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hothouse skunks

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Thanks Brick, I surely hope there is some nice bud at the end of this... actually, I hope there is a fair heap, need a fair heap to keep me going through the winter... I'm right bud whore in the cold weather.


I hope autumn is giving you reasons to smile also,


lou :punk:

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At last, breathing space. Harvested the first on the 14th and her branches are hanging in the shed. Expect around 3 1/2 - 4 oz once trimmed and cured.


The others...


Bigguns, flowers are getting heavier and heavier on these...




My autumn xmas tree...




The second batch.... the littlies


PPP clones, 2 clones of 2 seed seed plants... one is distinctly bushier than the other.




Wont be able to fit pics of the newest skunks to join the party in this post... to be continued.

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The new skunks... first are the pair that I shunted out to the hothouse recently... must go and check when that was...




Second two got tied down and kept under the hps until today. I had been wondering whether or not to keep them longer or get them into flower whilst the weather is still nice and warm. I stopped wondering tonight when the extraction fan shit itself, no extraction = no hps = no more vegging for you two.




:) As soon as there is a bit of room I fill it up with another plant or 4.


There are new clones on the go inside, ppp in the crib and more skunks filling out their first pots full of roots. These will be coming out to harden off a bit over the next few days and then they'll be ready for potting up to the next size and I should have replaced the extraction fan so they can go under the hps.


that's about it for now...


lou ;)

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Dried, trimmed and jarred for a week and I have 110 grams... 3 g short of 4 oz off the first plant to harvest.


note - figure does not include what I have smoked between harvest and now, another half oz or so...


I harvested one of the four headed clones today, expect it will produce around the same as the first.


post-20731-1269510470_thumb.jpg post-20731-1269510325_thumb.jpg


The next one on the list... another week or two.




The one after that... middle to end of April.




Then it's on to the second wave of smaller plants, 4 ppp at the beginning of june and 4 more skunks around the solstice.


Inside I have 4 ppp cuts and 2 advanced skunk cuts... don't think I will do a third wave for the late winter, want to do repair/rebuild the hothouse in more durable materials. Even if I did it, would be May before I need think about producing more clones, so it's strictly strain preservation inside for the time being.


I have a little bar fridge coming that I can use for garden products and get the plant hormones, foliage, seed and pollen out of the food fridge. Wont be too soon either, nearly drank nutrient solution instead of cordial today.


Pics of the second wave soonish... the weather can't last much longer, but it has been beautiful in the last couple of weeks and the plants are loving it.

Edited by lou lou
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:D wow they are some fantastic skunk lou lou ,

I have a little bar fridge coming that I can use for garden products and get the plant hormones, foliage, seed and pollen out of the food fridge. Wont be too soon either, nearly drank nutrient solution instead of cordial today.

man it must be knockout smoke if its got you drinking nutrients instead of cordial ! :D LMAO


youre pretty good gardener too lou lou ;)



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