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Sunday Night - Channel 7 @ 6:30pm

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Another great balanced piece of journalism, isnt it simply hedious?. Poor Benny has fucked his brain on the new 'super' pot that he has been snorkelling down 40 cones+ a day of. Are you fucking kidding me? THE only person who made any objective comment whatsoever was the lady from Oaksterdam University, also she was the only person who offered any credable objective comments during the entire story. Good to see Benny has not lost his motor skills though - he still rides a mean skateboard, (at the age of 36), harden the fuck up Benny! Take some ownership of your own lot in life. Pure bullshit.
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they must be hard up for stories at the moment.. what a load of shit..

that guy does more than pot.. his affects sound more like he was hittin the ice.. wonder how much he got paid.. lol


and what a stella performance by mum, she almost forced a tear.. she reminds me of a junkie on scrubs thats trying to get dr cox`s wife to give drugs or money....lol


and doesnt ben have a very selective memory. he cant remeber mr sheen(john howard) but he can remember when he started smoking and how much he smoked per day and what trouble he caused.. maybe thats all the script told him

thank fuck for little miss hotty yank from the uni.. hats off to you dear.. :) fairly 1 sided though, 1 minute for ,8 minutes against


maybe if ben got a job and didnt get out of bed with the sole intention of getting stoned he might not be so braindead, perhaps a job as a hump in a carpark would suit him...:)


as far as im concerned that guy already had issues and no one is gonna convince me he only smoked pot..

not 1 single study or peice of evidence was shown, just " what this wallyfuck says". nothing more than a few well paid for opinions.. in a court of law that would called here say and disallowed as evidence.. :wacko:


if what they say is true we must all be physco wards.. in actual fact it makes me user friendly.. im a bit hypo and nasty by nature, my adrenalin flows to much...lol pot makes me humanly or socially acceptable.. my wife has told me shed probly leave if i gave up cause im a nasty fuck when i dont smoke, not on purpose i just am. but according to these dooshbags i should be doing the opposite and freaking out on it.

i grew up with a mate who was a schiztophrenic and he was much calmer and in control when he smoked.. when he couldnt, hed be really hard to be around and flipped out alot.. once again the opposite of what "they" say.. lol


finally, whats the go with the " new potent strain".. where is it, gimme some if its so fuckin awsome id love a puff...lol

to the best of my knowledge and according to seedbank write ups, the most powerful buds at present hold only 22% THC content.. now they reckon thats up to 20 times more potent than ten years ago, so do they want me believe that hendrix was only smokin bud with 2% THC content.. haha jimi begs to differ im sure. :(


some of the best buds i ever smoked were when i was 18- 20 y/o some wher out door grown but mostly hydro, but the point being they rival anything around today and infact some of the crap you buy today is no where near as good.. so if any1 nos where and what this new potent starin is please direct me to it.. my guess is that the new strain they refer to is simply hydroponically grown dope as 20 years ago it wasnt done really, was mostly grown outdoors..


what an absolute slop pile of verbal gastric that was.. its a pity we cant sue them for providing false info to the public..

great work channel 7, once again your so far off the money its not funny.. expert journalism there...actually thats suits them well "experts" because what defines an expert is that x is the unkonwn and a spert is a drip under pressure..sounds local modern journalism to me...lol


anyway, im off to smoke 20 cones and become ted bundy.. :doh:

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When the doctor is talking to him about the results of his memory test, the doctor tells him that most of his memory should come back if he stops using these substances. Which means he's abusing other things. His most likely an alcoholic, that would explain the brain damage and violence against his mother.


Anyway, I've smoked weed for 14 years (since I was 13) usually between 2 to 3 grams a day, what's a gram, 12 cones maybe. Hasn't given me brain damage. Well I got an IQ test a few months ago and got 144. The funny thing is I was smashed when I did the test :wacko:.


Cannabis is harmless, get over it!

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Anyway, I've smoked weed for 14 years (since I was 13) usually between 2 to 3 grams a day, what's a gram, 12 cones maybe. Hasn't given me brain damage. Well I got an IQ test a few months ago and got 144. The funny thing is I was smashed when I did the test .


totally agree.. im very similar to you.. been smoking since i was 15 and the same amount as you.. i also did an IQ test last year and scored 139.. i too had been smoking when i did the test... i image most people on here would be much the same..

just goes to show what a load of bollocks it is..


if what they say is true why arnt we all raving loonies that are violent especially since ive smoked for more than six years.. been a daily thing now 22 years.. and i still havnt chopped any 1s head off yet.. actually that reminds me.. i actually did try to take my dads head off with a saw when i was 14...before i ever smoked pot, amazing that...and that incident had nothing to do with drugs, just an abusive arsehole and some1 not prepared to take their shit anymore..but never been violent to any1 that wasnt being violent to me 1st before or since i stared smoking pot..in younger years when i drank, now that was a different kettle of fish.. alcohol and i dont really mix,. so i pretty much dont drink, and you dont need a high IQ to figure out that if somthing makes you behave in an unacceptable or anti-social way you shouldnt do it.. thats just common sense


any1 can be pushed to phsycotic behaviour no matter what substances they may or may not consume.. we all have limits...if it was caused by smoking pot then why has the drugs popularity increased so much over the past 20 years and the cases of schitzophrenia and phsycosises( im sure thats spelled wrong..:doh:) remain stable and in some cases are decreasing.. wouldnt the levels of these cases rise with marijuanas popularity if it was causing this to happen????


its reefer madness all over again.....

cheers :wacko:

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Well said everyone,

My I.Q. score was 212 ... however , I wrote the tests so go figure :wacko:

And I was probably drunk aswell ...


Seriously tho , I can relate to you both , particularly Bbud's post ... this bit especially :

"alcohol and i dont really mix,. so i pretty much dont drink, and you dont need a high IQ to figure out that if somthing makes you behave in an unacceptable or anti-social way you shouldnt do it.. thats just common sense"

Yes , my I.Q. scores have seriously declined since when I invented the test ( lol ) ... as I started drinking for extra escapism points and cognative spacial realization ... So I say "True Story". you don't need an high I.Q. to know what does and doesn't work for you as an individual. I'm a medicinal drinker too btw , might sound funny ... but it's as true as anything else. Problem is there is no cut-off point ... or if there is , It's often not a happy ending. lol

As for anti-social ... well , I don't think I'll bother going there right now (Screw you guyz :) jj)... what Is so great about being pro-social? (or does it entail not thinking about it?) heheh , I'm not being cheeky ... I think ... lol

Having a positive attitude canna hurt as long as there's something to be "pro-" about I guess.


I've never had a 'Night on the cones' and behaved unacceptably as far as I can remember , however ... I've probably behaved so under the alfluence of incohol at least 2wice ... as far as I can't remember lol


Cheerz for the Discussion ...

Yours Psychosedly,


Budman :doh:

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watched that segment on sunday night and thought it was one of the funniest bits of jounalistic bullshit i thinik i may have seen to date.. soo one sided, completeley biased.. that guy they interviewed for starters seemed to be a reall shit stain on society who can only look to blame is problems on MJ(even though he looks as though he has done much worse). it really didn't surprise me that that would be the direction these 'serious' reporters would head though, i mean i noticed that the program is sponsered by the nsw government for starters.. trying to justify the expenditure on the nth nsw raids maybe??? i think so.. pure fear mongery. clap clap for channel 7 and their usual one sided views, if only chris bath got her cans out..we can only dream :wacko:
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On the 7 reefer madness page here http://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunday-night/blogs/...reefer-madness/

under the video there is a "Got a secret? Let us know!" link which you can use to fill out a feedback form.


I encourage everybody to avoid ranting and raving, my feedback was formal yet firm, remember we need to be better than prohibitionists, and anti drug zealots, because how we act towards Channel 7 reflects upon the Cannabis community as a whole, i know i know the story pisses you off because of the fact you know better, but remember when going into political statements to remain objective and try to see it from other possible points of view, we should think about how ordinary people see what we say, if we are vulgar and rude, those that are looking for any excuse they can get to support their corrupt efforts will claim that our vulgarities and anger, are signs of craziness and insanity caused by the fact we smoke weed, not because we are outraged at such a piss poor report that is basically just trying to use scare tactics on a very serious subject.


Remember Prohibitionists allways want to find something wrong with weed and call it confirmable unrefutable evidence that legalising weed is no good, and increasing fines and harsher penalties are the answer, they pretend that ending the drug war with imperialistic tactics is just around the corner IT JUST NEEDS ANOTHER 4 BILLION!!!! yeah sure..


So Cannabis Causes Psychosis, well yeah, but not on a biochemical scale at the very least and it only poses a risk to a very small ammount of people if any, Bens story is just another reason we need to make weed legal, keep people like him from getting a hold of it without knowing what the risks are.

Whether or not his story is fake, it doesn't matter, it's brings up a point that favors legalisation.

He is just lucky that he abused something that had no chance of actually killing him, if it was heroin Rock Cocaine or Methamphetimines he would not be alive.

If the very worst that weed can do is make you demotivated and forgetful that's a blessing, people who fall victim to synthetic meth lab shit don't get that chance.

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