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hey roadblazer,

b4 atempting to use SB make sure you dont have any humidity probs, have great circulation thru your screen,used properly

and she works but a couple of rules of thumb gett plants to desired finished hight, then turn lights off 4 36hrs then on to 12/12 giving them

7 days of normal nutes with out super bud day 8 flush well then

make nutes and add super bud by directions of rate of feeding/system useing eg run to waste..or recyliculated system.

now folling all that and making sure you have great ventalation

you should b very impressed with results just watch em thou cause u may need to support em they can get that heavy depending on strain


i have tried useing it several ways but have found this method best beacuse as soon as u add SB it STOPS all verticle growth and i mean STOPS well best of luck for its expansive stuff so u want to use it right

good luck with it and keep us posted..cheers :D WS

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