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Lukes next grow...

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Alrighty then! Let's do an update shall we?


I'd planned to do a small tipping demonstration for you all, but unfortunately the picutres didn't come out as well as I'd hoped. Jugglinga camera, a magnifying glass, a cf for lighting and the plant itself, I guess it was just too much really.


Ahh well, I'll include some of the less disastrous looking shots, so as some of the newbies can get an idea about tipping. I've used my bonsai scissors for this particular operation, but cuticle scissors, fine point hairdressing scissors, or at a pinch, (get it?) you fingernails. (note: if you do use your nails for tipping, ensure they're spotlessly clean. And particularly if you're a smoker, as this is a prime vector for Tobacco Mosaic Virus, and many other nasties, to get into your plants. So clean your hands!)


But before I show the tipping shots, I'll show a few of the plants on the 26th, before tipping was done. :D This is a pic of the first BW seedling...


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Here's the other BW seedling, there is more to come later on this seedling in this update.... Not necessarily good news, but not necessarily bad either... Could be very good actually, but we'll have to see... :D


Now that you're nice and confused, I'll just show the two shots from this time period, and get back to this seedling and it's "issues" ::D: later on. :)


Edited by Luke Skywalker
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Right, let's look at the DP Purple stars shall we? These plants are all being deliberately kepts small, as I'm keeping them as bonsai mums hopefully. I'll be able to flower out one or two of the mum's clones at any given time. :D


Here's the first one. At some stage, this plant has either reacted badly to ferts, or hasn't gotten enough. I tend to think the latter rather than the former, as it was bloody hot for a while there. We'll have to see. They seem to have perked up since, and are growing okay now... hmm, mayhap it was just the trasplanting that did this. Sometimes it just happens.


Anyway, here's the shot. :D


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