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Growing soil and nutrients

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I got some Osmocote plus organics vegtable and herb mix (contain compost manure blood & bone seaweed and fish) had to get something really quick at bunnings as a temporary solution until i find a good alternative.

Could someone recommend a good soil and nutrients for an indoor grow.


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I had a look at the mix online... looks pretty good for a potting mix. Apart from adding some perlite (which I would do for any propriety potting mix, it doesn't matter how expensive... they all compact over time), I expect you will find the plants require potting up before they require feeding.


For indoor I'd actually suggest you leave the soil of outside and get some coco and coco nutrients.

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If you have already begun in soil (potting mix), then yes, stay with soil until the end.


I suggest coco indoors over soil as it is less likely to bring nasties (pests and diseases) into your grow room, growth rates are considerably faster, it's bloody hard to over water, you can grow a larger plant for the same pot size, and it is a damn side lighter than soil. These are some of the benefits that come to mind immediately.

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Really appreciate the info, i honestly don't know a thing about coco or nutrients at the moment I'm more worried about giving the 1 plant i have atm enough light and the proper environment

I won't be able to order the grow lights for a while now

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you wanna be careful with commercial soils. they're often a vector for pests, especially fungus gnats.


Definately. And they will cause problems for your plant.


Louise said:

For indoor I'd actually suggest you leave the soil of outside and get some coco and coco nutrients.


Couldn't agree more.

Outdoor soil is great and produces some tasty nugs, but you gotta keep on top of those pest probs or you get mold with some bud on it. :tantrum:

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