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abit of help about CFL's

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well are u growing them in a hydro set up or just soil havent seen a u mention anything yet, i also have a nelson light aswell i use it for prop. i normaly germ in soil then after move them too rockwool cubes after, no matter how many seeds you have u will always have some that will never germinate it happens ^_^ but with the lighting you can have a look at maybe a 250w HPS growlight there about $130 with shade, ballast and bulb nice and cheap (plus try looking online for lights or at a local hydro shop there are listing on this site or u can always try ebay). Ive used 4 100w CFLs but then switched to 1 HPS which had more inpressive results then CFLs no matter the amount of fluros u use you will never have the same results. lol
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Ive used 4 100w CFLs but then switched to 1 HPS which had more inpressive results then CFLs no matter the amount of fluros u use you will never have the same results. lol



this cant be true, some1 get the mythbusters in here. a fluro light is just a small version of a mercury vapor (merc vapor being the catalyst)

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Ive used 4 100w CFLs but then switched to 1 HPS which had more inpressive results then CFLs no matter the amount of fluros u use you will never have the same results. ^_^


this cant be true, some1 get the mythbusters in here. a fluro light is just a small version of a mercury vapor (merc vapor being the catalyst)


lol Are you sure about that TD. I first started with fluro's before HID (High Intensity Discharge) lights were available. The first HID light I got my hands on was a mercury vapor light and it was usless. It grew scrawny stretched plants that reversed sex after growing even scrawnier stretched buds. From my experience, yes you can grow with fluro's but they dont even come close to what you can do if you grow under MH (Metal Halide) or HPS (High Pressure Sodium) HID lights.


Peace MongyMan

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hey mongyman...........umm well at the start (start meaning like 7 days ago) i didnt have a temp gauge until my gf got me one from her mom as her mom is a nurse =D. with two of 48w nelson's on and a 20w philips cfl the temp will stay at 28-30c thats with no fan or vent.is that to hot??? i red sumwhere best temp is between 25-30c. is that true??? also right now i have just the 20w cfl going to provbide sum heat. the temp in there now is on 20c.


kk new update..................had 6 seeds in room temp water that i left in the dark.....slowly one by one started dropping to the bottom of the cupon the 3rd day.....i red sumwhere that it means 2 plant them wen they sink. kk so i planted them today. wet the soil and put it under the light to warm up abit. then put the seeds like 1.5 cms depth and like sprinkled soil on top. dnt know really wat else 2 add. what am i doing wrong. im using drinkable tap water to water them/germinate. the soil im using is potting mix blended with this other potting mix (looks really good=D ) um and yeah. growing them in those lil seedling trays.


do u guys recommand i i leave sum light on 2 provide heat so they pop out of the ground or shuld i leave lights off. will the lights being on damage anything?? i dnt know wat im doing wrong. i red so much about how to grow and stuff so i wuldnt be one of the noobz asking stupid questions if u no wat i mean?


anyways help very appreciated...................as everyday i wake in the arvo in hope that there wuld be some growth but nuthing =( god dam basterds lol !!!!

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lol I find I get best results when I direct sow rather than soak them first. From 20-30 degrees is normal temps I aim for and I get a good germination rate. I poke a hole to the first knuckle on my pinky finger ^_^ to gauge sowing depth. 1.5cm would be maximum depth I'd plant at, a bit shallower is better imo. Only other thing I can think is they are too wet. Once you plant them the soil only needs to be moist not wet. If it is wet the seeds will rot which becomes a bigger problem the higher the temp is.


Peace MongyMan

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if you want a fluro, goto your local hydro shop, get the red spectrum, and the blue spectrum, and get the 100 watt or higher.


Ive seen CFL buds under 200watts, and they were big!... not as big as HPS, but still big.


For god's sake dont even think LED. We need to wait for another 10 years before the technology is better.

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n3dic, don`t bother with water to sprout your seeds... just plant `em in the potting mix at 1/2" or your 1st finger tothe nail, that`ll do, cover and water well. kep the light on for warmth and only water if the top 1/2" is dry. they`ll come up in 3-12(yes, that long sometimes) days. No fucking around that way... Once they`re going, you`re set...



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