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First Indoor Grow

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Ok... I've decide to ditch the 600watt hps until I get some fans happening... the second seedling has one curled up leaflet...(not the coteherdon?) and the third sorta looks like those leaves don't want to come out...


I think I've only had the 600watt hps on for two nights straight.... yeah, death valley in there :P


So now they're under 36watt flouros... 24 hour light cycle... and the temps are back down to around 24 - 26 C


I'm planning on getting two 20 cm exhaust fans... and having one facing in and one facing out... rated at 4 cubic meters per minute... does anyone know if they'll keep the temps down?

Edited by Mr Putard
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I would just use one for an exhaust with passive intake vents, if it is still too hot then I would fit the second one as an exhaust fan and increase the passive intake vents, the fans are more efficient that way.



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Thanks for the advice Tom.. and btw I will be trying that just to let you know that it isn't futile giving me advice :P


Ok just a minor doubt incase anyone is wondering about my latest germ attempt...


First seedling.... LOOKS VERY HEALTHY

Second on up... One Leaflet has crinkled up (not one of the cotehedrons?), one of the jagged ones.

Third one up.... Looks like the first tiny pairs of leaves.. really only hairs... have turned brown and are dead, although the rest of the plant looks good... the cotehedrons and stem all looking great...so I am hoping this one won't die on me :P


Majority of the other beans - 18 of them - have cracked the shell (except 2 or 3).. And have been that way for a few days... I just was picking open the grow wool slightly to check on them and I noticed that some of the white roots had brownish patches on them and this seemed to be closer to the surface of the rockwool...so I think it was the heat. Still none of them has shown an improvement but my subconscious has told me that they have made a tiny improvement... :P I don't know... I'll try and hold my breath for the next few days and have another update then...chow!!

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dont worry putard, its something rockwool does, the whole top of the thing will be dark green soon, but it wont effect your plants, its just ugly and eventually smelly. Perlite does it too, just not so bad.


Oh and your heat problem, If there is a window in your growroom put a panel of wood in there and put ducting through it, then run your inlet fan through there. and if possible run your exhaust out the roof (if you own your house) if your renting you could be lucky and have a manhole in your roof, if you do replace that with a panel and exhaust through there. Make sure to filter the inlet from outdoors though.

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Hey thankyou WC.. Oh no... one more question.... All three seedlings in the grow-wool have roots comming out and are in the water under the cloning tray... but no roots on the sides... what will happen if the bottom of the clone tray dries out? Should I leave them in the clone box or remove them into perlite... The first seedling I don't mind transplanting now into perlite as its healthy enough and has its second set of leafes out... the other two are sick though... should I leave them to heal - and form new leaves - in the rockwool before transplanting or are they better off in the perlite / vermilicite??
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