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Government medicinal cannabis bill to be tested in Parliament

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That's really a separate issue from what stiritup420 was arguing.


I have no problem with a person or a company using PBR if they have spent the time and money developing a new, distinct, uniform, and stable variety of Cannabis.

Yes I realise it is separate. I was just correcting a statement he made.


No I haven't a problem with it either. There are some massive players in plant breeding, especially in the US, Holland and I think Israel. i expect them to involved when cannabis finally becomes legal. With increasing knowledge about what leads to different effects in cannabis expect companies like this to investigate and breed for specific traits.


Anyway sorry ot take the thread off topic.

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How politicians change their stance when they see $$$ to be made and will regulate it with a iron fist....


Only the Government and big pharma will benefit developing synthetics from it....

Edited by lookinggoodguys
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This bill gives control to the TGA, who will not allow "raw" cannabis to be used, only pharmaceutical extracts. It is just a sneaky way to look good while giving the money and control to big pharma yet again.


Exactly. This bill is a bad thing.


Cannabis is a state matter not federal and should stay that way. Qld, Tas and Vic have already taken steps toward legal use and supply and other states are considering similar actions. This bill is just the fed Gov stalling any state trials or supply while they hand medical cannabis to the TGA and big pharm. The last thing we need is this bill.


:peace: MongyMan

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That article makes it sound good.


" Under the proposal a national licensing and permit scheme would be established for supplying medical cannabis "


From what I understand it is going to be 1 or 2 pre-arranged companies who will have the license to grow and manufacture and Pharmacy will be the only people permitted to sell it.


That's the Scheme or should we say scam

Edited by Stiritup420
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There is a little info out there about it but not a lot.


Pharmacies will register to sell it if they choose so possibly not all will.


I don't think it will be classed as a pharmaceutical as it contains many different components of variable potency and actions, depending on its origin, preparation and administration. There would not be a single product that fits all or a perfectly safe dose for the whole population.

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It's great news for the sufferers of pharmaceutical resistant illness, and if trials are successful, could see MMJ available to patients in the not too distant future here in Australia. Ofcourse, recreational use will not be legalised under the proposed bill, but it is progress, and something we can all celebrate.

My question to all, what will be the next stage for us, as members of the Cannabis community, moving on from the successful introduction of medical cannabis, into modern Australian society?

Do we focus on pushing for the allowance of Cannabis as a social drug, or is there another sector of our community that can benefit from an altering of current cannabis legislation?

I think there is one sector of society that could also benefit from a change in legislation, and that's our farmers. Drought is destroying the livelihoods of many in our rural communities, crops are failing, livestock is dying, suicide rates among this sector is rising.

If the government legalised hemp, for the production of bio fuels, textiles and building products, it would give these struggling farmers an opportunity to raise an alternative cash crop, which in turn will benefit their struggling communities, create employment across a broad range of industries, improve the soil structure of land that is currently devoid of life, boost our national economy through the export of hemp products, help reduce the impact logging is having on our endangered species of wildlife, reduce our nation's carbon footprint on the planet, the list goes on and on.....

There's really no time for the government's to ponder on whether hemp should be legalised or not, our planet is dying, fossil fuels are rapidly depleting, the hole in the ozone layer is widening, in essence, the human race is slowly killing itself, aswell as destroying it's home in the process.

Cannabis can cure the sick, bring relief to the suffering, and improve the health and well being of every individual, Hemp can do similar, but for the planet we call our home.

Cannabis is an amazing and unique plant, the cannabis community is full of amazing and unique people, isn't it about time we created an amazing and unique planet with which to reside in?

Thanks for listening, I'm Burner, and this has been a wereboredandmasturbating production... lol

I agree. this is great news. The wording in the legislation, Im led to believe, is very useful. "Difficult and terminal medical conditions...."

Mental health is a "difficult" medical condition. I think an individual will get to "state their case". Their testimony in corroboration with an improved medical condition by a GP (etc).

However, this is all speculation still; a functional model aside, the laws still need to be formed and implemented at a state level. ATM, the only thing that has really happened is that the Fedal Govt has found a way of differing responsibility to the state governments, sighting MJ's medicinal value the state govenrments are invited to employ this Law any way they wish, eg WA may do nothing, Vic say they will and NSW have already started. I think this is still mostly on the drawing board. Its up to ... us really to do something about it.

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I don't think there will be much consideration for mental illness. Most still believe cannabis is linked to mental health issues.


Also it's only going to be tinctures etc that are available. So mentally I don't think they will have that much effect.


Tinctures aren't something I have much interest in as a recreational smoker.

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