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run come, show some love at the brisbane supreme court 10am pon the 21

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dats what dema say bout Rusty and his court case with the sniffer dogs

took bout 18mths round 40+ court cases of noshoes and dreadlocks and kaftans

we had actions out side bryon and lismore court houses for most.

hundreds of ppl turned up to chant down babylon

Earth Reggae performed at many

i smoked spliffs on stage in front of cops

and they did nothing


he won his case and set a persident

dat tune Git Off We Bax

Nyah wrote bout Rustys court case

did you listen to it?????


I hafe say

I wont be there for other reasons & family commitments

but i can and will support any1 who is game enough to have a go

unity is powerful

i never thought Rusty would win his case



but he did


More power to ya rock

hope you shine your light bright in court

so every one can see with real eyes




Hash Oil Rulez

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...with well into the 66th court appearance, rock is to be commended for his defiant determination to take on the courts so courageously.

66 court appearances is no joke imo billo!


If the 'dress smart, suck the judges cock and bend over while he fucks you how he likes' method is the way, then how has Rock gotten so far?


Rock has balls, no doubt about it, but he also has the integrity to stand up for what he believes in, which is a damn sight more than most of us on here.


I've been to court too, I mean who hasn't, and I played by the rules too, because I was young and scared shitless.

I sincerely hope that if I was in that situation again, that I could stand up and argue my right to smoke what I like... and do it with bare feet and wearing my OZStoners T-shirt!


Thanks for keeping us updated with this Radic :thumbsup:

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Another thing is, these clowns are pissing around in someone else's backyard.


They can make a mockery of the Qld courts 'n the system. Then hop back over their fence 'n choof away as they so please. All's it takes is one smartarse in the court system to make recommendations for change in legislation so it stops time wasters of the system and wipes out someone genuinely tryin' to bring about a positive change in regards to cannabis laws in Queensland.


There's a lot more to this than what a lot of people see. And if that possibly comes about, the majority of people affected in future, will be Queenslanders.


Enjoy :thumbsup:


EDIT: By the way, i've never had to suck any judge's cock or take one up the poo-shute from going thru the system yet. Respect of the establishment and presenting a good case has seen me step out the doors with lightweight convictions.

Edited by Indycar
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Indycar I agree with you, it is time to remove the stereotype that is out there, we are going to be in court later this year and we are also asking for support and for us the outcome does matter we want to win and have these laws overturned as they are being in Canada, but unless everyone takes this seriously it simply will not happen. No one is asking people to turn up in suits, we are all only asking that they turn up neat and clean and look like they actually do care about the people who are facing the courts and the issue we are all supposed to be fighting for.


I for one wish I could be there too, we live in Melbourne so it is not possible.


It is time to fight this and win and we will only do it if everyone takes it seriously and stops behaving like the stoned idiots we have all been portrayed as in the media.


Good luck to all who really care about this fight and who really want to see this plant legal in our country - as for the rest you deserve everything the law throws at you, it is people like you who have allowed the bullshit to last this long, you give them the excuse they need to justify keeping this from those of us who need it for medical reasons, for goodness sake wake up and have a bath and oh yeah how about washing and pressing your clothes too perhaps then people will actually listen to what you have to say.

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rock has taken 4 plants to lismore court house pon 4 different occaisions and never been charged

why not??????


well judge where's my compassion


hey see dem plants judge forget dem for me please

too much paperwork?????

yer save a whole forrest judge

let us all go too


all laws are witten from the bible

some even still have bibical terms and referances in their wording

and soveignty is also in the mix

is like the ultimate legal technicality

and may be rock is playing his cards right

they certainly need to figer out a responce to the soveignty rights isues

to be able to charge him

he is going to push this isue more by using his soveign rights to authorize, grant and isue himself with a Cannabis licence.

he has really been working hard pon dis document

the judge will find it difficult to deal with

and may want some time to check it out before deliverance

it is all very complex leagal bibical jargen

thats another reason why dem scared of rasta in court

cause dey speak dat language


remember Ras Dainal case in lismore

he picked up the bibal from court and started reading passages from it that freek the judge right out

yes that very bible dat you have to swear ot tell the truth pon

thats where it all comes from

and thats where your soveign rights are written

rock has pushed this ting so far

lets see what happens pon the day

may the light guide and protect rock


forward ever



Hash Oil Rulez

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we are going to be in court later this year and we are also asking for support and for us the outcome does matter we want to win and have these laws overturned as they are being in Canada,




Where????? and when??????? is dis Medicinal action happing

is it National???


make we know it

at the Hemp Embassy

we can help with many tings

we are well experanced

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I'm not saying it isn't true, but just what laws use the bible to support these ;aws? Could you quote these laws writtenin biblical jargon for me to see myself?


Also, I don't mean to be "uncool" or show my age, but what does "Git off we bax" mean? Is it some kind of health food?






handed this affidavit to the judge and has persued the matter inta higher court



I Peter Till in the care of Living in car, Nimbin says;

For the purpose of this declaration and commercial lien, the use of language and word is not to be construed or abrogated or made repugnant in any way shape or form or that means anything that alienates my sovereignty in preference to or for the convenience of business contractual practices of the vatican of finance and commerce, parliaments and governments and courts or any entity associated in the business world of finance and commerce within the economic and monetary system of justice.


1. 1 AM consciously aware I AM a Sovereign Being" living in a "Sovereign Estate" in the "Greater Universe Continuum". I AM integrally interlocked to the immutable laws of this "Natural Element" wherein my inalienable "Sovereignty" is constituted in interlocutory law.


2. "Sovereignty" is not subject to law, IT is the law, and its greatest claim to power is that IT and nothing else is the law and driving force that pulsates interactively within this evolving phenomenon and is the heart and origin of sovereignty.


3. There is no higher maxim than sovereignty that I can aspire to other than to the supremacy of those who made it possible for me to have the breath of life in origin, my life givers and law givers.


4. At all times I AM consciously aware that my birth name signifies the "breath of life" given to me and is a memorial of my sovereignty.


5. 1 confirm I AM neutral to the "phenomena" and doctrines of religion, politics and philosophy in which the economic and monetary system of justice has been established and developed and furthermore I AM not esoterically nor in any other manner contracted nor desire to be contracted in any way, shape nor form.


6. 'Do the best of my knowledge and ability and in exercise of my sovereignty, I live by necessity and need and not by reward and privilege, in order to maintain "clean hands" in equity of my sovereignty.


7. 1 also confirm I have diligently exercised my "Sovereignty" in my business practises and social relationships in order to help all "Sovereign Beings" achieve their full potential in having a peaceful and happy life.


8. Since the inception of the illegal and unlawful uniform actions of "Crown Agents" and their adopted procedures and practises to have me charged with alleged offences, I have been forced into 'discovery' of the truth in origin to enable me to defend myself, my businesses and relationships which I now fully realise and comprehend that it is not I who has conspired to commit any offences globally and internationally but the Crown/s and its agents.


9. In view of the misguided errors and horrendously mistaken actions's

the Crown/s lawlessness as a political practises of sovereignty that have taken place and continue to on a global international scale, 1 confirm my BIRTH NAME spelt Peter Till and my adopted name Peter Till has now been redeemed , the value of which, the Crown/s and its agents are now liable, for the use thereof.


10. The value of my name is now offset against the value of credit incurred by the Crown/s and its agents for the exploitation of the wealth and resources of Terra Nullus, Terra Australis in accumulated royalties and debt resulting in accumulated prosperity funds by the Australian Government.


11. Notwithstanding acts of treason and tradition by the Crown/s and its agents against the sovereign inhabitants of Terra Nullus , Terra Australis and Australians within the meaning and terms of paragraph 10 but all that is congruous to those matters including all the intellectual and physical abuses and breaches that have occurred and continue to occur.


12. 1 hereby, hold you to account in the trespass of my sovereignty thus

far, committed by your actions against me and your inter~ actions to to

further violate my sovereignty by insisting, assuming, and implying I AM

part of your contractual conspiracy to defraud and commit fraud against the

sovereign inhabitants of planet earth. 1


13. 1 now request that you to enter into direct negotiations with me for compensation and settlement for your transgressions. Failure to comply with my request will provoke an immediate cause of action for economic loss and loss of profit~s in a "Global Class Action" Intellectual Sovereignty Claim In the matters I have expressed in this affidavit and commercial lion.


DECLARED at Nimbin, N.S.W. Australia by the said Peter Till.


1 This Tuesday 13th of November 2007 Before me: ...............JONATHON XAVIER SPAN SOLICITOR

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Good luck to all who really care about this fight and who really want to see this plant legal in our country - as for the rest you deserve everything the law throws at you, it is people like you who have allowed the bullshit to last this long, you give them the excuse they need to justify keeping this from those of us who need it for medical reasons, for goodness sake wake up and have a bath and oh yeah how about washing and pressing your clothes too perhaps then people will actually listen to what you have to say.


fuck you too ya judgmental prick :thumbsup:

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