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hothouse skunks

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No worries there Ozzy, definitely enjoying the fruits but no time to sit back and rest yet the second wave are taking shape and with the lovely warm weather and demanding twice daily feeding.


The PPP clones... (30 days in the g/h, 16 since obvious pistil clustering)





And group shots from a few days ago...




And there are 4 more skunks to follow.


lou :D

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Cheers Ev, the PPP might be a once only event.


I had foliage in the fridge but so far haven't been able to get clones to root. I have had a group of 4 clones in a prop box for nearly 4 weeks... they look fine until I drop the humidity and then they droop within a few minutes.


If it's going to be a pain to store and strike later, it wont be growing around here for long.


Solarweave is (I think) similar to the waterproof shade cloth that is starting to come onto the market. It looks interesting but I don't know if it would really provide enough privacy.


Personally I'm more interested in the polyflute, transparent core fluted, polycarbonate. Thinking of turning an old aviary into another greenhouse by lining it with polyflute... the more warm space I have for winter the better.


Lou :D

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Thanks Mullaway and Nitty this flowering season has had (touch wood) few mishaps. Not a great deal for me to do now apart from wait and feed as necessary... no pressure to produce clones or push along vegging plants. I suppose I should turn my attention to the winter root veggies that still need to be sown or not, I might just go admire the ganja some more.
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I cut the last of the large clones a couple of days backand the buds are drying in the shed, internet access is shaped to 7kb/s, so no pics until after the 10th (I'll edit them in later).


The second wave are all looking good. Loving the weather, 25C everyday for the last week with 12- 16C overnight. Soon be time to make some alterations to the greenhouse to accommodate for the lower temperatures at night, but for now the Indian summer continues.


The ppp are really beginning to look the business and all seem to be doing well in the 6 litre pots... was a little concerned that the pots were going to be too small to take them right through flowering, but they look fine.


The groupD skunks are doing surprisingly well too, I had concerns that they hadn't had enough of a veg to make them worth flowering, again I was wrong, they have stretched mightily into flower and are a substantial size for the second leg of the season.


I expect the first 2 skunks to finish end May/begin June and the second 2 to be two weeks later. Not sure with the PPP, they are further into flower than the skunks, but I don't know how long they are supposed to flower.


Inside, it has taken 4 weeks to get roots on the ppp clones from fridged foliage, but roots they have and all 4 look good. I'll do another tray soon, another 4 ppp and 2 skunks, all from stored foliage. I was going to have a break, but seeing as I can flower them in much smaller pots than soil... I think I'll do a few in 1.5 - 2.5 litre pots over the cold months, they should be easy enough to bring into the warm at night.

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Thanks Ev. There really isn't much style involved though, I try and keep the plants coming and keep the growing simple.


Spoke to soon about mishaps... had one plant just coming into flower in a small pot, leaned over t to access another plant rather than moving it and managed to break the meristem and lost the top 3-4 nodes. Damn. Nex up I fed the new ppp clones with skunk#1 feed... much too fukin strong of course, flushed and drained but they still look a little rooted. Lastly got the last of the foliage out of the fridge for clones a couple of days back, some was mould affected so I dumped that and took clones from what remained... got up this morning to a prop box full of fuzzy grey mould.


Okies bleach time for the clone zone and I'll take fresh skunk clones. Looking at the calendar, by the time I have ppp plants big enough for taking clones it will be time to start new strains for spring, so the group recovering from overfeeding will be the last of the ppp.


Expect to replace it with an early flowering sativa dom.

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HI lou lou,


There really isn't much style involved though, I try and keep the plants coming and keep the growing simple.


Aye lou lou u got style - a pity about the extraction/HPS, but 'shit happens.............. :D


Spoke to soon about mishaps... had one plant just coming into flower in a small pot, leaned over t to access another plant rather than moving it and managed to break the meristem and lost the top 3-4 nodes. Damn. Nex up I fed the new ppp clones with skunk#1 feed... much too fukin strong of course, flushed and drained but they still look a little rooted. Lastly got the last of the foliage out of the fridge for clones a couple of days back, some was mould affected so I dumped that and took clones from what remained... got up this morning to a prop box full of fuzzy grey mould.


Aye, mold spores would be on all your fridge stock - I'd look at serializing the whole fridge dumpling the kept stock of cuts and replacements asap.


Were they (mold spores) in the 'bar fridge'?


Looking at the calendar, by the time I have ppp plants big enough for taking clones it will be time to start new strains for spring, so the group recovering from overfeeding will be the last of the ppp.


There is the mature style lou lou "a calendar" - The worst think I did was to shut down my operation for 9 months and started from scratch again - screwed up my fine tuned rhythm & only 12 months later getting on top of matters for continuous grow sequence.


all the best lou lou



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