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because you are belting the kid because of your own problems, not theirs. This sounds like your situation with your Dad.

It's not at all. My father didn't belt the hell out of me all the time. He was, and still is, a very highly strung person. I'm the same.

I turned into a monster when I hit my teens, as most do. But my dad didn't belt me up. He has lost it, some parents have, I'm sure.

But he did the best he could, under the circumstances. He's a great dad, and grandad.

He NEVER really hit me for nothing. It was small things he sometimes used to trip at. And his father was a very strict man too, used to be the old "children should be seen and not heard" bullshit.

I now have the upmost respect for my father, and we love each other 100% he'd give me, or anyone else, the shirt off his back.

He is not, and never really was (intentionally) abusive. It was, if anything, the way he'd self destruct that would get me down.

I did not mean to give the impression I was fully belted up, or abused. It was just the way you brought your kids up in those days for a lot of ppl. My mother was opposite. Gentle, quiet. I had a balance, so I was lucky.


And look. There's being smacked, and then there's just being belted. And yes, there is a huge difference.

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Zoloft and shit is fucking bullshit, I was on em for a year and they turned me into this fucking zombie cunt with good manners who was always real nice to everyone. But then I went a bit mad and dissappeared and them things made me go mad, being without them, I didnt think they did shit while I was on them but when I got off em I felt like shit, I sat and cryed like a girl for the whole day and in the middle of the night this security guard got me and took me to hospital and I had shitted and pissed myself. got hypothermia. They used to make me pass out and shit too when i stood up cos I got low blood pressure.
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thats the thing with anti-depressants or any medication that controls a mental condition, people start to feel good and think they can stop taking them, then when they stop they go nuts again and its hard to get them back on. More of an issue with schizo than depression though.


WC you don't strike me as someone who needs anti-depressents anyway. You seem more together than a lot of people I know, which is why you're a good whipping boy. :rolleyes:

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I read an article once where a boy was depressed like the one in your story chev. He'd been through the merri go round of anti-depresants, I suppose the nausea, sleepless-ness, and the sleepiness. Funny both happen huh.


Anyway, they tried everything with no success, until the shrink suggested a touch of hash in some biscuits. I suppose the parents must have mentioned it, but I don't know.


I personally have the idea kids oughtn't use drugs usually. I don't even know if there's a reason for me to hold this view, or if it's just an environmental thing I have grown up and accepted, or what. I havent paid that much thought to it.


Anyway, the hash worked. The kid picked up, and for the first time in his memory he was happy. He was then prescribed it under the medical marjuana law in the american state it took place in, and then was challenged by one and all because of his age. then it was stopped (legally at least)


Funny, we have a society were it's not only ok to put anti-depressants into kids, but it's ok to use experimental ones too. No real way of knowing the outcome short term, let alone long term. But a bit of pot and it's crossed the line. Weird. Excpected, but wierd.


I'm all for using whatever it takes, anti-depressants included. I just thought it was a strange case of standards.


Apparently kids in rustafarian (spelling?) start to use grass early, i dont know how it effects them?


But if it works for this little kid, then why the hell not?


Cheers all.


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Robbieganjaseed, being a late night TV addict I saw a hour long documentary on this case on 20/20 (american ACA).


I reckon it was fucking wrongest thing I've ever seen, and If you had actually seen the boy and not just read about him you would have a different perspective.

The article was presented like this little boy was being saved by marijuana, but in truth he was just too fucking stoned to know what was going on, When interviewed he sounded ridiculous, could only get a couple of words out a minute and couldn't stop using the word "man" and "dude". He ran around like a little fairy and really acted like a fucking retard. fucking crazy shit, Drug fucked 10 year olds is OK???

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