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Nitty's Summer Kicks off

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OK guys tonight show is of "Milly" (one of 2 plants this season.


"Milly's" is the result of a fine AK( female) & Bubble Gun (male) crossing when I wanted seeds to play with.



shirty .... Looks real nice nitty , enjoy !


What follows is nice ......................................................................... "enjoy" aye I will. :thumbdown:


Chronmasta .......Droooooooooool




She's giving you the 2-ups. :peace: post-5398-1240226216_thumb.jpg :greedy:


chron this will make anyone drool ....... :scratchin: post-5398-1240226788_thumb.jpg:sly:


post-5398-1240226621_thumb.jpg :D post-5398-1240226419_thumb.jpg




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ss ........mate i love that plan.



No worries ss glad to have you along ! Milly's amazing for a short stpcly littl lant - I like her too - pitty all hher clones died - lol


Where was this 'Milly seed hiding ;) ss your going tot love this lot !



Intro "Milly" atm - she's a Bubble Gun x AK aqllrigh - he is bubing out a beauty. chunky bud - compact weighty.


post-5398-1240641200_thumb.jpg smaller ev plant closer up post-5398-1240641318_thumb.jpg


& I'm taking her for a spin so the favor is returned :D


ev & SS gota love this shot or 6 :D


post-5398-1240641688_thumb.jpg :D post-5398-1240641826_thumb.jpg :D




post-5398-1240642676_thumb.jpg :D post-5398-1240642896_thumb.jpg



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  nitram said:
No worries ss glad to have you along ! Milly's amazing for a short stpcly littl lant - I like her too - pitty all hher clones died - lol


Where was this 'Milly seed hiding ;) ss your going tot love this lot !



Intro "Milly" atm - she's a Bubble Gun x AK aqllrigh - he is bubing out a beauty. chunky bud - compact weighty.


post-5398-1240641200_thumb.jpg smaller ev plant closer up post-5398-1240641318_thumb.jpg


& I'm taking her for a spin so the favor is returned :D


ev & SS gota love this shot or 6 :D


post-5398-1240641688_thumb.jpg :D post-5398-1240641826_thumb.jpg :D




post-5398-1240642676_thumb.jpg :D post-5398-1240642896_thumb.jpg




mate i think i am a little to smashed to be on here right now i am on pain meds and some smoking jill bean... but do your buds have seeds in em... ;)

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SS ....mate i think i am a little to smashed to be on here right now i am on pain meds and some smoking jill bean... but do your buds have seeds in em...


Yea I know what you mean SS ! :D


SS ...... but do your buds have seeds in em...


The odd seed to date - only 3 lol


Seed would be F2's now as it was one of Milly's brothers. I thought I had posted earlier all about the single seed I found, although it's possibly in the dual 'Crew' GD for HG (Hairy Girl). Possibly not tough it all a bit hazy. In short the quarantine measures were not up to it. On the bright side I have F2 seeds now and 3 r 5 seeds ant going to be a devastating result for me. I lost 3 of her clones, that I took hard and would have like to keep this plant as a 'mum'. So it4 willb2e a seed grow if at all . I have the 3 seeds to date isolated , taged & stored.


You can distinctly see a pod or what looks like several pods but on inspection and mutilation he pod is simply 'air'. A question I ponder is this capsule for making, holding and ejecting seeds, or is it a "pod"of air awaiting to be pumped full of liquid resin on the next full moon. The later I am hoping for & pretty confident.


"Air" now "resin later/soon (with-in 10 nights) :D



The main heads as in picture HERE best and in this one HERE show the buds "bubbling out" & is perhaps the "Bubble Gun females trait showing itself.


I's very compact budage weighing a bit. I'll let you know in the next 10 days after harvest.


tonight "Milly" show


Wind and me amputating a branch post-5398-1240829520_thumb.jpg


Milly Bud post-5398-1240829677_thumb.jpg


post-5398-1240829715_thumb.jpgMilly & buddah lol post-5398-1240829804_thumb.jpg


post-5398-1240829930_thumb.jpg :D post-5398-1240829975_thumb.jpg





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HG's not made the final drag till the end of his week & the full moon.


2/3 of 'Hairy Girl 'n (HG) has sbeen chopped and now paper bagged. post-5398-1241398417_thumb.jpg


'Milly' is going the full hog and is basking in the next 7 days sunshine.


I'm looking forward to smoking this bud lol post-5398-1241398163_thumb.jpg





'Marijars' (Old granny's pickle jars) on on the standby for the curing.


Next update will be on 'Milly's' chop with a brief season evaluation (outcomes & le2ssons learn't)



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