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in my opinion if you are going to smoke it yourself then water cure it.

if you are going to sell it then do exactly what jack said :smoke


water cured buds will weigh less have less smell/taste but the upside is they will be more potent and you wont be smoking harmfull carcinogens. also if you water cure you dont have to flush before you pluck. so there is an extra seven days of nutes for the plant to power along and give you the maximum yield. you can have the lot cured and dried in 9 days. forget about weeks!!!!

just take you freshly choped buds and submerge them in a container of water. no need to dry the or anything. thay have to be under the water, so use something to hold them down for the 1st few days. you will want to change the water every day. then after 7 days of soaking out all the water soluble shit (clorophyll, salts n shit) leave it to dry for a few days and then you can smoke rite away. if your woried about loosing trichomes in the water then strain the water with a coffe filter or some micron rated mesh. but i dont that you will loose enough to worry about anyway.


good luck :thumbsup

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I would never ever soak my buds in a bucket of water after harvest, nor would I reccommend it to anyone, also by not flushing your plants you ARE smoking many heavy metals and minerals.


Your water method in my option would totally fuck large buds with mould within a few days after taking them out.


The only method (besides flushing) to improve taste and potency is to remove the sugars out of the plant by using small amounts anaerobic bacteria to eat the green color out of the plant - it will then take on a golden colour and the full aroma of the plant will come out


Hey bro, you would be better off to add ice and make some bubble



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mmmm controversy :D


I would never ever soak my buds in a bucket of water after harvest, nor would I reccommend it to anyone, also by not flushing your plants you ARE smoking many heavy metals and minerals.


say you flower for 60 days. and you flush for 7 days 7/60 * 100 = 11.66

so with water cure can can get the maximum possible yield from your crop. 11.66% ... its not a small number

all the shit you are getting rid of with a regular cure you are doing the same with a water cure. only the quallity of your buds will be better because....

you keep the degeneration of the THC to a minimum. the trichomes are not water soluble so its virtually stoped in a suspended animation phase while the crap is breaking down. the water soluble crap is removed while the THC stays fresh. with an air cure the THC and the crap are degenerating at much the same rate.


Your water method in my option would totally fuck large buds with mould within a few days after taking them out.

just make sure you dry them properly after you remove them from the water. say u hang you buds for a week or two to dry. then u put em in a jar to cure but they arnt fully dry ... mould .. dont have that problem with water cure.. you reduce the chances of mould because you not waiting months for a cure.. its done in a week or two.


The only method (besides flushing) to improve taste and potency is to remove the sugars out of the plant by using small amounts anaerobic bacteria to eat the green color out of the plant - it will then take on a golden colour and the full aroma of the plant will come out


this statement doesnt seem logical to me. 1st flushing .. loss of growth.. no nutes

2nd improve taste and potency .. the longer it takes for the stuff to dry n cure the more degenerated your THC will be. so with a 9 day water cure compaired to a 7 day dry + months cure i know which one i will pick ..


Hey bro, you would be better off to add ice and make some bubble
.... theres allways more than one way to skin a cat... dont feel yu have to do anything in a set way.... experiment... try a water cure with a bud or 2... you decide :smoke
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dont worry mate I will try your method on a few buds. But ive been around for many year and never actually heard of it.


Tell me how does the heavy metals and minerals in hydroponic nutes get removed if you dont flush your plant with straight water for 7-10 days?


Changing the water every day for the last 7-10 days, the plant feeds on the "water only" it uses up any reserves of nutes is has in the plant thus you get a smoke that burns really clean in the cone and does not burn the back of your throat - you allso dont get that morning hydro hangover feeling if you do it right.


How does soaking buds in water removes all the starchers/sugars in green leaves part of the buds?. Only bacteria can do this, and the only way to get that bacteria is by doing lock-downs or sweats.


Ive tried all sorts of bud soaks in the past ie.BRIX PLUS bud soak was a rage about two years ago down in SA. - IMHO I did not like it -


Please explain



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good shit huh :D

im glad i could at least get jack & pickle interested ... two senior members. im glad you guys are at least open to the idea. im used to people laughing at me when i suggest a water cure. but it al makes sence to me. maybe you guys should post your water cure experiments here so we can all see the results & your final opinions on the water cure method. i know you will love the taste :smoke

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Yea, Im not sure at all. :scratchin So would love to hear from anyone who tries this.



The read on that thread is ok, I spotted this

I use a dehydrator so I can process batches quickly.
and like I said quick drying of the buds make em harsh. ::D:

I assume the process he is relying on is osmosis? If so then its only moving the salts nothing else. :P

So yea It could work, but I still cant imagine it producing good smoke. :scratchin


I agree with the knocking the trichomes off. :)

Basically I havent done it so I will reserve my thoughts :P.

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:thumbsup I've been all over trying to find info on this since I first heard about it. Makes perfect sense to me. I'm not going to risk more than a few oz. to try it til I know more. The California commercial growers used this method for years only not using clean water, ditch water- remember "ditch-weed"? I always thought this could work well for somebody who gave a shit. As far drying , once the water-cure is done you should be able to dry it quickly. I made an adjustable dryer that will do a 1/2 lb at a time overnite. Or you can slow it down and take 3 days, your choice. Made it from a 2 cu. ft. plastic tote, a couple metal mesh baskets (office type), 6" personal fan, a dimmer switch and some duct tape and 2 20"x20" scraps of panelling. Fan at one end PULLS the air thru filtered intake and vent in panel directs air towards bottom where it is then left no choice but to go up through the baskets over the top of the other panel, thru the fan and filter mat'l and out the other end. All for $20. I think I can make the water cure work. Thanx fer the info guyz, visit me at: www.oregongreenfree.com thanx, Bill
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