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A survey on self-managed change

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........ I thought that maybe some of you had reduced your use from what you thought was a 'problematic' level down to a level you're happy with - whatever that means for you.


:D I think you will find that covers almost every single person on this site Anthony at some point. It's called self regulation or self control. People do it every day with things like food and tv for eg. There is no MAGIC answer to doing this just because its cannabis you know? If someone hasn't learnt the skill of self control then yes they will find it harder to quit or reduce of course. Don't be blind Anthony. I believe you genuinely do want to help people but I also think you have been gravely misguided. Cannabis has nothing to do with what you have noticed and are now studying. It is a simple matter of learning the skill of self control. Teach people that Anthony or study truly addictive drugs if it's the drug angle has attracted you in the first place. Maby a study into people who have successfully used cannabis to quit addictive drugs both legal and illegal would be more beneficial? Cannabis is not addictive. in which case, how can 'problems' reducing or quitting be from any other reason than a lack of skills involving self control??


:D The NCPIC's past record has proven their agenda differs from yours greatly Anthony. Can't you see that? The are funded to be anti-cannabis, their media releases are inaccurate and grossly unscientific, instead relying on emotive headlines and shock tactics in line with the government's declared 'war on drugs' (which by the way is against human rights as lightning pointed out and the Australian constitution...I'd suggest you seek sound legal advice by the way Anthony if you don't believe it.) If you chose to continue working for them in the capacity they exist atm you really need to understand........soon the people are going to want those who took part in 'the war on drugs' to answer for the crime in the courts, even if 'they were just doing their job' They are a tool of propaganda plain and simple. The NCPIC is high on that list in many peoples opinion. You work there though Anthony. Maby you, sally and desiree (who we are still keen to hear from) will be the ones to change things there. You are the first 'researchers' (except desiree of corse so far :peace:) have actually had the decency to converse with us here,which I appreciate as do others Im sure. Thank you.



Peace MongyMan

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:D I had to ask again, I think it's important. I do empathize with you Anthony and get the feeling you are genuinely trying to help people as you say but can't you see as innocent as this, sally and desiree's survey may seem to you it will most likely cause harm to the cannabis users of Australia in general? If the results don't suit then it will be buried, if they do then it will be seen as a media release declaring a new shock study into cannabis addiction in line with gov 'war on drugs' policy from past NCPIC experiences.


Another thing to consider is the results you are going to get. They are purely subjective and the background of alot of people who answer your survey needs to be considered for it to have any relevance to science at all. It is easy for allot of smokers from my experience to blame cannabis for a plethora of problems they have in their life. It's often easier to blame anything but the cause wouldn't you agree? At the same time these people are like ex-tobacco smokers, they dont shut up about it and tell anyone who wants to listen. One thing I notice though is when questioned as to the accuracy in making such a statement. The only answer you hear to justify it, is based on the 'bad' things it does to you according to media and gov. propaganda. Never a shred of sound science based fact. Have a look at the NCPIC site. It has plenty of testimonials from people who say 'cannabis ruined my life' or 'it sent me mad' etc. the same people might very well have seen Elvis and believe in lizard men ffs. It doesnt mean they did or we should all be on the look out for lizard men now does it? Where is the science? Where is the proof? You are going to get alot of these people answer your survey I'm guessing Anthony, they love a soap box. I see it happen like flies to shit whenever an anti cannabis discussion or survey appears on the net. Never backed with science fact though. Simple regurgitation of 1/2 truths and blatant lies spread by organizations like the NCPIC. How exactly are you going to allow for this when interpreting your survey results?


Peace MongyMan



Ps. Any idea if we are going to hear from sally again or desiree?

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i think the most common thing these surveys conclude is.. that no matter how much pot gets grown in this country.. there never seems to be enough.. theres always that dry spell ...


so really in conclusion to all research the common theme we need to realise here is.. we need a lot more growers out there to help supply the ever increasing market as teenagers and adults switch to a life choice thats far safer for our health than cigarettes or alcohol..

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric condition for which strong evidence of a genetic component and serotonergic system involvement exists.


isnt that what we are really talking about?????????


is genitic predisposition a small % of the population

would that corrillate with your stats

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Firstly I need to apologise to wesley (still don't agree) for insinuating that he was spamming,


but this NCPIC shit is without a doubt trolling and spam!


Set up a "I HATE THE NCPIC" thread and let stoners say what they think,


for that has been the only positive to come out of this, stoners have united,


The NCPIC (sally and anthony) refuse to enter into discussion and should not be allowed to promote a website and request information without disclosure on this forum.

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:D I was reading up on some of your other research Anthony (I presume this is you? Anthony Arcuri NCPIC) and was hoping you could clarify for me exactly what you refer to when you say "cannabis use disorder", a term used a number of times.


I also notice Desiree, you (this is you yes? Desiree Boughtwood NCPIC ) work with anorexia. Are you aware of the many benefits allot of sufferers of this illness get from using cannabis to help treat it?


I would love to be able to post a pic of myself with my background but given the chance of being persecuted by 'the war on drugs' I can't. It's a shame I think that we can't have a totally open with no cloaks discussion on cannabis, I know you could learn allot from my and others experience with cannabis that you could use to help people and just maby we might learn new things from your experiences too, but unfortunately this is just another of the many costs of 'the war'.


Peace MongyMan

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