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Facebook group - Australian Cannabis Law Reform

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Hi everyone,



I realised recently that there are not any real facebook groups supporting changes to current cannabis laws in Australia. At least none that I could find. Although polls have shown that most Australians are generally supportive of less prohibitive laws, it seems like most cannabis users themselves are not very vocal in their politics. For such a large underground community I would like to see us represented with a larger and more unified voice in the public arena.


I created the facebook group in the hope of spreading more accurate and scientifically valid information about cannabis to counteract the ridiculous amount of propaganda most people encounter. I thought it would be good for people who are 'in the closet' with their cannabis use to still be able to take a political stance toward prohibition using their facebook identity without necessarily associating themselves with actual cannabis use - which many of us are discriminated against because of. It can also be a useful tool for educating friends or family etc indirectly by sharing infographics or articles which I will post regularly. It is not a pro-cannabis group as such, but rather an anti-prohibition group.


I don't think that law reforms are realistically going to happen on a national level, but there are benefits to having a unified online voice regarding a topic which is important to so many Australians.


If you have any comments/suggestions I am eager for feedback.



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what i mean is; an 'underground community' by definition is "underground" because it does not want its activities illuminated, highlighted, or published world-wide


faceborg is a social media site with over one Billion users


so me thinks why the fuck would members of an underground community want to become acquainted with over one Billion people


imo = in my opinion


iam truely sorry if you cannot understand me , but as some people suggest dont even try to understand Frazz as he is a raving luantic


please dont ask me to explain myself any further on this topic as it is very exhausting and exasperating



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There is already L.E.A.P Australia " Non profit gov entity to decrim n legalise supported by law enforcement, polititions, lawyers and judges to support this, there is also decriminalise marijuana in Australia.. The Australian sex party is a big supporter and has had dealing with leap and are on the same page about views on reform.. Loots of new facts supporting its many uses and news. Check it out when you got 5 if u like..
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imo...another side of this coin..

I joined and I like the initiative that salpon has undergone. I'd be interested to see how big the numbers get... I agree Faceborg is a bit of a monster, but it is a tool.

It can help provide a "mainstream" guage for support as well as help break down the taboo (which isn't really a taboo). Facebook is the obvious way to get people on board and create a wider forum to advocate for change in a much larger community. Makes sense to me.

I had a look around FB and all the cannabis law causes were american, and I didn't find LEAP or the Sex Party. So I think if anything I'm surprised it hasn't been done already. Good luck with it

Do we wanna get this shit legalised or what? :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the variety of responses guys.


I don't think all underground communities are that way by choice. I would prefer to see cannabis use accepted more publicly, especially for the many people who could experience genuine benefits from medical marijuana.


I don't personally know many people who use cannabis so perhaps I do not feel such a strong tie to the community and haven't been initiated into the 'underground' mentality. I am lucky to have several friends who generally support my right to partake, although they do not themselves. I don't feel a strong need to hide. I am open and honest with my doctors about it. I smoke in public, on the sly. My parents are okay with it although they don't like it personally. So maybe because of all that I don't have the same fear of drawing attention that many others may do.


'Australian Cannabis Law Reform' has already liked LEAP. We like what they do. We have also liked a few other related organisations or groups.


I also think there are good arguments for legalisation rather than decriminalisation so I wanted a facebook page where supporters of either, or neither, or something else entirely, can come together. I am interested to see if the page takes off.

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