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THC OIL kills all cancer





Must be ingested, there is very little to no benefit from smoking besides relaxing, smoking wont kill any cancer at all, you must make oil from bud,,not just shake,,,,,,,,and eat as much as you can,,,,,it will start apotheosis in the cancer cells. but if you remain acidic the cancer will never go away,,,,,,,,cancer cant survive in an alkaline environment


also proof


Dr. Manuel Guzmán's research is here

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Personally, if I had cancer, I would get chemotherapy an take hemp oil as well.

One of the most irresponsible things I've seen on this guys site is in his FAQ, verbatim "Should I get chemotherapy as well as taking the hemp oil?"

"You can, but why would you want to put poison in to your body when you are already taking a cure?"

This means that anyone dumb enough to believe what he's saying will forgo chemotherapy, which has been proven to work, and take hemp oil, which hasn't.


Yes there are studies that prove THC and CBD may reduce the size of SOME tumours.

I don't doubt that it can, there's enough evidence to conclude that it does.

But he is not advocating the use of THC or CBD in needles to be injected in to the tumour/s. Which is the method the studies used. He is advocating a crude extraction of, basically any Cannabis compound that is soluble in acetone/alcohol. I doubt anyone even knows what exactly is in there!

Mind you some of the studies you (anyone reading that cares for science) have probably read are from GW pharmaceuticals. The dudes who sell Cannabis based (pure, at least) extracts of CBD and THC. You don't think there's even a little vested interest there?

Of course there are other studies not done by them, but not enough.


Also I don't get this aversion to chemotherapy. I see it mostly among the green/hippie groups. They are assuming it's bad just because it a "chemical" (despite the fact that everything in existence contains chemicals). Do you know what the most used cancer chemotherapy chemical comes from????

Taxus brevifolia, the Yew tree. Even got a cool name :D It's for Yew!

Anyway, other ones include Madagascar Periwinkle and American Mayapple.

They haven't been able to synthesize them yet so they are 100% natural.


Anyway, I agree with the skeptics here that we have to wait for scientific evidence. It's easy to get excited about these things and it would be great if it were true. But we don't know that it is.

I can't find a statistic for the number of spontaneous cancer remissions, but it's not that rare. Any oncologist would know a few people it's happened to.

Most of them would probably have had chemotherapy already and then stopped.

So can't draw any conclusions, especially when Rick Simpson doesn't even have any statistics for how many he cures compared to how many come to him for treatment.


Yes the cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar one. The pharmaceutical industry doesn't care. If Cannabis (that's another thing, I wish he would stop calling it fucking Hemp, it just makes everyone more confused) oil cured cancer, big pharma would just sell that instead. As smokinjoe just said, you can patent the process used to extract and administer.

They could sell it at a high price to make up for no one using chemo or radio therapy. Since they're making it cheap, it would make up for it because current drugs are expensive to make. Many people would rather get it from them then make it themselves.

Rick also says that you need maintenance dosages for the rest of your life. So there's more money.


Anyway, that's enough for now. Wait til the science comes through.

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Well for one cannabis is a vasodilator. Basically means open fist but its your lungs open. Tobacco is a vasoconstrictor exact opposite closed fist. Also chemo/radiation therapy is just fucking dumb. We are going to kill this tumour with radiation/chemotherapy but it also destroys your immune system so it grows back and you come back to us again with more money.


I may be cynical but you can't say that it's not true. Does anyone have any stats for the reported successes of chemo/radiation therapy?

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Well for one cannabis is a vasodilator. Basically means open fist but its your lungs open.

thc relaxes the small air passages and increases oxygenation of the blood

plus thc has anti cancer properties that protect the lungs from the negative effects of tobacco

Tobacco is a vasoconstrictor exact opposite closed fist.

only for the small air passages for thr tracia the large air passage to the lungs tobacco a relaxant

and cannabis is a constrictor

so you use both herbs you get the positive effects of both till your body ODs

i mean too much for your body to handle

then the negative effects of both herbs will come into play


Does anyone have any stats for the reported successes of chemo/radiation therapy?

but my friend went to sydney for chemo to treat stomach cancer

he took a pound of leaf with him

when he came back

he said he felt he would have died if he had not had any cannabis in his system during chemo

and he added all who went thru with him and used cannabis survived the chemo

and those that did not use cannabis........ died

he is a registered nurse


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Smoking Cannabis does have an effect on Cancer, why else do you think heavy users of up to 20 years still don't have any cancer or poor respiratory health.


Rick Simpsons Hemp Oil is just more effective because it's concentrated.

That is a completely irresponsible post. While there is some evidence that cannabis use might not be as damaging to lungs as tobacco, there is evidence that states the exact opposite (i.e. the NZ study). I personally know people that smoke pot who have had lung cancer (and other cancers too). The American study only showed that there was no increased risk of having lung cancer with cannabis use compared to tobacco. I would personally be surprised if inhaling smoke of any kind was good for you. Anyone who mixes cannabis with tobacco should google COPD.


There is no evidence to support any of Rick Simpsons claims (see post #26). Cannabis has many medical uses but ridiculous cure all claims do more harm than good.

Edited by freddie
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its always about the dollar . not just pharmacutical companies . but all big buisness that stand to lose .

this is one hell of a battle goin on has been since the turn of the century .

every day some one new comes along the closer we get to the end of it .

they have stopped locking us up and started listening . now we just gotta dodge the bullets big buisness are firing at us

the chemical companies started this remember .

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we are all differant something that works for me may not work for you .

i was taking vioxx for 3 years to help with pain after a back operation and it was doin a great job . probably did for thousands of people . but a few of them had heart attacks so they canned it . now this may well be the case for cancer patients or people with anxiety . someone silly was saying about government standards and scrutiny pharmecutical companies are regulated by . if this is so no one should have died using vioxx but they did . ive never heard of any death related directly to cannabis use . but there are still drugs used in this country that are banned else where and vice versa .

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I can not believe people hear this unproven dribble from the likes of twats such as Rick Simpson and tack it as fact. This is showing equal intellectual capacity to those who hear cannabis causes psychosis on channel 7 and tack that as fact. Edited by nowonknows
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I can not believe people hear this unproven dribble from the likes of twats such as Rick Simpson and tack it as fact. This is showing equal intellectual capacity to those who hear cannabis causes psychosis on channel 7 and tack that as fact.



I Wouldn't assume that most people think what Rick Simpson advocates is absolute "fact" ... per say.

I don't really see what all the fuss is about ... so It's anecdotal evidence. Much is.

When you tell a doctor your symptoms , the doctor relies on your 'anecdotal' evidence in order to make a diagnosis ... I guess we'd be pretty pissed off if they didn't. Just because it's based on personal experience (which , depending on the honesty of the individual Should be alot more reliable than any "scientific data") doesn't mean there is no truth to it.


It's true that not enough research has been done on the medicinal uses of Cannabis , in most part because of the ridiculous prohibition restrictions on both scientific studies and also the population as a whole. That's when people take the situation into their own hands. Many people say it works for them and want safe access to it as medicine ... who is anyone to deny them that? :D


If I or you were to tell someone how Cannabis helps with whatever medical ailment for us ... would we like it if the other person replied " Well that's absolute nonsense , there's no unfallible scientific research that would prove that correct to me".

Would we change our own minds and decide that they were right? :( no.

So what is the difference here? ... Rick Simpson (and Others) are just providing an alternative.

You know , some people even recommend a healthy diet for fighting Cancer , but that's just crazy talk isn't it. :wave: Simply Horrible ... Imagine the financial losses in the Medical-Financial Sector! :(


Along those lines , Watch "Run From The Cure" - Rick Simpson ...

But also see (if you can) ... "Healing Cancer From Within" (or something like that)

^Great Doco ... and relevant to this subject I think. (If It were up to me everyone should see it ;) )


I agree , the 'dead-set' 'cure-all' mentality doesn't help , Ultimatly this isn't (won't be) the case.

But I think that what people like Rick Simpson do do well is to Highlight the issue , If 'Science' and others really want to prove him totally wrong , where is the research? ... I'm sure many people would jump at the chance to prove these theories wrong. Wouldn't they? :punk:


Btw , what ever happened to Tesla's work? ... Oops , off topic ;)


Anyway , It's just another activist trying to add to the cause in their own way , as far as I see ... he believes in what He's doing. Maybe there is an incentive for profit (in the future) ... but surely it musn't be All about profit (for him) as that's a pretty big gamble to take given that the laws STILL aren't favourable.

He might not be another 'Jack Herer' or an 'Mullaway" ( ;) ) ... but I think there is room for more Cannabis Advocates. Don't you? :D


Cheerz :D


Budman :D

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