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Canna Terra Professional and seedlings advice

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Hi there,


How's it going? Just looking for some advice on the best way to start seedlings. Was going to use Canna terra pro but have read comments about it being too strong to start seedlings off in and getting nutrient burn, some say its ok. Was wondering if anyone has any experience with this, and if true what mix\brand is the best way to start them before transplanting to canna terra?


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



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Cool, appreciate the feedback Brick. Is it OK to just grow from a big pot then as I'm doing a mini grow? Also, Canna Pro, is it correct you don't need to add any extra nutrients until about 4 weeks or so as its already got what it needs? Any and all info about growing in this I'd like to hear as I've never used it before.



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hey joddy i have never used canna terra but in my experience in coco or soil you are better off starting off in small pots and working your way up. the reason being is large pots with a small seedling in them dont dry out real quick and it can cause all sorts of complications. dont get me wrong it can be done and some people swear by it saying that not transplanting is better. but i go with small pots so i get a quicker wet dry cycle and that in my opinion equals healthier roots
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I like to start them in smallish pots first, get good root developement then go to an 8 ltr pot. When the little round first leaves start to lose colour then it is time to start feeding nutes. Not every water, every second water I add nutes. I spose you could start direct into 5 or 8ltr pots. That is just my method.


Put some mix in a pot, dry, lift it up feel how heavy it is, add water until you get some good run off then lift again, feel the difference in weight.


I also start feeding half the recommended dose on the bottle. increase as the plant gets bigger. Just take your time, less is more.


It is a super potting mix though. Well worth the extra money.

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The seeds I just started in Canna Terra Pro look great. I really like the stuff.

It seems to have a bit of coco in it too. Or some sort of fibrous material that other cheaper mixes dont have.


edit - I just thought of something. Brick in your post you say its PH Neutral, if you mean its PH is 7 thats not correct. The Canna Terra Pro is listed on the product as having a PH of between 5.5 - 6.5 and I found it stayed very stable at around a PH of 6 while dosing with Canna nutes PH'd to between 5.5 - 6.5. This product also has a decent amount of nutes in it so yeah you should be all good for 4 weeks.


There is another product that they sell called Canna Terra Pro PLUS, this one has no nutrients in it and perhaps this one has a PH of 7 Brick?


Another interesting thing I noticed is that in all the info Canna has for this product they suggest you keep the soil in a PH bracket of 5.8 - 6.2 which from what Ive read is normally what you'd use for a hydro setup and soil would normally be between 6.5 - 7.5

Edited by fishburgr
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Yeah fish correct, that's the one I use pro plus. Sorry Joddy hope I did not give you a bum steer there. My ph was/is always around 6.8-7 which is supposed to be ideal for soil grows. And it does contain coco choir but not a lot. Anything under 6.5 for soil is too low.
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