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Urban guerrilla grow in Sydney

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HAHA bufo I was assuming there was a high chance he doesnt know what his on about. I was gona buy what you told me to buy but I had forgotten what it was called till i got there. Token he had some coco specifc nutes and canna products but I told him I was growing in coco. He toook me to this stuff called CROWN, probs some bull shit brand but not sure and it had a and b. I bought both and the other part was the flower nutes. He said they are basically the same but said you just pay more for the other products cause of the brand name. I bought the coco from bunnings. Not sure if its hydro nutes I just pressumed it was. Ill have a read of the container when I leave home and I might go and swap it today for coco specif nutes. And token you know how you mentioned soil nutes dont bond to coco fibres that answeres alot of questions so thanks for that. Cheers fellas, syco.
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Went to the hydro store again. Talked to another employee and was told the product they sold me is a product they themselves have formulated. He said it is a hydro nute but does work with coco. He told me he has seen the results but dont fully believe all that shit. But I decided to give it a go. He did say I could exchange it and get some thing else like canna. Hopefully this decision want be one that i regret. Will visit the grow in next few days, do a big flush, test the ph and give some of this nutes. Till then cheers syco
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Hows it goin all. Went to the site again second night in a row since I went alone the first night spooked my self out and ran out. I couldn't be bothered fetching some water from the river so today went again with my mate and brought alone my cousin to show him the beauties. Before anyone says thats a stupid thing to do a) it probably is ahah and B) Ive known him my whole life and his always known whats bein gone about this stuff. So my nutrients which I bought said 15ml solution a per litre, mix it in then add 15ml of solution b and stir again. So thats what I did. Watered about 7L each plant. Since last time I saw em the plants dont look like the problem has got to bad. This might be due to a) the fish emulsions I fed em or B) only rained once that week. Many of you say answer b is bullshit so well leave it as a theory for now. Either way here are some updates. Note my cousin has always been the funny one and thats why his face was covered due to his humor hehe. The two bottom plants are at the hieght of the top plants while having that 1m disadvantage of being on the floor. The church doesnt look to good and the hawaiin snow at the top is doing pretty good to. Bottom hawaiin snow is flying as well as the arjans haze. Probablybecome to bushy together but leave it for now. Acts as good comaflouge from helicopters to. The church looks pretty stuffed but hopefully will recover. And by the way are t shirts were a stupid choice but wasnt really planned.


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