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Solution to Alcohol abuse in Aboriginal Communities...

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Yeah Ruen, you're right there. What I meant was more like," if you're gonna ban either of the two, better make it alcohol" . The idea was to emphasise the way the opposite situation would be more useful. I'm not actually seriously talking about banning alcohol, the point was the comparison.

Personally I'm 100% against prohibition of anything that pertains to one's own self. I'd like to see everything legal. Everything. I just think natural selection will do a far better job that government intervention. If somethings really bad, the majority of people will be able to see that once the consequences start to arise, they can then choose whether to survive and adapt or not. Sure there's always a few casualties, but that's nature. Survival of the fittest.

As you say, prohibition is fucked, always has been, in all it's forms.

The problem with the Aboriginal situation is just one of culture shock. You can't, in 50 years or so, just remove a people from what has been their reality for thousands of years, a people with a vastly different culture and world view to the European settlers. It's just impossible to compare the traditional aboriginal way of life and concept of reality with anything that came from Europe. It's been a clash of cultures, that was bound to happen eventually. It's just another example of humans doing what they do best, fighting for survival for some, for supremacy for some...it takes different forms but basic human nature doesn't change.

Edited by I believe
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i must say the aboriginals did better changing from tribal nomadic life then Europeans did. around the time the Egyptians were building the pyramids us white European fuck wits where killing each other in huge numbers(enough to drop the average life expectancy a few decades after the invention of controlled agriculture) you know why? it wasnt a good an excuse as i was drunk out of my mind and couldn't think clearly. we did it cause we wanted to steal the farm of the guy living next door. if history has shown us that incredibly culture changes send society's into shock for thousands of years. we know this as a fact




so why hasn't this been taken into account in the government approach?

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