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bought my nutes today :)

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yea check the ip or whatever I dont care, You cunts are too fucking paranoid maybe if you could get a life instead of just being pothead mother fuckers,

this is funny coming from the man who needed to make up a second identity to get someone to agree with him. You did such a bad job of it its hilarious seeing you trying to deny it now.


Oh oops sorry you got jobs have you including drug dealing


you are the only one who talks about drug dealing here mate. You used to call people cops or narks when you got your panties in a bunch, now you call them drug dealers. Real class weekprik.


Urban you helped me out when we first met now you just attack me to look good because pipeman is a wanker and knows fuck all, but You wanna suck him off or something.


thats just stupid. all you gotta do is read some of the exchanges between me and urbanhog in the past to know no one is sucking up to no one. but then again, you'd need half a brain to understand what what said.


Pipeman, I have read every post you have ever written and its funny how its always info I read on another website, WOW THE CUT AND PASTE KING my hat goes off to you. Its apparent that you know absoultly fuck all, take a look at your bloody sad buds and plants mate, and you reakon you got the right to jump on my every post.


fucking hilarious. I have never cut and pasting anything from another website. I defy you to come up with even one example of this. You on the other hand, do it regularly. Funny thing is, you don't even take the time to find good growing advice to cut and paste, you get sales pitches from fucking hydroponic stores.


I never done anything wrong but everytime I post new info just because its not stuff you know, you have to cause dramas.


ah bullshit, you have made over 500 posts here mate, how many posts have I attacked? In the large part I ignore you. If you got a legitimate argument against anything I say about the content of your posts you would say it. Fact is you usually just slink away from the thread calling me a wanker. just pathetic.


I apologise to others who are forced to read the dribble you few speak.


its drivel, you moron.


Ozstoners is going down and its a shame, but its because they make anyone who sucks their cock and pay money a moderator and having Urban and Pipeman as moderator makes me laugh every time,


how many times can you be wrong in one post? urbanhog has been a moderator since before I came to the site, and I'm quite sure he paid no money to do it. secondly, I am not a moderator of the site, ozstoner just gave me some mod options in the FAQ forums only so I could look after that. look at my group description you halfwit, it says 420crew, not 420mod.


you seem to have a chip on your shoulder about being a moderator. Maybe thats the reason why you bullshit and pretend to be an experienced grower because you want ozstoner to make you a moderator? lol. fucking hilarious. mate you got about as much chance of becoming a moderator here as I have as becoming the Queen of England.


Shit Pipeman has paid so many people off to look good on the internet, bloody sad mate ;(

But You win the internet freinds hands down mate, sorry but I have real mates not cyber pals to back me up mate,


paying people off? what the fuck are you talking about you idiot? I have never paid anything to urbanhog or anyone else on this site in my life. Sure I have made some donations to ozstoners, but so have a lot of people here. and ozstoner has had nothing to do with our bullshit flame war, so I fail to see what your warped little mind is trying to get at here


The only reason I hang around here is to help newbies and keep you full of shit idiots inline.


what, like in the "orgnaics is shit" thread? yeah, you really kept me in line, thanks for that. :o in terms of how much you help newbies, have a read of whitecluster's post. he is one of the more experienced growers here, or do you think he cuts and pastes and is a full of shit idiot as well? as i've said before, you don't even know enough to realise you ignorant you are.


the fact that you think Iam someone I have never met is just down right funny, but prooves you guys need to cut down the glue sniffing.


physician, heal thyself.

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In the earlier version of this site, a person's isp was published next to their name, each time they signed in.


We had to stop it, as I stood accused by a series of wankers that attacked our site, as some kind of attempt to have everyone busted.


The whole thing wound up in such a shit fest that I resigned as moderator over it, and we no longer publish isps. And now people can be whoever they like. Hail the wakers, they rule the day.

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hmm i thought this topic was about nutes?


:o im with chronicon on this...pity the poor person that mentioned they bought nutes, this thread looks like an overgrow thread now...


:angry: could we please get on with the discussion at hand?, so...you got yer nutes today, good stuff!! hook in mate, dont forget to tell us how its all going in the future...



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:o Would you fucking cunts get over it already..... Im sure im not the only one getting sick of reading you cunts flaming each other every thread...... JUST STFU AND DO WHAT YOU ARE HERE TO DO GROW SOME BUD AND HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME!!!


What don't both just put each other on ignore list..... Will solve both your problems....


Now onto the thread at hand lol


Has anyone tried ozi tonic nutes? I was going to go dutch master but for some reason I don't like them.


OR anything from a company called AusHydro i think it is?



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Charlie Carp isn't too bad for veg... 9-2-6


WP - I was reading its only 60% Organic and the rest syntheic lol

But yea it doe's seem pretty popular so I might give it a go


I really wanna try this GT Coco but im pretty sure my hydroshop don't have it... Ment to be the best coco coir nute around...


My mate got alright results just using Amsterdam Indoors grow+bloom no additives or anything.



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BUT Iam NOT savage Bliss so I reakon you owe him or her an apology as your out of line.


denial will get you nowhere mate. its over, just accept that you acted like an ass and move on.


I have grown pot outside since I was 12yrs old as my father used to live in a commune in New Zealand,

I do know how to grow outdoors but I DO NOT know how to grow inside, however since joining here and getting clones from SPC I have learnt a lot,


then state your advice as opinions, not as fact. make it clear you are a newbie and this is something you heard or read, like I do, instead of implying you have been harvesting monster crops for years and know what you are talking about.


I also spend alot of time online researching MJ and growing inside, I reakon ive read almost every page on growing on the net,


well you need to read them again. because you still got lots of misconceptions about growing


Pipeman you are as much a newbie as me, and infact the experianced old timer growers wouldnt even be seen in a place like this.


I'm sure Taz, whitecluster, rodwal, stonedas and all the other seasoned growers that come here appreciate that comment.


Pipeman you just rub me up the wrong way as almost every time I post something you jump on me and make me look fucked,


I don't make you look fucked, you make yourself look fucked by posting rubbish then trying to defend it. I won't even bother responding to your blather about organic growing. I can't believe you are still on about this after so many people have tried to get through to you that what you are saying is bullshit.


When I feel I have learned enough Info I bring what I learned to here, trying to help others.


you know what, I genuinely believe you want to help others, but the fact is you just don't have a well rounded enough knowledge to do it. Some salesmen tells you something in a hydro store, you believe it and then come in here posting as if it is the undisputable best way to grow. Its bullshit mate, you need to realise that and continue learning.


I enjoy reading ozstoners and I know I have outcast myself from ranting and speaking shit For this iam truely sorry,


if you show you are truly sorry by changing your ways no one will care about this shit and we can all get back to what this site should be all about that, talking about weed.


I have brought weed from members of Ozstoners, that makes them dealers.


if this is true, fucking low of you to advertise on the boards mate. but, you have proved yourself a bullshit artist time and time again, so the only reasonable assumption to make is that this is pure bullshit.


I wanted to be a moderator but not now, I wouldnt do it even if asked now.


lol...don't worry mate, you were never at risk of being asked to be a moderator. for you to even be thinking about this shows how warped your perception is.


You paid money to ozstoners, shit my 9 yr old knows that means your paying someone off to look good.


again, WTF are you talking about? how does a donation to ozstoners have anything to do with this shit between you and me? and by saying all this shit about anyone who pays can be a moderator you are actually slandering ozstoner. Thats real fucking low mate, even for you.


WC is the man, he knows more than I will ever know so dont flame him ok, unlike you he does actually have a brain, and its not in his shoe.


I'm not flaming him you halfwit, I am pointing out he is saying the same things about you as I am. You say he is the man and he knows about growing. Yet he says you are a full of shit, a faker, don't know how to grow, and give bad advice. How do you reconcile that mate? Are you full of shit? or is whitecluster?


Oh it was a donation to help OS, well a better contribution would be to run in front of a moving truck, make sure its an old one though because i would hate to see a good truck bent.


be a bit careful their WC, I have nothing against you but WILL NOT stand for anyone badmouthing my brotherhood or colours.


I have nothing against anyone other than Pipeman, who Im gonna make my lifetime goal to wheel spin my back tyre on his ugly mug of a head, but good things come to those who wait. and im patient
Pipeman, you a lucky man I dont know more about you, Yet.


now you're threatening people just because of some shit that was said on a message board. how pathetic is that. Think about it weekprik, you speak bullshit, I call you on it, you are obviously wrong and no one agrees with you, and for that you want to kill me? my god your life must be so sad for you to react this way I can't help but pity you.


you have taken this too far weekprik, there is no excuse for threatening members, especially over some trivial shit like this.

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