true, but according to the pointy end , where, apparently, cancer is being cured , 


it MUST be oil  and


it MUST be ingested , or used topically (for skin cancers and the like)


They say smoking it (while most enjoyable) will NOT give the medicinal cell-mutation fighting properties that are needed for more difficult ailments, like cancer.


I read the everything I could find on this , especially at Rick's site


as I had a good friend with a very big tumor on his neck, facing a tough prognosis.


I must say that, while I believe these properties can be utilised, 


its NOT a sure fire thing. . . an inexact science.


Sadly, no amount of ingested oil or buds smoked could save my friend, who had to endure a very very nasty  final period.


I say this, only to provide the balancing view as well.


I hope you find some success with this treatment . . all the best.

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