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Urban guerrilla grow in Sydney

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Cheers smashed. You always get a laugh out of takin pics and pullin stupid faces haha. Its funny cause you cant wait for the season of growing to begin and when it begins you just want it to be over and done with. Thats why I love the idea of creating a grow diary so when its all over and done with I can come back and have a read through it and really enjoy it with out paranoia running through my mind. Cheers syco
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Hows it goin all. Went to the site again second night in a row since I went alone the first night spooked my self out and ran out. I couldn't be bothered fetching some water from the river so today went again with my mate and brought alone my cousin to show him the beauties. Before anyone says thats a stupid thing to do a) it probably is ahah and B) Ive known him my whole life and his always known whats bein gone about this stuff. So my nutrients which I bought said 15ml solution a per litre, mix it in then add 15ml of solution b and stir again. So thats what I did. Watered about 7L each plant. Since last time I saw em the plants dont look like the problem has got to bad. This might be due to a) the fish emulsions I fed em or B) only rained once that week. Many of you say answer b is bullshit so well leave it as a theory for now. Either way here are some updates. Note my cousin has always been the funny one and thats why his face was covered due to his humor hehe. The two bottom plants are at the hieght of the top plants while having that 1m disadvantage of being on the floor. The church doesnt look to good and the hawaiin snow at the top is doing pretty good to. Bottom hawaiin snow is flying as well as the arjans haze. Probablybecome to bushy together but leave it for now. Acts as good comaflouge from helicopters to. The church looks pretty stuffed but hopefully will recover. And by the way are t shirts were a stupid choice but wasnt really planned.



a schizophrenic rat

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Mornin all, visited the grow yesterday. Had grown a good foot or so compared to the last week. Disease is still there. Still gota measure the ph. The church seems to not be grown but its alright the arjans haze and hawaiin snow on the floor are booming ahead. Seems that they have a few main colas and are just gettin taller. I kinda like that style at the moment. Really looks like a guerilla grow now with all the native plants growing inwards. I would clear em out but i rekon its better stealth especially from the top. Stems look like they got a big boost. The hawaiin snow at the top left hand side looks like it has the woodiest stem with the arjans haze haven the thickest stem. Cant really get a good view of the hawaiin snows in the back. The arjans haze got some big leaves. You can see the one near my head is as big as my head. Cant wait for those heads to be hangin off those top branches. Dont wanna jinx myself but If i can pull this off ill be laughin. Yours sincerely syco





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:xcited: wow them hydro nutes are doing it good , , you should get the lot now , ive never worried about PH in mine in coco , lol, that church if its slowing down could ? be comeing into flowerin g / or takeing a lil longer to recover , top work fella's . :thumbsup:


owe have you been thinking about them big thick buds on the end of them long branches , rain an dew will have them hanging very low , :bongon: .


keep the connie_waterbonsai.gif up to em , it works for me in mi coco 2/3 waters of plain water then 1 nuted feed inbetween , have fun fella's

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Cheers smashed. The church is probably still recovering. Id be expecting the least amount of yield from it at the moment. No pre flowers from any of em so they still got time to get bigger haha. As long as them buds are thick n heavy im stoked haha. Ill be watering more often when I see the buds are on the way. Cheers syco
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Cheers DD, to be honest they could be doin a hell of alot better. But yeah id rather sacrafice yeild for security at the moment. Maybe next year ill try to grow a monster but in all honesty id be happy with an average yeild and since its my first grow by myself i havent really been through the flowering stage and will be happy with an alright amount. Cant really beat fluffy, crystlised bush buds ahah that you grew yourself. haha cheers dd.
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Thanks alot everest, fingers crossed. The pics are abit repetitive at the moment but when its harvest day ill upload 100 pics during day time from different angles, close ups and the lot. Ill also use the woody parts of the plants for fire wood haha at home in the chimney :) haha.
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