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run come, show some love at the brisbane supreme court 10am pon the 21

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It is time to fight this and win and we will only do it if everyone takes it seriously and stops behaving like the stoned idiots we have all been portrayed as in the media.


Good luck to all who really care about this fight and who really want to see this plant legal in our country - as for the rest you deserve everything the law throws at you, it is people like you who have allowed the bullshit to last this long, you give them the excuse they need to justify keeping this from those of us who need it for medical reasons, for goodness sake wake up and have a bath and oh yeah how about washing and pressing your clothes too perhaps then people will actually listen to what you have to say.


Well said littlbit i take my hat off to you for what you are trying to acheive, and i guess its taken you a long time to actually be heard in a high law court so you would be careful who you 'share' your case notes with .. but some do seem to delight in squandering opportunity for their own ends.



Edited by Frazzle
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what does "Git off we bax" mean? Is it some kind of health food?






brains feed

Good Weed

yo Rob

no is a song me partner Nyah wrote bout Rusty and his court case which he won

so i hope rock has the same out come

if you click this link it should tell your default mp3 player to download and play the tune for you


check it Get Off We Bax is the name of the song

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That's all intersting mate, and I see where perhaps this is the first bloke I know of that's actually bought his name back from the registry department, but where is the use of the bible to cause pot to be illegal? The way I understood you, you were saying the court was upholding some biblical precept to support canabis prohibition.

I don't see it in there..





PS or edit, whatever...I played the tune, not bad ey? I mean the lyrics are ok, but you do well with the tune mate. Congrats.

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Thanks to you all, we will be in the County Court in November I will give you further information should you want to support us. We are yet to get legal council in Victoria and we have been to heaps of legal firms. However it appears that we are now being listened to as a reporter from a Human Rights paper in Victoria he will be contacting us regarding running our story in their paper and sending it further, also a wig in the court on Friday was asking about how we were going and awaiting the judgment of the court regarding enforcing Legal Aid to fund our case. So it is all getting a bit more interesting and people are starting to pay real attention to the fact that we have challenged the Constitutional legality of the laws as they breach our right to free expression of Religion guaranteed under our Australian Constitution and the Charter on Human Rights and Single Treaty on Narcotics guarantees that Cannabis to be available for medical use. (this helps with our Religious claim as we are told to use the anointing oil for healing).


I have to be careful about what I do say as it is now before the court and I don't know just how much we are permitted to say as this is our first time being charged.


For those of you who think I was hard taking to you with a big stick about how you present yourselves when in pubic, in front of a camera etc, well get over it, time to grow up and behave like responsible adults, you complain that this plant is not legal because it has been given a bad name and you perpetuate that bad name every time you put yourselves up a spokesmen and women for this plant, you tell everyone that sees you they are right keeping it away from their children, that it should never be legal if that is what it turns people into. You have given every idiot the excuse that they needed to keep shoving the bad image of this marijuana instead of the good image of the most important herb to mankind on the planet.


We need to insist that this plant be called by its correct name Cannabis, to show that it is for healing, food, clothing, building and fuel plus any other use we can find and we need to show it as if we were selling it to corporate Australia as the answer to all their problems and they would not give the time of day to anyone who looks like they live their lives stoned, are unclean and foul mouthed, if you look like you care about yourself first then people will actually listen to what you have to say, and if you conduct yourself professionally they will actually pay attention to the detail and maybe, just maybe we might get the right people to sit up and take notice. This fight is not about the individual, it is about the millions of people who actually need it for medicine and food not to mention clothing and housing, about those who cannot use man made chemicals (medications) because the cure is worse that the disease, for our planet without this plant will surely die because we are killing it growing cotton and rice in areas they should never grow and where Cannabis would not only grow, it would restore the land, help fix the water table.


So stop thinking about how you feel, think about the whole argument and about the many people depending on every one of us to do the right thing, when we get these laws overturned I for one don't give a hoot what you do and how you do it, right now there are too many people who are facing years in prison because they cannot obtain this plant legally to help them deal with illness and you want to play with their lives to justify your egos. Think about it please and the cost to us all, or please stay out of the public eye while the rest of us take this fight seriously.

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For those of you who think I was hard taking to you with a big stick about how you present yourselves when in pubic, in front of a camera etc, well get over it, time to grow up and behave like responsible adults, you complain that this plant is not legal because it has been given a bad name and you perpetuate that bad name every time you put yourselves up a spokesmen and women for this plant, you tell everyone that sees you they are right keeping it away from their children, that it should never be legal if that is what it turns people into. You have given every idiot the excuse that they needed to keep shoving the bad image of this marijuana instead of the good image of the most important herb to mankind on the planet.




So stop thinking about how you feel, think about the whole argument and about the many people depending on every one of us to do the right thing, when we get these laws overturned I for one don't give a hoot what you do and how you do it, right now there are too many people who are facing years in prison because they cannot obtain this plant legally to help them deal with illness and you want to play with their lives to justify your egos. Think about it please and the cost to us all, or please stay out of the public eye while the rest of us take this fight seriously.


exactly what behaviour are you talking about? who are you talking about?


There has been a lot of shots taken by a few people in this thread, and based on what????


Your assumptions and condemnation is very misplaced here.

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We need to insist that this plant be called by its correct name Cannabis


I strongly support this statement! :thumbsup:


It's time we reclaimed our culture. Humanity's use of this plant is Ancient. We are only those cannabis users who happen to be alive today, we need to safeguard this plant for the use of our children and the future of mankind. That starts with respect for who you are, how and why you use cannabis, and respect for the plant itself and our ancestors millenia of careful cultivation and breeding. Of all the herbs, cannabis is surely the King.


Calling it by its proper name, cannabis, is a damn good start. If nothing else we should at least get this right when talking about it to others and in public.

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you can say whatever you want mate. I wasn't trying to shut you up. I just think you're arguing with a perception you have, not with anything anyone has actually said or done.


For those that like to throw stones at the Nimbin hippies, when was the last time you been there, or talked to one of em? Are you aware of the success they had in the Rusty Harris sniffer dog case?

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where is the use of the bible to cause pot to be illegal? The way I understood you, you were saying the court was upholding some biblical precept to support canabis prohibition.

I don't see it in there..

well they get the power to make laws like dat from the bible

if you are a soviegn than the man made laws are not enforcable because one can only serve one master

it kinda hard to explane Rob

but its true

it all comes from the bible

soviegnty, is the part of it that is under scrutiny in the high courts right now


1 natural law, or the ten commandments rule supream

2 commorce or common law & statue is next datz fed & state laws manmade laws

there is heaps more

all dees discriptive terms and conditions come from the bible some older laws still written in bibical words

tis very complex to overstand as we dont usally releate to dees words in today meanings

words have power and if we dont know it than what we say and what we mean are two diferent tingz

diss is very dangerous in court

the judge can easly entrap you in to admitting someting you dont want to or didnt actually say and would'nt say if you knew the legal meaning of the word you just used

but hey

datz what we pay a brief for


yer man

it all comes from de bibal

dat why dey shakin when dey see a rasta in court

cause they write songs and even speak dees terms daily

Choptic Church in ethopa hav 113 different refferances to cannabis in the bible

and is still going strong


I played the tune, not bad ey? I mean the lyrics are ok, but you do well with the tune mate. Congrats.

irey thanx

Nyah wares 1 big smile now


did u check Good Weed

dat is we too playing the music

with special guest from Jamacia

Deecey Leon

he sings about rasta use of medicinal cannabis

grow and harvest advice

very interisting stuff


Deecey got deported after we released dis album at the MardiGrass last year

dat sux

but we still hafe forward truth and rights music





Hash Oil Rulez

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