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Unhappy seedlings 5 weeks old - need help bad

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Hi everyone,


I have a batch of youngsters which are showing signs of problems. They've been going quite well but in the last 4-5 days I've noticed that new growth has gone an almost fluro bright green .. Pictures hopefully show the story better than I can describe ..they started in small rockwool cubes and I moved them successfully to 3" cubes which are now pretty full of roots.. Some of the cubes have developed a dark green colour on the top of the cube..


They have been under compact fluro and I've been feeding them .. I thought .. gently with cloning nutes.. It's possible I've used too much as it's a new brand I've never used before.. It's also possible I've kept them too wet..


Would appreciate any thoughts :)








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considering the limited info you give on enviroment, PH, EC watering rates  etc is bloody hard to say whats causing the problem

i can see they look like they been thru plant hell, and back again lol ... sorry iz kiddin'


yea its too much water IMO and prolly rootbound worse than Bob Marleys dreadlocks just like Mattanuska says


hope they improve Musha as i know you can grow some incredible shows in the past and im sure you will feel it all come back to you with this run, best o' luck with them mate

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Thanks Matanuska and Wurlie, I'm feeling a bit rusty after a 7 year break. hopefully you're right and it will all come back to me!

You're right! It wasn't a very good description of the conditions so I'll give you a quick run down:

They were recently moved from my cupboard based cloning chamber, where they were sitting on a heat mat in trays under 2 x 2ft fluros... the ones Ive always used.
I've been feeding them cloning / seedling liquid nutes added to the rockwool cubes in the trays.
They were going great-guns until about a week ago, when they began to develop the curly leaves, and weird bright green colour which seemed brighter than I'd seen before in rooting babies.

Perhaps error #1 was I did not check my pH... But they did not seem to have a problem... so i thought it was ok

Perhaps error #2 was keeping them too wet, combined with potentially overfeeding with the new nutes.

All that said I've now moved them to the new vegging room I've been working on. It is 3x2m x 2.5m high. It's lined with panda and has a ceiling fan to circulate air and remove heat. Air in is via a duct bringing in fresh air. I also have 2 x pedestal fans which rustle the leaves nicely... I'm thinking airflow is good.

Temps are around 24c daytime, and around 19c first thing in the morning. RH is stable at 35% I'm thinking this is a bit low....

Lighting is now a 600w HPS in the vegging room.

Potential error #3 is that they're still sitting in 3 inch rockwool cube which are now very populated with roots.

For the last two days I've been giving then only light feeds of plain water with a dose of Oxy Plus.

I've now discovered that my pH was 7.6 which I've brought down to 6.0

The plan for tomorrow is to take the plastic off the 3" cubes and put them into 6" net pots with clay balls. The net pots will go into my old design aero tubs in the freshly completed flowering room.

Detail of what goes on in the flowing room will be recorded in my new grow diary. I really hope they snap back once they get into the aero system.

Any advice gratefully accepted. While I have some great grows under my belt, it HAS been 7 years since my last grow and I'm making noob mistakes like not checking the bloody pH... And I think wrong pH can cause nute lockout so I think a light foliar feed may be in order. Don't want to make anything worse :(

So... Tomorrow's the day they hit the aero - can't wait :)

Thought I'd include a sneak peek at the flowering room..       post-6261-0-69136800-1405007111_thumb.jpg

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Sad to be posting in this topic again but I need help..


I the flushed the system again and let it run 36 hrs on Ph 5.6 plain water with 10Ml of Oxyplus in each 54ltr tub. Most of the plants seemed worse for wear, so thinking it may be underfeeding I did another entire system flush and reset the system with fresh vegging nutes (B.A.C. "top flower Grow") 3mls per litre and EC is sitting on 1.2-1.4 in all tubs.


Added 10mls of Oxyplus (worrying because it was an opened bottle, stored well but for 7 yrs) in burnt my finger so I thought it would still be ok.Thisx is the only not brand new item in the grow.


Have also been using a liquid hand shield called Jungle Brolly ... again worrying that this has partly washed off when I have my hand in the tubs ... never used it before .. very effective for protecting the hands but I'm worrying it may be in the mix and somehow coating roots.. or causing problems.


Hope fully the following pix will tell the story, but in case it's not clear, leaves seem to be drying out // turning brown oin patches, ends are curling up and dying .. even the new growth which has pretty much stopped, is showing weird leaf curling /folding ... leaf tips are going yellow and curling .. it's beyond me... temps are 22c Rh is 55-60%. All the plants are getting good air circulation via the pedestal fans and the air in/out is good.


Praying someone knows what should be done... I'm thinking it could be these untried nutes from BAC (they're a Dutch company and my hydro shop guy says they're good ...?)


Seems to me that I have covered all bases but I'm not seeing results...can anyone help me please?












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Have you checked the calibration of your PH meter?  Have you tried adjusting the PH range up a little to see if this strain prefers it?  Have you checked the roots?  Made sure your nute temps aren't too high?  Have you given it enough time since the flushing etc to make sure it's not just the old already damaged growth being effected?  Checked for pests?


If everything's groovy it might be worth trying different nutrients, but BAC have been around a while so they should be okay unless you got a bad batch.  Hope you get on top of it soon, I know how stressful it can be when your babies aren't happy.

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Have you checked the calibration of your PH meter?  Have you tried adjusting the PH range up a little to see if this strain prefers it?  Have you checked the roots?  Made sure your nute temps aren't too high?  Have you given it enough time since the flushing etc to make sure it's not just the old already damaged growth being effected?  Checked for pests?


If everything's groovy it might be worth trying different nutrients, but BAC have been around a while so they should be okay unless you got a bad batch.  Hope you get on top of it soon, I know how stressful it can be when your babies aren't happy.

Heya SIr Psy :) thanks fo the reply... all really good points you make


Yes, checked the calibration of the Ph pen with an old manual "match the color" set I had. Also recalibrated the old Ph pen at the beginning of the grow but it was good to see it was pretty much spot on.


I did do a Ph change as a test - all tubs were sitting on 5.3-5.5 and I brought that up to 5.8 .. they haven't done any better... looking back on my old grow diaries, I have pretty much duplicated everything  this time.


Nute temps are stable at 24c


Not sure if I let them sit flushing for long enough .. The roots are nothing like my prevous grows .. well, they're trying but parts have a little brown showing so I tried adding the Oxyplus during the flush .. no real improvement in their appearance. SInce my last post I have been frantically researching and have found that the Oxyplus I'm using is likely expired... it's 7 years old and coz it burned my finger a bit I figured it was still ok.. so I'm currently debating whether to get fresh Oxy or go the Root zyme route..

I also found out that Oxy effectively neutralizes additives like megabud so my plan was to use the Oxy thru the grow until the final 3-4weeks of flower, then switch to Root zyme and budding supplements... any thoughts greatly appreciated.


Yes, checked for pests and found none.


I decided that even though none of them were in great shape, it would be prudent to grab some clones,  which I did last night from all 11 of the older plants. Hoping my cloning thumb is still a bit green :)


While I was taking the cuts I also cut away lots of the dead leaves, the dry parts of other leaves and generally lollypopped all of the the... will post pix later tonight.


So yeh, everything should be groovus maximus... and I'm thinking the culprit is the nutes themselves.  Spoke to a few suppliers over the last few days and also did quite a bit of comparative research into the ingredient levels in the BAC vs the levels specified in the nutes I used to use ... Amsterdam Indoors.. always knew it was a generic nute with a pretty label .... but it worked .. and it worked well .. so it's now out of production but after lots of cross referencing found the generic Amsterdam Indoors was actually Dutch Fest .. it has pretty much the same composition, so biting the bullet and switching nutes ..


The plan tonight is to flush once again ... get rid of the BAC, old Oxy etc and replace with the new... I thought about letting them run on plain water for a day or two,  but I'm thinking the plants probably need the feed  :unknw:  .. anyone have any thoughts on this? they'd be very welcome

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