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weird eggs on underside of fan leaves

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Moth of some sort, I see them on outside plants all the time.

You should kill them- egg hatches to larva/grubs (caterpillar, what ever) they munch the shit outta your plants until they grow to their next stage, cocoon to moth (or similar).


If they liked your plant enough to lay eggs, they will probably like the taste of the buds too.


not sure on best defence tho.

Edited by Matanuska Thunder
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Moth of some sort, I see them on outside plants all the time.

You should kill them- egg hatches to larva/grubs (caterpillar, what ever) they munch the shit outta your plants until they grow to their next stage, cocoon to moth (or similar).


If they liked your plant enough to lay eggs, they will probably like the taste of the buds too.


not sure on best defence tho.

Thanks me lady! There has been a lot of moths about recently.

And there are a couple of slightly eaten lower leaves so I may have missed some early on.

Be keeping a closer eye now on :)


hang up some moth balls / spread round some naphthalene flakes.

Cheers jester, I'll have a look for some in bunningz next time I'm there :thumbsup:


just remove em by hand

maybe get some sticky traps to see wats really about

Cheers Tig. Already removed the offending leaf and didn't find any more. sticky traps. Done! :good:


Thanks me hearties


Edited by cap'n yNg
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