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Violent and agressive dope smokers on the rampage!

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hospital studies of any drug, but in particular marijuana, shouldnt be used as evidence of anything...like when was the last time you were sitting at home smoking up and thought you might as well become a statistic and head off to the hospital to cause some shit? none of us have and the only reason a person ends up in a hospital because of their drug use is because things didnt go to plan :thisbig:
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sorry if i sound preachy but now that you know how the media misrepresent cannabis why can't you see how this applies to ALL the "news". the press doesn't represent our views, it tells us how the government wants us to think. we're all being led by the nose.


they could start to tell us the truth about Iraq for example but is that ever going to happen?

Politicians - scumsucking parasites the world over. we're just cannon fodder people.



Actually I suspect that the people who control the media that tells the sheeple how to think also tell the politicians how to think. American government is pretty indistinguishable from American business and given that they have the biggest guns on the block they can push their agenda whereever they like. My only comfort is in watching how it it will self destruct. But then by that time I guess it wont matter as the goal will have been achieved and the sheeple will be paying the price for their ignorance and apathy.

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"More than a third of people who present at Sydney emergency departments after smoking cannabis are violent and half have mental health problems such as severe anxiety and suicidal thoughts, shattering the image that dope smokers are relaxed and sleepy, researchers have found."


Same, never seen any violence from cannabis alone.

Have known 2 people go to hospital after smoking. One was a panic attack, person is asthmatic and thought it asthma attack.

The other was drinking as well, fell over, needed treatment. (neither were violent)


"It flies in the face of what people typically think of cannabis - that it is a natural herb that makes people mellow," the centre's director, Professor Jan Copeland, said yesterday.


As the others have already said... am not sure NCPIC and the media are going to fly in our face with any truth :thisbig:


So here's the part where Jan makes her employer (cannabis) seem real tough and scary, when it's obviously not.

Paves the way for more NCPIC funding and leaves the road clear for the pharmaceutical companies to push their synthetic cannabis products.

Yes Jan, you, continue the prohibition farce - the only real cause of any possible violence related to cannabis.


And as pointed out, the media is 'addicted' to articles like this, which highlight the irrelevant and help Jan with her scam.

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As the others have already said... am not sure NCPIC and the media are going to fly in our face with any truth :thisbig:


Paves the way for more NCPIC funding and leaves the road clear for the pharmaceutical companies to push their synthetic cannabis products.

Yes Jan, you, continue the prohibition farce - the only real cause of any possible violence related to cannabis.


And as pointed out, the media is 'addicted' to articles like this, which highlight the irrelevant and help Jan with her scam.



Jan and Co's study:


Population trends in cannabis use and first results of a study on cannabis-related emergency department presentations

Devon Indig1, Anthony Arcuri2, and Jan Copeland2


[1] National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre; [2] NCPIC





"First results" ... looks like we are going to be subjected to more of this BS.


The NCPIC were provided with $12 million funding (middle class welfare) from the "public purse."


To justify their continued exsistence at uni (why not go out and get a real job) the NCPIC continue with the great tradition of the anti-drug proponents thinking that if you repeat it enough times it may come true.


One of the hallmarks of a poor argument is the use of the usual mismatch of cherry picked research, junk evidence and self important opinion.


However the one thing that the zero tolerance crowd can never get around is facts.



The following conclusion about cannabis and mental health is from a report off the NCPIC's own website ...


10.6 Conclusion

Thus far, there is little indication of increases in the incidence of mental health problems

that are attributable to cannabis use. This may reflect the fact that only frequent, heavy

cannabis use has been strongly linked to such problems. The prevalence of at least yearly

cannabis use in Australia has been stable for the past twenty years with minimal changes

in the incidence of mental health problems. Similarly, the considerable increase of cannabis

use in the previous thirty years was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in mental

illness. As with other drugs like alcohol, most cannabis users do not seem to experience

serious or enduring problems from the drug. That a small proportion of users do progress

to problem use is clear, but the reasons for this, and therefore the ability to identify such

persons and minimise the harm they suffer, is not apparent. How to acquire that ability is the

present challenge.


The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing has just released a 93 page report.

Cannabis and Mental Health: Put into Context, National Drug Strategy Monograph Series



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One interesting thing I should mention. When I was in hospital after a wanker decided to hit me with their car, they needed to do some blood tests. I asked them what they were going to test for. They listed a whole heap of medical conditions and then added cannabis on the end of the list. I asked why they were testing for cannabis and they told me - well, because we have to. I found that very strange considering it was about a week after I had been in there. I have a feeling this is the way they come up with their dodgey statistics. I was also warned not to smoke cannabis after my multiple operations. You can take any old statistic, twist it, turn it and mold it the way you want it. Now that I have that out of my system, I feel a whole lot better. It is too bad we can't write this sort of stuff in the news papers editorial sections. I'm sure Constable Care :thisbig: would be on our door step in no time.



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all my doctors know i smoke pot, all think its terrible :peace: but then they all turn around and say the perscription herion im on is doing great things and fill out a perscription for more :thisbig:


if the pricks want to make a statistic out of me it will be pretty hard to do. even though im open about my pot use and have even mentioned other drugs i have tried over the years if asked about them, im extremely polite, never get angry or fight with them and i even get on so well with the doctor i have to see all the time and his staff that when their birthday's come up cards are given to them and vice versa :peace: seriously the receptionists there have said that while they can fully smell the pot on me and see im stoned, they are happy to see me that way because they know i dont take my meds if i have enough to be stoned in the mornings when i see them :peace: i think they are smarter than the doctor they are working for, but i just find it funny that they condone my drug use while my doctor thinks pot is evil and i shouldnt talk to him about it ever again ;)

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That's 100% correct Brick. My Dr reckons that pot will make lazy. I've found the total opposite - a good sativa strain will get me up and going while the prescribed crap will make me lazy and depressed. I've kicked arse with my rehab exercises no thanks to prescribed pain killers. I think there is a place for prescription medicine but there is an even bigger place for MJ as medicine.


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