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OK i am looking at buying another light for my setup. Just wanted your opinions on which brand and shade u ahve used and if there are any pros-cons,


I am currently using a 400watt son-t With a Nova shade. I really like the novas and am planning on getting one for my next grow. But just wondering what u all think?


P.S what is a good price on this? i was hoping to stay under 300$



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The problem lies in the uneven wattages, and therefore uneven growth between the two lights, another 430w Son-T would provide as much as you need and provide you with a more even grow. You could also still get the 600w which could just cover that area on its own (or a 1000w) and build a nice vegging room around the 430w. Using the 600w and the 430w in separate rooms would give you a better yield over a few grows than running them together in one room plus you would be harvesting every 8 - 10 weeks with the right strains.



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So u would reacommend getting a 600 and putting it in my Now to be FLowering room. And move my 430watt to another area and use that as my veggin light? That would leave me with 50watt PSF in my flowering room. I wishe i would hvae factored this in before i coulda gotten a MH for vegging :-(
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OK i am happy and pissed off.


first pissed off


The first hydro shop which told me that i could only have 1 plant under a 400watt which i hvae decided are complete dickheads cause they said that 400's are better then 600's chagred me 270$ for a 400watt with a nova shade and phillips son-t bulb.


My new shop which i adore now (always talk to the shop owner for like an hour every time i visit) Just quouted me 220$ for a 600watt extralarge nova shade and a son-t bulb.........


I will be getting new light on tues

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The Son-T is a very acceptable globe for veg, don't worry about an MH unless you get it cheap or have to replace the 400w HPS ballast for some reason.


270$ for a 400watt with a nova shade and phillips son-t bulb.

That's an expensive light, shop around a bit, I can get a 600w for $260 and I'm in Tas.


The 600w is a touch small for the area but it can handle it, especially if you get a bit of panda film up there, Simplegrow Hydroponics have a special on a 1000w at the moment on that link, you have to phone them and mention that page to get it and find out the price but you may get it within your budget, their price on the Son-T's is so good I ordered two.



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How does 220 for a 600watt kit sound tom?

That's what I paid for my 430w so it sounds pretty good to me, I've heard that my shop is now selling them for $180 so maybe the price of the 600w's has dropped here too, check the price of the 1000w's.


I was so happy it was starting that i just went out and got it. Anywase..... you live and learn


Two rules about going shopping for grow gear:


1) The first shop you go to is usually overpriced and run by a dickhead so shop around.


2) Never ever go when you are stoned, there are too many things you want to buy, it's similar to going to the supermarket bent, all you buy is munchies.



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