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Cheap And Easy Munchies

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Hmmm, since my missus left I been eaten absolute crap, getting a bit fat.

Anyway heres some examples.


WC's Ham, Cheese and Mustard sandwich.


1 packets smiths Ham and Keens Mustard chips

1 packet smiths Bega tasty cheese chips.

4 slices of bread.

bit of butter


crush the chips, butter the bread put it all together and its dinner, yeah I just copied it off that add, but the cheese makes it heaps better.


, Uhhmmm yeah, I am a very lazy stoner and when I'm stoned at night I get too lazy to do anything, if theres no instantly eatable food around when I'm hungry I will just wander around the house gulping sauces, prefferebly chocolate but failing that, oyster, HP, tabasco, worcestershire.


A few times I have eaten them shitty microwave macaroni and cheeses raw. That don't taste to good, generally I eat alot of raw vegetables.


Nothing beats a lettuce, tomato, apple cucumber and avacado sandwich.


Anyway as for dogfood, I used to not mind it, when I was a little kid I had these two stoner next door neighbours who used to pick out the yellow bits (mmmm cheese flavour) and eat em, and they fed em to me.

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I know 2 minute noodles has already been mentioned but there is a much better way to buy them. Instead of going to coles or woolies go to one of those little asian supermarkets you see around and ask for a box of Mi Goreng noodles (although Mi Goreng means fried noodle in indonesian) this will cost you about $8 and has 30 packets of 2 minutes noodles in it. Now you thinking but i bet their crap right? WRONG best god damn noodles i've had as they each come with 2 sachels, one that has fried onion bits and flavouring while the other has chilli sauce, soy sauce and garlic oil. Every student i know at my uni loves this shit as it's SOOOO cheap and fills you good and piece of piss to make. They must have got so popular cos now coles and woolies starting to sell them individually in their asian food isles..... for like 80 cents a packets i might add though.
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Guest Urbanhog

Yeah these Mi Goreng noodles is wicked, I buy them all the time, to have them with some fired eggs, chicken, veggies.... they are cheaper at your local chinese shop, if they sell them.


What I normally do, is I chuck some chopped garlic, ginger, carrots, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, and add them in the water to boil, and then when the water is boiling, just chuck the noodles and frozen peas and corns together and when the noodles is ready, just drain, and mix with the Mi Goreng falvouring mix, and you have a veggie noodles. Piss easy.

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