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I'll think about guerrilla growing once I figure out how to germinate seeds properly and getting the plant to sprout & achieve vegetative state, once I get to that point I'll get the plants off my property .


Until then I have my own hurdles to face, & FYI billygoat "get off your arse" - I'm already off my arse working 40 hour weeks, ontop of that trying to balance time with family and friends, going out all the way into the bush to take care of a few plants I hardly have the time for!


So in the meanwhile once my babies hit vegetation then I'll transport them.

Stop giving me grief, start giving advice to a fellow grower!

 My advice is, if you can't give them proper attention then you shouldn't be growing. You will most likely cut corners on the small things and have your crop die.. or worse get caught. Not trying to be offensive, just honest :)

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We'll I don't think not growing is an option, and neither is cutting corners.

I wouldn't have the need to grow if I had connections that knew what sort of strains they were getting but seeing as though I don't have those connections I don't see another option.


I think my plants dying one stage or another is inevitable but it's all a learning curve for me and at the end of the day no matter how long it takes I will eventually get a plant to full maturity!!

Pretty dedicated to making that happen.

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World war 3 would happen mate!


1: I'd recieve a massive lecture

2: probably get the cops called on me to be taught a lesson

3: probably get a criminal record & ruin my life

4: find the best connection I can and smoke a whole lotta indica!

(I'd much rather a sativa but last thing I'd want is a cerebral buzz thinking about my life) lol!




Good luck with that then.


There's some sound advice in this thread. I suggest you heed it if that's the risk you're running. Yes, we all take risks by growing, but if we're smart, we minimise those risks. Growing under the nose of your parents doesn't sound like risk minimisation to me.


Just my two cents.



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Your parents will cop all the shit if the cops find out, it is their property and they will be held responsible for what is on that property, legal or illegal.


And you have to grow more than one plant if you want a female. Unless you are buying feminised seeds from o/seas. Then that opens another window for getting busted.


Because going on what you have written you really don't give a shit what happens to them (parents) if the police find out.

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Thanks for the advice guys!

What if I miraculously got my parents permission to grow a plant, the neighbours would never know due to visibility from outside the backyard in is low.

What would be my chances of getting busted then?

Or having my crops outside the boundary line of my backyard?

(I also have ideas about a possible hydro location however I'm wary the space might be too small :( I'll post photos up later and perhaps create another thread for opinions on that matter)

Thanks again - peace!

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