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New to Cannabis

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Weed is great, I too suffer from anxiety (diagnosed, not just a whiney bitch ;)), and it really helps me.


People make weed out to be some massive thing, but it's really not that out of control at all. Everything will just be hilarious, you'll probably want to eat a lot, and you'll get scared of some things just because all your senses are sensing different things to usual :toke:


If it's your first time I'd recommend finding someone experienced to smoke with just to help you through it all, just incase you get a bit overwhelmed. If you don't have any friends who are experienced with smoking pot, just ask someone you know who smokes pot and seems friendly enough. If you just said you were interested in trying, would bring your own bud but just wanted some guidance with it etc, I'm sure they'd oblige. (Especially if you offered a cone or two ;) )



Just relax and take it slow. Smoke a whole cone and then just play it as it goes from there. Chuck on some music, I find it does a lot to help me relax when I'm stoned.

Edited by JaykeSucks
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Smoke a whole cone and then just play it as it goes from there. Chuck on some music, I find it does a lot to help me relax when I'm stoned.


I'd probably suggest taking 1-2 tokes, because you don't know how potent the weed is, could be AK-47 grown properly :)


Take 1-2 tokes, then wait 10 minutes and consider taking another 1-2 tokes etc.


About 20% of people are vulnerable to anxiety or too intense paranoia on pot, which convinces some of them not to do it again. If you start off people slow, they can find their own level of enjoyment and are much more likely to return to the herb :)


I can smoke a lot of dope, and if I let myself go could smoke it continuously all the time :) However I always start off slow. For some reason if I haven't had any yet that day if I smoke too much I get paranoid and anxious from anywhere from 10-40 minutes. However by consuming it slowly, but gradually having more and more and more I find that its right for me.


Marijuana is a drug that can be manipulated to produce different effects, its an extremely complex drug, how you consume it, where you consume it, what strain you consume, if done right can all come together to make the perfect experience.


When I was younger I did a lot of drugs. Marijuana is the best, hands down. Makes you feel great if you do it right, doesn't make you feel sick at all, doesn't feel like your damaging your health, doesn't take control of you instead of you controlling it, unless you have exceptionally poor self control and self management skills.


But yeah things to do when stoned:


* Make sure your in a relaxed environment with no expectations or scheduled interruptions or appointments. Make sure your around people you are comfortable with. Somewhere comfy to sit like a couch is good.


* Music is more enjoyable when stoned.


* Watching a good TV SHOW/ movie can be really enjoyable. Make sure its something worthy of your time though.


* Don't watch a bad or crappy movie as when your stoned, well you can be sensitive to "bad vibes". ALWAYS avoid bad vibes when your stoned, especially if weed sometimes scared you. Most stoners get slightly freaked out occasionally on weed lol


* Make sure you have munchie food. It tends to hit 1-2 hours after smoking, especially when your new- INTENSE HUNGER. You MUST have food in this state or you will suffer. It will magnify the deliciousness of yummy foods.


* NEVER mix weed with tobacco- that SUCKS.

Edited by cybergenesis
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Wow , Great post Cybergen and I couldn't agree more ... :toke:

Jake too.


G'day RedDragon,

As advised ... It can't hurt to use a little caution ... but by no means would I suggest worrying ;)

Best way is just to try it ofc , but It's wize to seek out a little info where you can (Yay Intermenet!) ;)


I suffer from a bit of 'anxiety' myself and like these guyz I tend to find taking it slow often works better for me too ... Nearly everything CyberGen said rings true to me (except the "bad" movies :P , I might get to that later) ...


WIth others , make sure they are your greatest friends if possible ... I preferred smoking bymyself when younger , probably still do but most other stoners tend to be relatively pleasant to hang around with anyway ... (Yay Mardigrass! btw)

(This is tricky , as it was always hard when I was younger to actually get time alone (for the more spiritual and creative sessions ;)) from other tokers ... It's up to circumstance and your own preferences ofc)


Music , Movies , TV , Art , Games , Colours etc etc Food and nearly everything that involves the senses (um , everything?) ...

Will be appreciated in a whole new way , magnified as CG put it it ... accentuated , but not overly surreal.

So try and enjoy something "meaningful" to you ... won't be hard if you appreciate the spiritual nature I'm sure ;)

I've been partaking for a while so It's different perceptions now , doesn't mean that those first experiences won't stick with me as some of the best times of my life tho. ;)


I realize this post is nearly 2months old ... but it's a good topic. ahhh , memories :yahoo:


It's always upto the individual as to how they go about it ... and Like jumping off the diving board it gets easier to understand it each time it's experienced , until It's like second nature :)


I don't see myself as encouraging , so much as I'm being rational about it ... maybe other peoples stories (not mine ofc) can really help others to understand the diversity of approach and appreciation undertaken by others who've been there , in order to help facilitate a better experience for themselves.

Sheesh , that's probably Waaay obvious , heheheh ;)


Cheerz and Enjoy :sick


Budman ;)


P.s. Oh yeah , and there was a reason the :P and lmao abbreviations were coined ... and I'm not sure of the actual roots , but I'm guessing it was because everyone was high as ;) lmao!

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irey guidance. what does that mean?

haha i'd like to know also.


these guys know what theyre talking about dragon, if i was gonna add anything it would just be to put emphasis on starting off small, have one cone to start, see how you feel, if ur content with ur current state then just chill, if u want to go higher then have another cone, but dont get carried away (which is easy to do, even more so if u have dumb ass mates who try and practically shove the stuff down ur throat). I remember a forum member not too long ago was talking about how he was new to smoking cannabis and got hold of a strain called Trainwreck (the name says it all) and 1-2 cones of that sent him into a panicky anxious state, he learnt to take it slow and easy :doh:


so yeh, take it slow and easy, remember that you can control the high if you feel its getting away from you, just by controlling your breathing and state of mind.


All the best in your travels :wacko:




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1. irey

Its spelt IRIE and its a jamaican term for feeling good, happy,cool etc

waagwaan? 'every ting is irie'. not spelt irey.

irie good sweet cool nice


2. irey

Stoned. Under the influence of marijuana.

We got irey off that bud, man!

stoned high wasted buzzed toupay


3. irey

adj. questionable in nature; scary or creepy; uncertain

Walking down that dark alley is sort of irey, man.

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