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Seretonin Levels....

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Guest BudWaver

Hmmm..I saw another case where an 11 year old committed suicide and nobody blinked an eye becuase he was extremely unhappy his whole life.......nothing would make him happy...pills....... nothing


In rare cases like this peraps they should have at least tried something else as radical as it is


WC doesnt sound like you were on zoloft...its quite a mild antidepressant...unless of course you were taking 150 mgs or so...


Perhaps you were on a tri cyclic anti depressant...they seriously sedate you and stop you being angry...and generally just lack emotion...zombie like..


But to a degree hardcore mj use and anti depressants just dont mix in my opinion....one negates the other and confuses the brain and it neurochemical responses.....


Anti depressants are overprescribed...its a rite of passage in America...zoloft/aropax is a household name...its sad really to see a nation of pill poppers who are hardline against mj...


But it is western style medicine fer sure...treat the end product instead of the cause...why dont they spend more time finding out why people are depressed....because of the $$ involved in prescribing meds...

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Fair enough mate. It's true, you can write anything up to sound how you like. I'm actually glad I mentioned it. It's a case I often think about.


If it was as you say, and I believe ya; then ya right. Stoning people out to control them was somethingt hat the phsycology world stood accused of in the middle part of last century. With barbs back then, and it was wrong. It can't be any better just using a different drug, same results.




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Budwaver; drug companies are just huge dealers. Get a person hooked on a product, and you have him for life. In fact, the hollywood ideal of a drug dealer, giving away drugs until a person is hooked, and then charging like a wounded bull, is nothing at all like the real world of illict drugs.


But the legal drug trade is exactly like that.


Same as pain killers. They have a habbit of recommending doses much higher than actually needed. Doctors have a habbit of prescribing much less than is needed, because thy're caught in the middle, trying to work it all out. But the drug companies are keen as mustard to have everyone on some kind of regular medication.


The local GP is just the front man for the biggest drug dealers in the world. GPS just get told week by week by their drug reps what to prescribe for what condition, kick backs and junkets are common, and a never ending line of people being introduced to some adictive substance and everyone is happy.


Well, u know...



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Children need a happy house and parents who don't reflect trheir worries upon them. My daughter is 8 years old now and she's always singing and having a great time, eventhough she's an only child, her parents devorced and is playing alone a lot. I guess depression with children has to do with stuff loaded upon them that they can't handle. Avoid that and they're happy.

I also believe that we have to take care what they eat, NO colorants or other chemicals in their food, all those chemicals have a reaction on their mood and that's proven. My kid never got chemicals, only natural stuff also because both her mother and I only eat biological food.

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The local GP is just the front man for the biggest drug dealers in the world. GPS just get told week by week by their drug reps what to prescribe for what condition, kick backs and junkets are common, and a never ending line of people being introduced to some adictive substance and everyone is happy.

Its true that the drug companies court the GP's sending them on junkets, free dinners, movies, lunches etc. I know a fairly large GP practice where lunch is laid on free every single day by a different drug rep. just so they can give a little 10 minutes presentation while they eat.


But, it is not the evil conspiracy to get people hooked like you say. They don't get direct bribes and kickbacks. As you pointed out Doctor's are unwilling to prescribe large amount of addictive drugs, or even any addictive drugs at all. They make no extra money by getting people hooked and in fact it makes their life much more difficult if they start to get a lot of patients hooked on drugs. How would know this yourself Rob from your personal experiences. So it is actually happening less and less. And the reality is addictive drugs only form a very small percentage of the entire spectrum of drugs available, so it really isn't a big issue.


Now if the chemists could hand out these drugs direct, then you'd have a real corruption problem, but thats not the case. We have a system where the person prescribing the drug, the Doctor, does not profit by their choice. And in fact with the strict government regulation we have in Australia they start to come under the microscope if their prescription profile starts to fall outside the norm. Sure they get to go away for free weekends and movies and dinners and shit but thats no big deal. If you have a practice busy enough for the drug reps to pay that much attention to you, you are making so much money anyway that these things are no big deal and will not really influence your decisions at all.

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Guest weekprik

my input in this one is:


If you dont have kids that live with you then you should keep quiet, as you dont have a bloody clue what ya on about,


My 9yr old that is autistic and also has addhd,

He is on Zoloft and has been since he was approx 7yrs old, he also take catapres, and ritalin.


Now before he was on the zoloft he was just a blubbering mess,

People Depression is not caused by anything external, it is a chemical reaction or chemical unbalance in the brain,


The depression that is caused by external things like the home etc is NOT depression, its just the blues and there is a big difference.


I would rather have my kids on prescription drugs than having anger fits, emotional rollercoaster, you know what I mean anyways.


On the other hand My Mrs has been on Zoloft for over 5 years, When she tries to cut down she goes mental, and actually one day ended up in a mental home cause she tried to hard to cold turkey it,

Zoloft and other drugs will not work if its not needed, they repair a chemical problem in your body,

Maybe if zoloft did zombie you then your doctor misdiagnosed or something.

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Guest Babybear

WP thats fuicken scarey for a child that fucken YOUNge , do u know that cause your child been on them for so ling that he will never develove in his brain proper , an would never be able to get off them to quick

NOW dont fucken tell me i know nuffin i have a little bro thats aspergese an adhd an so on . poor kid is gone his mother had skitzofreania.. now he is fine on meds, jsut talks to much an everythin in the world is like the end of the world , NOW i could see him doin somehtin silly

constantely says he hates him self an so on , But its not just the drugs that made him this way BUT he will never function as he allways had Pills controlling his moods an an mind state , .


You know the alternitve stufdf works . like special diaet an so on , My little girl is one of the happiest i see , she allways sings an playing like a normal cild Cept her smartness gets her in trouble casuse she LOVE to push mums buttons,

But if she gets adhd which is god dam possible cause i was an suffer depresions, So did he sperm dad NOW he an his family have mental probs..no i just dont say that cause i hate them..


Zorlof is fucken bad.. it makes you mind dependency an U shouldnt mix weed with any prescribed drug. it wil..ll fuck with your triceptors


My bro almost comited suiside While on zorloft He had no idea what happen , I think the feelin you get on anti depresents is gross, i d be stuck in the bed wantin to throw up most of the day.. now as a mum how the fuck can u do anytin when u feel sick an numb an want o just lay there thinkin everythin is Aok BULLSHIT

u get depresed u let it,, i know when im goin to have a downer an so on an i can prepair for it.ANTIdepresents were just not for me,,,'


Now witht hte children an weed, pi think its wrong to a point , But i have heard of mothers smokin around theire babys when they had trouble feeding them wich would stimilate there hungry , Now if u could take out the bad stuff an leave just the Mae u sleep an eat for kids it be sweet,


sorry ravin been sick most of nite wish I JUst THROW UP AN GET IT OVER with instead of feelin like im about to...


I hate all antidepresents an would never use them or let my child ever.

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weekprik you are wrong when you say depression can't be caused by outside influences. Of course it can. Your kids may have chemical problems, but not everyone's kids are the same as your kids. Also, being aware of sources of stress in your lifestyle and addressing them can often help control chemical depression in confunction with medication. It can be one, or the other, or both.


Any black or white opinion on the operation of the human brain is usually wrong. It is a complex mechanism that even experts don't understand. A lot of these anti-depressent drugs are just used through trial and error. Thats how primitive our scientific knowledge of the brain is.

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Guest weekprik
hate all antidepresents an would never use them or let my child ever.


ok kewl, SO I abuse my children because they are on medication that includes an anti-depressant,


BB I challange you to look after my boy for 2 days on no Zoloft, Ritilin, or Catapres.

I bet you couldnt handle it,


I was so against giving him any drugs at all, but It just breaks my heart watching my son without the meds,

I would rather he has the zoloft etc than seeing the sad shell of a boy that no drugs makes.


weekprik you are wrong when you say depression can't be caused by outside influences.


Oh I was just repeating what 3 different depression specialists have told us, I know nothing of the medical profession but just assumed that 3 doctors telling me the same thing, well I tend to believes them.

I also have spent alot of time researching at the library and on the net about depression,

but hey fuck Ive been wrong before havent I :rolleyes:,



DOM , whats your thoughts??????????

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weekprik you are wrong when you say depression can't be caused by outside influences.


Oh I was just repeating what 3 different depression specialists have told us, I know nothing of the medical profession but just assumed that 3 doctors telling me the same thing, well I tend to believes them.

could it have been that the docs were telling you the issues with your children, not all children?

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