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Solution to Alcohol abuse in Aboriginal Communities...

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Hmm, lead up to last election... Didn't we have the "Kids Overboard" thing going on?

Good point Indy,

Very good point :rolleyes:

Here's a hypothetical, not for anyone in particular,

Who would you rather have a beer and a cone with?

and to go a step further,

Who would you trust more after sharing such items?;

John Howard or an average Australian aboriginal? :whistle:

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ha ha nice idea, i lived many years around aboriginal community's, and i have found that they just cant seem to handle there alcohol. But then again there are a lot of people in the world that cant either, i guess only when problems are in such a concentrated area, people worry about them the most.



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this is a political move only, john howard doesnt like aboriginals at best and is simply trying to save face in the lead up to a federal election :xcited: anyone remember 10 years ago when all the aboriginals wanted was an apology? well just to refresh your memory if you have forgotten, howard basically told them to get the government of the day to apologize to them as he wasnt going to apologize for something his government didnt do. I can understand his point of view, but all the aboriginals wanted was to be told that they were treated with sub human standards for years and that the current generation is "sorry" for what their parents did.


if that wasnt proof enough, howard didnt even consult the states about this matter, he is just using an old report that says aboriginal communities are going down the drain and unless something is done at the state level, there would have to be federal intervention. now because there hasnt be any progress in the NT, howard has decided that every state is going to send 10 police and help out with any military requirements asked of them, thats right boys and girls, they are going to send the fucking armed forces into the NT to make the aboriginals behave :pokey: unfortunately for the federal government, none of the states are really helping out, infact on the news last night they were saying that 8 police have been offered up in total out of the 60 they were hoping to get. this has pissed off johnny howard as you can expect, but i fear that because the states havent given the police numbers that were requested, the military will be sent into those remote communities causing shit to hit the fan big time :rolleyes:


personally i see 2 options for fixing the issue:

1) seperate all the aboriginal communities by moving each family to a different part of australia that actually has employment opertunities, access to clean food, water, housing, etc. unfortunately not only would that create another stolen generation, it would cause the almost immediate loss of aboriginal culture in this country :whistle:


2) have big businesses like woolworths, coles, etc. and also a heap of entertainment places like arcades, putt putt golf, go kart racing, etc. move into those remote places. government funding would ofcourse be needed as a sweetner to get them to take the risk of moving to those places, but i believe that given work and enough places to never be bored, drug addiction and alot of other problems they are experiencing in the NT will decrease if not cease altogether.


imo it basically boils down to intergrating the aborignals into the rest of society and giving them a fair chance at life. I know if i were stuck in some rural shit hole with no hope of getting out and with nothing to do all day, i would be a hard core piss head and smoke 10x as much as i do now and im a chimney by anyone's standards :whistle: but imo regardless of the action taken it will negatively impact the aboriginals as much, if not more so than any positives gained.

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unfortunatly it aint no where near that easy


but would be a good idea but and not being nasty you may find none of them want to do anything anyway as the goverment give them $ to do nothing imho this needs to stop or be lessened so that they are forced to get one there own 2 feet


i think alot of this alcohole problem stems from bordom like me for instance if i didnt work or do anything i would be more inclined to smoke more weed or drink more due to bordom




cheerz :Dj:



A lot of the problems in the Aboriginal community up north is alcohol and petrol sniffing, I believe if the elders take control of their own people and use their own laws and punishments, maybe the Aboriginal people will start to take care of themselves and their families the way they are meant to.

When I was up north I was shocked to see how they live, and how much money they waste on booze before they feed their families.

There is a ban on alcohol for them to buy take away booze certain times of the day but that doesn't seem to help them as they are always hanging aroung the bottle shops waiting for their turn to buy, then they drink as much as they can in the couple of hours, then they stock up for when they can't buy take away booze.


What I didn't like to see was when the Aboriginals went into a bottle shop and placed their money on the counter to purchase the booze, the sales person would quickly add up the money and tell them what they can purchase. Because some don't know the value of money they don't realize that some shop people are actually ripping them off.


It would be a good idea too if they only could use cars that were fitted with gas and not petrol.

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This is a political move designed to improve Howards ratings in the polls. John Howard does not even breath unless there is a political motive. (great post Inycar). He has picked on the section of society least able to defend itself and least liked by the general Australian public. It is a sudden "emergency" that has been ignored since white settlement began.


It is amazing that a group of Australian citizens that happen to be of a certain race and geographic location can basically be occupied by an assortment of military, police ,welfare and medical practitioners. These citizens are not allowed alcohol and pornography and their children will be subjected to forced medical examinations and their welfare payments will be closely watched. We all know what a success prohibition is.


Something needs to be done but not this surely. I wonder what will happen to all the alcoholics suffering various states of withdrawl? I guess they will just have to move to the towns and cities where they will become part of the more visible health and crime problems.


White or black if you have been given that amount of help and fail to get of your arse and move to a better place then you deserve to be shot


Throwing money at the problem is clearly not the answer however aboriginals do not get the same chances in our society. I hear constant negative attitudes and preconceptions regarding aboriginals. This is why they don't get jobs and have little hope. None of this, of course, is an excuse for sexual abuse or alcoholism.


Why can't the law simply be applied to this group of people just the same as everyone else?

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i dont drink ill never drink but do you know what pisses me off more then anything else is people saying ban alcohol legalize pot. do you guys realize the hypocracy of that? wow we hate people putting us in jail for smoking pot yet we support the idea of punishing people for consuming another near harmless intoxicant? banning anything isnt a solution for anything prohibition doesnt work and banning people from doing self damaging things isnt the responsibility of the government.
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Yeah Budman, you're right about the conditioning. It's just like Bill Hicks used to say... "bahhhhaahh" that sums up our society today. Just a mob of sheep. It's amazing how entrenched this system of brainwashing is. This is the last frontier ... that of the mind. Just how dull can humanity be? I hope we can get people thinking again. Long live the resistance in the war of information!
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