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Sunday Night - Channel 7 @ 6:30pm

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I guess you guys didn't miss out on the amazing music in the background? :yahoo:

It was seriously like travelling trough Lord of the Rings-Mordor-Mount Doom when they talked about the "bad ass cannabis". But as soon as somebody mentioned something "anti-weed", they were portrayed like saints and the music was all al

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I guess you guys didn't miss out on the amazing music in the background? :yahoo:

It was seriously like travelling trough Lord of the Rings-Mordor-Mount Doom when they talked about the "bad ass cannabis". But as soon as somebody mentioned something "anti-weed", they were portrayed like saints and the music was all al

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Haheheh , Yeh Guro ... good point also.

Music is a very powerful concious (and often unconcious) medium that is often well underestimated. No Doubt.

G'day by the way :)

Um , and Yeh I deduced from the small advert I saw late at night that the story was bias and suspect (especially from the music) , didn't actually catch the segment but from the information available it's the same trivial nonsense as per usual. Out to Doom.

I agree that it is creepy and disturbing ... and very silly lol


Good comments by all ... I'll save my own for next time :yahoo:

Cheerz :)





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I just thought i should point out something, 'Cherie' has been a member on yahoo since 3 days ago, oddly enough just around about the same time the report was aired.


Budstedpothead, those questions you'd ask has no concern to you at all (or anyone else). How is it going to improve your life by grilling someone for those answers? Also, I know many folks that have not raised suspicion with the police, with their decades of cannabis comsumption.


It was a shithouse report, that wasn't worthy of the air time. I'm sure the average joe seen it for what it is. Seriously, some people in this thread need to get a life of their own..


Those questions i would ask have MUCH concern to me, i took up Cannabis activism, i want information wherever i can get it, i lookup read memorise and categorise info from all kinds of sources, from both sides of the story, and many people here would like answers since they keep asking them here.


And one thing i would like to point out, I want the email to send a request for an interview, not a roast

Honestly do you think i am stupid? going out to grill someone won't get you answers it will just get you ignored, they will never want to talk to you if you act like a pissed off junkie.


I love to gather evidence with some ample background and discuss it with NCPIC reps just to see how they will react and document how they react so that i have something to use against them if they have another media day to talk trout.

in fact all the while i was talking to that rep on the phone i was silently laughing all the time, even though my tone remained flat emotionless and objective.

at the end of the day dude if you think i am wasting my time, thank you for your unrequesting opinion, but always remember it's my time to waste.

Edited by Budstedpothead
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Well I like you guys enough to reveal this... I don't usually go telling people all the dirt on me...


I used to be a CHRONIC alcoholic of the worst variety. Alcohol would make me INSANE. I had over 30 charges against me concerning various incidents ALL WHILE INTOXICATED. I have NEVER been charged with any crime when sober. Seriously I was so nutty and out of control when I was drunk, everyone was scared of me.. I never hurt anyone- its important to note, but I went so crazy everyone- police, security, normal people, were like intimidated by me. Seriously I have freaked the shit out of some police before while drunk, I would often end up thrown in those padded rooms, stripped completely naked- thats if I wasn't in such bad shape I was taken straight to the hospital.


At the same time as I was an alcoholic, I also did the drug xanax. Xanax has a very simular effect on the nervous system to alcohol (its also a depressant), so its very easy for an alcoholic to abuse benzo's.


I took a heap of them at one stage- these are legal prescription drugs. Apparently for about 10 days I rambling meaningless nonsense that made absolutely no sense, and I had no memory apparently from one second to the next. I was so completely delirious I was detained in a locked psychiatric ward to straighten out. Have no memory- NOTHING WHATSOEVER of those seven days in the psyche ward.


It was obvious to anyone that knew anything about me, that I was going to end up dead sooner rather than later.


Well the weed was an important part of the process of giving up alcohol. Now I am totally dedicated to weed, and I live my by it basically. No alcohol for 10 years.


Never a single time been in trouble with anyone while stoned. Was lucky I didn't kill anyone (I only got aggressive towards strong people such as police) or get shot by the police while drunk (I had the Adelaide Star Force out on me on one occasion).


If I ever get busted I am going to go to the court and say "Look at my record for when I was an alcoholic, would you really prefer I went back to alcohol? Would rather me as an alcoholic or me as a marijuana smoker living in your community?"


People used to be scared of me when I was a drunk, now a lot of people trust me enough to babysit their children- that's the difference between the poison that is alcohol, and the fascinating plant that is marijuana.

Edited by cybergenesis
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Likely their response will be nothing, they only focus on people who know nothing except the myths about cannabis as they are easy to convince of their lies, i sent them an email telling them the things they don't cover and they don't answer. when your talking on the phone most of the time they just keep interrupting you talking extremely rapidly
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High again,

To Cybergenesis , thankyou for posting a little about your struggles ... I can relate on many aspects of it although maybe not the real depths of it , if that makes sense :)

My Heart rate is still roughly 150bpm (calming down) as I write this ... because of how much I Can actually relate to what you said.


I almost enjoy being an alcoholic because of the sense of , I may be totally fucked up , but I've got a reason , Hell , maybe even an excuse ...

Ofc , that's not the case at all ... Constantly 'fucking up' on the Booze has it's consequences no doubt.

I do this sometimes ... sometimes i feel I should almost be 'committed' also , mostly toward 'cutting down' rather than an Psychiatric Asylum .. but either would suffice I'm sure. lol

(I'll leave the Xanax discussion for another time lol if ya don mind)


For me personally , I doubt all the signs that I may have a problem ... I look at everything else beyond me and see the stupidity , the futility ... the hypocritical actions of a society so deluded ... I see that. lol

But in actual fact , i DO have a problem with alcohol ... as It helps thy mind to fathom so unequivocally the absolute non-sense of everything ... It would probably be best for all if I just took the Pharma-Zombie drugs , ignore the BullShit .. and shut the fuck up , right!? ... I Canna do it , Cannabis is my 'Great Leveler' and nothing else ... If I want to 'Give Up' THEN I will consider taking silly Pharmeceuticals as prescribed (en mass) ... It's simply not going to happen for me. We are all Damned and Blessed and Cursed to know EXACTLY what the fuck we think of the so called 'Status Quo' of society these days ... there is simply no easy way to get around it.


I await better times ... delusional or not , I think that is a reasonable expectation. :D

So Silly , Yet So Familiar lol

Cheerz lol


Budman lol

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I dunno why the indepth post of alcohol struggles/admissions. As I think you'd find quite a few of us have had the battle with the bottle, thoughout our lives. But with saying that, there's not a lot of harm with most people who drink in moderation. Just as long as they know when to pull up.


Though there's an age old saying that rings true. Some people shouldn't drink, just like some people shouldn't do drugs.

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