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Violent and agressive dope smokers on the rampage!

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"With hydroponic cannabis, the levels of THC [the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol] can be tenfold what they are in normal cannabis so we are seeing some very, very serious fallout.""


mmm yes. 10X stronger. i fucking wish. you couldn't even get a buzz with thc levels of 2.1, assuming they're talking about strains like white widow or something.


'Stay away from THC, it'll make your teeth fallout and your dick drop off!!!, we're the government we don't tell lies!'


rah sick of all this bullshit.


Also, it's funny how the Cannabis 'Information' centre, is also the prevention centre. Bias much?


Oh well, splendour this weekend i'll be sure to get fucked up and go kill some people, thats what pot does to ya right?

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Guest niall
"More than a third of people who present at Sydney emergency departments after smoking cannabis are violent and half have mental health problems such as severe anxiety and suicidal thoughts, shattering the image that dope smokers are relaxed and sleepy, researchers have found."


Question 1: "who present .. after smoking canabis". What do they mean by this? Did they simply test positive for cannabis? Did they present with cannabis related symptoms or was it simply present after the fact? Did they test positive for other drugs - was cannabis only one factor here?


Question 2: How on earth is this a representative sample of cannabis users? "shattering the image"


Question 3: Was the third that were violent a subset of the half that had mental health problems?


Question 4: How do these rates compare to the general population?


"indicates that cannabis users can be as aggressive as crystal methamphetamine users"


See Question 2, and "can be"?!? What kind of study is this, or is that the reporter making his own interpretation of the study's findings?


"She said the study, which covered two hospitals from 2004 to 2006, revealed that more than 9 per cent of cannabis users had depression or bipolar disorder, 5 per cent had schizophrenia and 4 per cent had paranoia and a history of self-harm."


Again - bad journalism? Did the study actually show that, or did it show that 9% of people presenting at the emergency room who also tested positive for cannabis had these mental health problems?


Surely all this study demonstrates is that people who rock up at emergency need help?


"The grass we smoked in the '60s could have been lawn clippings compared to this completely different breed of nasty cat," he said.


Excuse me, a what?!?

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Haven't logged in for a bit but this is complete BS!


I worked in 'Drug Clinics' [and Hospital Emergency Departments] for a good few years, never once saw a violent stoner . . . violent drunks, methamphetamine and heroin users, yes . . . but never a stoner on the rampage. lol


It's a sad, sad world we live in when there is NO truth in anything anymore. I dare anyone to prove to me that I would be better off pumping myself full of pharmacological chemical concotions to treat my 'ills' [and kill my liver, kidneys, heart and brain in the process] than I am at self medication with a herb that's never killed anyone! :wacko:


And it's a shame to think that by the time the world wakes up to itself it'll be too late for most of us . . .


A statistician is someone who believes figures don't lie but admits that under analysis some of them won't stand up either! :wacko:

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if someone is violent and has marijuana in their system then they are merely a violent person.

i have mates who smoke weed a lot and spend their nights brawling people for no reason in the street.

but that's because it's what they do when they're sober.

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